Hello, new member


Hi, ladies:

I have been following your posts with interest for the last few weeks and thought it was about time I came out of lurk mode. My name is Marie (you can call me Red, it's easier to remember, lol) and I have been working out with Cathe since I "discovered" her in December on FitTV. I ordered Legs & Glutes almost immediately (like within the hour... or when I could walk again that morning, lol) because I get to the gym three days a week and tend to focus on upper body there. However, we all know this is because this is EASIER - lower-body stuff is much harder for me. But all of that is changing, lol.

I just ordered the Intensity series because I am too impatient to wait for the Hard Core. I love the workouts! I did PUB yesterday and I will tell you that I have not been this sore from an upper body workout (and I generally go very heavy on the weight as I have been lifting pretty regularly for about four years)! It feels great. And I am happy to report that I can finally get through most of the reps & exercises in L&G with only a FEW extended breaks.:D

So this week I bought a new barbell, plates, a stability ball, AND a medicine ball (which is so much harder to use than it looks!). I have a regular club step and a bunch of dumbbells but will probably order the high step next. :) I am no longer to be trusted to have my credit card out near this site, heh.

Ok, this is way long, sorry, just wanted to say hello and I'm so happy to have found you.

Hi Red! I'm so glad you decided to come out of lurk mode and join us. Sounds like you're all geared up and doing great! I'm looking forward to hearing more from you.:)
Ditto to all of that! LOL I'm new too, and so happy to have found Cathe and this site! I've been squatting 100# on my 4-6 rep days, and squatting 60# on my 15 rep days. I'm embarrassed to admit that the squats and lunges in Body Fusion with the bands kicked my butt today! LOL It's amazing what changing tempo and style can do to your body! I LOVE IT!!! I can't wait for my Body Blast and Intensity DVDs to get here!!!
Hey Red! Glad you can join us! Well girl, you really got yourself set up huh? Good job! I love the Intensitie Series too. In fact, I had it all on VHS from a while back & just today I got BC & ME on DVD just for the premixes. All this & knowing we should have the HC series any time now. It's not like I'll be hurting for Cathe workouts. I just feel like I have to have them all! LOL!

Have fun!

Hi Red,

So glad you de-lurked! Ah, a woman with a credit card...is there a prettier sight anywhere? :p

Sounds like you've got everything you need for now, do enjoy it!

Ruth:) :)
Welcome out of "lurk" mode Red

Ruths right! Theres no prettier sight than a woman with a credit card EXCEPT a woman with a credit card ON THIS FORUM!

Beware! This site may be dangerous to your wallet


Hi Red,

Welcome! You'll love it here, I'm sure.

I'm not new, but my credit card hasn't cooled off since I was. It's some of the best money I've ever spent.

Hey Red:

sounds like you and your flexible friend are suffering severe symptoms of catheitis.

It's par for the course and there is no hope of recovery, I am afraid!

Welcome and enjoy that PUB doms, it means you worked HARD!!!

Clare :)
Hi Marie! I'm late to the party but welcome aboard and I'm glad you've joined us! Sounds like you have a great start with the equipment (er, I mean toys!) you've purchased. The fun has only barely begun! :) :)

Hey Red and WELCOME !!!! Posting is so much more fun than lurking!!! Glad you came out of hiding!

Welcome and thanks so much for your reply to my post about getting rid of clothes. I loved your signature. Where did it go?

Lower body is harder for me too. You will LOVE the Intensity Series! Sounds like you've got all the right equipment. Isn't it fun? Again, welcome and ENJOY!! :D
Welcome, Marie!
Cathe is awesome! The women on this forum are awesome! I love being a part of it all and am so excited for everyone who finds Cathe! I have to keep my credit cards on "lock down", too! I don't need very much encouragement when it comes to buying anything associated with my Cathe workouts! Glad to have you aboard!
WELCOME Marie/Red! So glad to have you join the group. As you can see by my number of posts, I am NEW here too! NOT!!! J/K! You sound all set with your new equipment and workouts. Have FUN and again, we are glad you came out to say Hi to us all. C U around!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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