<--Hello, lampost, whatcha knowin?


<--Missed the OALers this morning and <--is wondering where they are!! :(
<--Hopes that you all are "feelin groovy" today.
<--Is home with Charlie who is napping :) and the other kiddos are at school/preschool :) (Hence the song pick!)
<--Hopes you all are doing well
<--Has been INCREDIBLY out of the loop, but is jumping back into the loop and onto the fitness bandwagon and NEEDS her fitness gurus to kick her fat arse into shape!!!! (40 pounds extra here...)
<--Will quit rambling now and return to tedious laundry folding and Simon &Garfunkel whistling...
<---waves hello to Stephanie, Charlie and any late blooming OALers
<---has been busy trying to catch up with fall cleaning
<---has cleaned windows, put away screen, and washed the hardwood floors
<---will get to carpets next week
<---thinks the rest of the day will be spend wallowing in nothingness
<-- waves hi
<-- is apparently a late bloomer
<-- is watching episode 14 of Charlie's Angels season one
<-- loves Netflix
<-- is pleased to report the angels saved the day
<-- is canning Brandied Fruit Mincemeat today
<-- has more cans of fruit than <-- thought possible
<-- has to meet more people before Christmas so <-- can get rid of it all
<-- is having a lovely time with daily bootcamp :D
<-- wants Robin to come over here and clean
<-- has a messy dirty house!
<-- is impressed Steph has the energy to even think about working out
<-- wishes <-- could say the same... :mad:
<--- waves to the OAL
<--- is in a weird mood
<--- needs desperately to give her house a good fall cleaning
<--- is reporting for butt-kicking duty for Miss Stephanie!
<--- will come and hold the baby while Steph works out;)
<--- thinks Ame is being very domestic with her canning and such
<--- feels completely overwhelmed with life right now
<-- is sorry Shel is in a weird mood
<-- can relate to the overwhelmption
<-- likes that word <-- just made up!
<-- just received a drop-in visit from DM which we know never helps the overwhemption
<-- wants some things to simply be... easier
<-- is off to finish watching the current charlie's angels episode :)
<--Seconds the need for things to be easier (as <-- one-handed types with baby in other arm!)
<--Says, but then again, if life were easier, it would be boring ;)
<--Is sorry Shelley is down. :(
<--Sends hugs
<--Begs Robin to bring her mop and broom to <--'s house!
<--Wonders if mincemeat has meat in it? :confused:
<--Thinks that if Ame is making it, though, it must be good
<--Also thinks anything that involves "brandy" is GOOD! LOL
<--Must now go be more attentive mommy
<--Hugs to all!
<--- runs in late & waves to everyone
<--- hasn't had much time to post lately
<--- has been working outside today... & yesterday too
<---'s DIL's are supposed to come for a visit tomorrow
<--- is looking forward to seeing them... & taking a break from physical labor
<--- tells Steph that <--- is feeling groovy now
<--- just got out of the hot tub & shower... aaah!
<--- hopes Robin has enjoyed an afternoon of nothingness
<--- is impressed with Ame's canning
<--- needs to look up Brandied Fruit Mincemeat now
<--- doesn't have any idea what it is
<--- agrees with Steph about the brandy part, though!
<--- is sorry Shelley is feeling so overwhelmed right now
<--- hopes things calm down for her soon
<--- sends another round of hugs around & runs back out

<---loves mincemeat pie (without the meat)
<---doesn't love cleaning and tells Ame she'll have to grab her broom by herself
<---heart aches for Shelley's woes
<---knows life has been overwhelming lately and can't think of any way to banish the overwhelmtion
<---will pray for de-overwhelmtion for everyone
<--makes a quick stop in to say hi!
<--sends prayers and hugs to all in need
<--hopes the sun shined on each of you a bit today :)

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