Heavy Bag Bonus workout?


I'm counting 3 workouts with a heavy bag bonus: MMA Boxing, XT Hardstrikes, and Rockout Knockout. Any correction? And additions?

Any comments on the 3 using a bag? (I've only ever done them without a bag).
Yes, it's just those 3. Cathe also has heavy bag work in her Lives though. Out of the 3 my favorite is XTrain, then Rockout Knockout, then MMA Boxing. I find I have to adjust my punches on the bag, especially the upper cut. I tend to punch out rather than up on the bag otherwise my glove just slides up the bag and I don't get any force behind the punch. Also, for hooks, my bag is quite narrow, so I find it better to have my thumb up, palm facing me, rather than thumb horizontal and palm down. You have to brace your core more when using the bag, but it feels good to just hit something.
Yes, it's just those 3. Cathe also has heavy bag work in her Lives though. Out of the 3 my favorite is XTrain, then Rockout Knockout, then MMA Boxing. I find I have to adjust my punches on the bag, especially the upper cut. I tend to punch out rather than up on the bag otherwise my glove just slides up the bag and I don't get any force behind the punch. Also, for hooks, my bag is quite narrow, so I find it better to have my thumb up, palm facing me, rather than thumb horizontal and palm down. You have to brace your core more when using the bag, but it feels good to just hit something.
Yes, seeing the bags being used in LIVE clips got me interested.

Any suggestions on what to look for in a heavy bag? Pros/cons of a free-standing vs hanging, weight/size, filling material, etc? Am wondering how much more intensity it brings to a workout. Do you use it for non-bag combos in other kickbox workouts? Do you free-style use of it? Guess I'm wondering how much use one could get out of having one.
I have a Wave Master free standing….it’s red & black….we filled mine with sand and
could have put more in it than we did, but it’s worked just fine. Sometimes it moves
but very little. I love using it… and agree on the Live workouts that use the bags, you
can use a bag or not, it’s fun to change it up.
Back to add that #389 Kick, Jump & Jab 53 min. Is one of my favorites….has a little
bit of everything….boxing combo, cardio drills, kickboxing combos, jump rope & a
shorter heavy bag section. Love it….I got that download too :)

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