Heart rate


I use a heart rate monitor when I work out and most of the time
I am out of my range no matter what tape I do. Cathe tapes firm
what ever. It is really high some times even when I modify.
I was wondering if this happens to anyone else?
I need to lose weight but I am in pretty could shape I excercise
RE: Diane!!

What a coinenceidence(sp?) I just bought my 1st heart rate monitor Fri. night!! I used it when I went junning with KA and it read 169. I also used it today when I did Kickbox,I REALLY modified today, I AM SO SORE!! but it read about 123. So I guess that's right. Right? I need you to tell me;-)!
RE: competition bound

my heart zone I think is between 120 and 155, I don't know what your is but 123 sounds good to me. Mine is sometimes really up
there once is was 212, so I find that I modify alot. But if I am
feeling good during the workout I really do not worry to much if it is somewhat high. Good luck with it, it is kind of fun to keep track.
Mine usually stays within my target heart rate zone unless I'm running - then it is over for the entire time. Your rate of 212 was probably interference or something - I have had that happen a couple of times (I've also gotten 0 during a workout - definitely a mistake!). I do go over in videos when the intensity is really high also. But running really pushes it for me - maybe because I run on a very hilly road.
heart rate differences

I've been using a heart rate monitor for about three years. It's helpful to know when you are working too hard or not hard enough. Everyone's heart rate is different, and age and gender have a role too. I think there are several different formulas for calculating your target heart rate zone. I have always used 226 minus my age, then i multiply that number by .65 and .85 to get the low end and high end of my zone. When I first started with Cathe tapes, my heart rate would go way up --sometimes over 185, which is my high end. Now it tends to stay around 160-165, which I think is a good hard workout. I like to have it in the 120's for warm up, but just from that you can see that everyone is different.
Even though I like to wear it, I always pay more attention to how I am feeling than to the numbers. You are usually the best judge of how hard you are woking.
Hi Diane,
When you say your heart rate is too high, how are you figuring this? Did you check the formulas already included in this thread? Is your heart rate high during your entire workout, or does it just get high for a short period?

I also use a heart rate monitor. I love it. It' a great way too help me monitor if I'm working out too hard or not hard enough and is a great motivator. It'll beep if my heartrate goes out of my target zone.

I find that it is usually right on except when it will ocassionally read 45, 60 or 0. I think the monitor might be a little on the big side for my rib cage, so I don't always get a "good connection" and will have to re-adjust. My heart rate will vary from 145 to 175 depending on how hard I am working and what time of day it is. My heart rate seems to be much higher if I work out in the evening than in the morning when I compare my "percieved effort" to heart rate.
Hi Dawn:
Thanks for reponding. I have been using a heart monitor quite
a while. It was a reebok one, but I had trouble with it when I would sweat , the battery would get wet. So I went to the Polar one and I am finding it a little complicated. It is the the one where you put all of your information in and it figures the zone you are supposed to be in.
I know when I step on the high step my heart does get elevated, but lately I seem to on the high end of my zone or even high, maybe I am not in as good of shape as I thought.
If I feel good during the workout I will just glance at it from time to time but if I feel winded Or the silly thing keeps beeping I check to see what it is at.
Thanks again Diane
Hi Ladies,
I was looking thru this discussion and wanted to chime in. I use the karvonen formula for calculating upper and lower heart rate workout limits. I won't go thru the whole thing here unless someone wants me to. You can search "karvonen heart rate" on the net and find it. What is good about this formula is that it incorporates your resting heart rate as part of the calculation. The old 220 minus your age calculation is very innacurate.....an extremely out of shape person will calculate out the same upper and lower limits as a person who is very fit and of the same age.
Anyhow, if you all would like this calculation put down here just let me know.
Trevor :)

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