Health & Wellness Survey: Help


New Member
Hi! I am a post-graduate student that needs help on a survey I am doing for a research project. I am a BIG Fan of Cathe and have most of her DVDs. I appreciate your honest reply and email me with any questions. Thanks in advance!

1. How many times a week do you exercise?
A. Never
B. Once a month
C. 3 times a week or more
D. I do not like to exercise

2. If you exercise, what type of exercise do you engage in:
A. Cardio (Swimming, running, cycling)
B. Walking
C. Strength Training or Weight Lifting
D. Both cardio/weight training
E. Other:

3. Please check any statements that is true for you:

A. I feel lost or out of place in a gym.
B. I do not know how to use the equipment at the gym.
C. It's too expensive to have a personal trainer.
D. I have tried everything to lose weight and nothing seem to work.
E. I need to get back into shape and I just don't know what to do.

4. What do you considered your physical fitness level?
A. Lean & Physically fit
B. Slightly overweight, exercise some
C. I am too embarrassed to say
D. Other:

5. Have you ever experience a weight loss program where the program fees include all of the following guidelines: Expert guidance in areas of fitness, promotes a positive psychological well-being, nutritional and supportive group counseling to overcome unhealthy eating habits in order to help you achieve the best shape of your life?

A. Yes
B. No

Are you interested in such a weight loss program?
A. Yes

Please complete the following statement as "way to high" or "just right".

A. The cost of such a program is $60/week is _______.
B. The cost of such a program is $70/week is _______.
C. The cost of such a program is $80/week is _______.
1. How many times a week do you exercise?
A. Never
B. Once a month
C. 3 times a week or more
D. I do not like to exercise

2. If you exercise, what type of exercise do you engage in:
A. Cardio (Swimming, running, cycling)
B. Walking
C. Strength Training or Weight Lifting
D. Both cardio/weight training
E. Other:

3. Please check any statements that is true for you:

A. I feel lost or out of place in a gym.
B. I do not know how to use the equipment at the gym.
C. It's too expensive to have a personal trainer.
D. I have tried everything to lose weight and nothing seem to work.
E. I need to get back into shape and I just don't know what to do.

4. What do you considered your physical fitness level?
A. Lean & Physically fit
B. Slightly overweight, exercise some
C. I am too embarrassed to say
D. Other:

5. Have you ever experience a weight loss program where the program fees include all of the following guidelines: Expert guidance in areas of fitness, promotes a positive psychological well-being, nutritional and supportive group counseling to overcome unhealthy eating habits in order to help you achieve the best shape of your life?

A. Yes
B. No

Are you interested in such a weight loss program?
A. Yes

Please complete the following statement as "way to high" or "just right".

A. The cost of such a program is $60/week is _______.
B. The cost of such a program is $70/week is _______.
C. The cost of such a program is $80/week is _______.
1. How many times a week do you exercise?
A. Never
B. Once a month
C. 3 times a week or more
D. I do not like to exercise

2. If you exercise, what type of exercise do you engage in:
A. Cardio (Swimming, running, cycling)
B. Walking
C. Strength Training or Weight Lifting
D. Both cardio/weight training
E. Other:

3. Please check any statements that is true for you:

A. I feel lost or out of place in a gym.
B. I do not know how to use the equipment at the gym.
C. It's too expensive to have a personal trainer.
D. I have tried everything to lose weight and nothing seem to work.
E. I need to get back into shape and I just don't know what to do.

4. What do you considered your physical fitness level?
A. Lean & Physically fit
B. Slightly overweight, exercise some
C. I am too embarrassed to say
D. Other: Physically fit but not necessarily lean all over.

5. Have you ever experience a weight loss program where the program fees include all of the following guidelines: Expert guidance in areas of fitness, promotes a positive psychological well-being, nutritional and supportive group counseling to overcome unhealthy eating habits in order to help you achieve the best shape of your life?

A. Yes
B. No

Are you interested in such a weight loss program?
A. Yes

Please complete the following statement as "way to high" or "just right".

A. The cost of such a program is $60/week is _______.
B. The cost of such a program is $70/week is _______.
C. The cost of such a program is $80/week is _______.
Hi! I am a post-graduate student that needs help on a survey I am doing for a research project. I am a BIG Fan of Cathe and have most of her DVDs. I appreciate your honest reply and email me with any questions. Thanks in advance!

1. How many times a week do you exercise?
A. Never
B. Once a month
C. 3 times a week or more
D. I do not like to exercise

2. If you exercise, what type of exercise do you engage in:
A. Cardio (Swimming, running, cycling)
B. Walking
C. Strength Training or Weight Lifting
D. Both cardio/weight training
E. Other:

3. Please check any statements that is true for you:

A. I feel lost or out of place in a gym.
B. I do not know how to use the equipment at the gym.
C. It's too expensive to have a personal trainer.
D. I have tried everything to lose weight and nothing seem to work.
E. I need to get back into shape and I just don't know what to do.

4. What do you considered your physical fitness level?
A. Lean & Physically fit
B. Slightly overweight, exercise plenty, though.
C. I am too embarrassed to say
D. Other:

5. Have you ever experience a weight loss program where the program fees include all of the following guidelines: Expert guidance in areas of fitness, promotes a positive psychological well-being, nutritional and supportive group counseling to overcome unhealthy eating habits in order to help you achieve the best shape of your life?

A. Yes
B. No

Are you interested in such a weight loss program?
A. Yes

Please complete the following statement as "way to high" or "just right".

A. The cost of such a program is $60/week is way too high..
B. The cost of such a program is $70/week is _______.
C. The cost of such a program is $80/week is _______.

I freestyle-it and tailor my own program which includes doing all sorts of workouts and REALLY cleaning up my diet. That and tacking on some extra intermediate level cardio sessions (The Firm, actually) seems to be working like magic.
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I don't mean to be a prickly pear here, but this survey looks remarkably similar to other surveys that have been posted here by other so-called grad students. I notice that this is your very first post here. The questions regarding a "program" look more like market research to me than educational research.
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1. C
2. A, B and C
3. C
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. way too high for all three

Hope this helps. I am a great believer in educating oneself and researching for oneself and independent means of solving problems, requiring professional assistance only occasionally, like for physical therapy, nothing more. Most diet program are unrealistic, require people to eat an imbalanced amount and type of foods and do not educate good nutrition for the long haul. What is required is education: learning about the body and what it needs to be healthy. My sisters have both tried "cabbage diets" and all sorts of crap, but have never installed fitness as part of their daily lives. I work out regularly and have never had a weight program.

I don't mean to be a prickly pear here, but this survey looks remarkably similar to other surveys that have been posted here by other so-called grad students. I notice that this is your very first post here. The questions regarding a "program" look more like market research to me than educational research.

Ditto - Question #5 and all its parts looks a LOT like market research.

ShapeUp - Would you share with us the name of your institution and the course that this pertains too? I do a number of surveys with students, and that info is always shared up front.
1. How many times a week do you exercise?
A. Never
B. Once a month
C. 3 times a week or more
D. I do not like to exercise

2. If you exercise, what type of exercise do you engage in:
A. Cardio (Swimming, running, cycling)
B. Walking
C. Strength Training or Weight Lifting
D. Both cardio/weight training
E. Other:

3. Please check any statements that is true for you:

A. I feel lost or out of place in a gym.
B. I do not know how to use the equipment at the gym.
C. It's too expensive to have a personal trainer.
D. I have tried everything to lose weight and nothing seem to work.
E. I need to get back into shape and I just don't know what to do.

4. What do you considered your physical fitness level?
A. Lean & Physically fit
B. Slightly overweight, exercise some
C. I am too embarrassed to say
D. Other: Fit, but need to lose a few pounds

5. Have you ever experience a weight loss program where the program fees include all of the following guidelines: Expert guidance in areas of fitness, promotes a positive psychological well-being, nutritional and supportive group counseling to overcome unhealthy eating habits in order to help you achieve the best shape of your life?

A. Yes
B. No

Are you interested in such a weight loss program?
A. Yes

Please complete the following statement as "way to high" or "just right".

A. The cost of such a program is $60/week is ___Way to high__.
B. The cost of such a program is $70/week is __________.
C. The cost of such a program is $80/week is _______.
1. How many times a week do you exercise?
A. Never
B. Once a month
C. 3 times a week or more
D. I do not like to exercise

2. If you exercise, what type of exercise do you engage in:
A. Cardio (Swimming, running, cycling)
B. Walking
C. Strength Training or Weight Lifting
D. Both cardio/weight training
E. Other: Yoga, pilates

3. Please check any statements that is true for you:

A. I feel lost or out of place in a gym.
B. I do not know how to use the equipment at the gym.
C. It's too expensive to have a personal trainer.
D. I have tried everything to lose weight and nothing seem to work.
E. I need to get back into shape and I just don't know what to do.

4. What do you considered your physical fitness level?
A. Lean & Physically fit
B. Slightly overweight, exercise some
C. I am too embarrassed to say
D. Other: I have a good 10lbs to go.

5. Have you ever experience a weight loss program where the program fees include all of the following guidelines: Expert guidance in areas of fitness, promotes a positive psychological well-being, nutritional and supportive group counseling to overcome unhealthy eating habits in order to help you achieve the best shape of your life?

A. Yes
B. No

Are you interested in such a weight loss program?
A. Yes

Please complete the following statement as "way to high" or "just right".

A. The cost of such a program is $60/week is _way to high.
B. The cost of such a program is $70/week is _way to high.
C. The cost of such a program is $80/week is _way to high.
1. C. 3 times a week or more

2. D. Both cardio/weight training


4. A. Lean & Physically fit

5. B. No

Are you interested in such a weight loss program?

Please complete the following statement as "way to high" or "just right".

A. The cost of such a program is $60/week is WAY TOO HIGH
B. The cost of such a program is $70/week is WAY TOO HIGH
C. The cost of such a program is $80/week is WAY TOO HIGH
Hi! I am a post-graduate student that needs help on a survey I am doing for a research project. I am a BIG Fan of Cathe and have most of her DVDs. I appreciate your honest reply and email me with any questions. Thanks in advance!

1. How many times a week do you exercise?
C. 3 times a week or more

2. If you exercise, what type of exercise do you engage in:
D. Both cardio/weight training
E. Other: yoga

3. Please check any statements that is true for you:
None are true for me

4. What do you considered your physical fitness level?
A. Lean & Physically fit

5. Have you ever experience a weight loss program where the program fees include all of the following guidelines: Expert guidance in areas of fitness, promotes a positive psychological well-being, nutritional and supportive group counseling to overcome unhealthy eating habits in order to help you achieve the best shape of your life?

B. No

Are you interested in such a weight loss program?

Please complete the following statement as "way to high" or "just right".

A. The cost of such a program is $60/week is too low
B. The cost of such a program is $70/week is too low
C. The cost of such a program is $80/week is too lowquote]
1. How many times a week do you exercise?
A. Never
B. Once a month
C. 3 times a week or more
D. I do not like to exercise

2. If you exercise, what type of exercise do you engage in:
A. Cardio (Swimming, running, cycling)
B. Walking
C. Strength Training or Weight Lifting
D. Both cardio/weight training
E. Other: Yoga, cardio, strength training

3. Please check any statements that is true for you:

A. I feel lost or out of place in a gym.
B. I do not know how to use the equipment at the gym.
C. It's too expensive to have a personal trainer.
D. I have tried everything to lose weight and nothing seem to work.
E. I need to get back into shape and I just don't know what to do.

4. What do you considered your physical fitness level?
A. Lean & Physically fit
B. Slightly overweight, exercise some
C. I am too embarrassed to say
D. Other: Not so lean (not overweight either) but happy and physically fit

5. Have you ever experience a weight loss program where the program fees include all of the following guidelines: Expert guidance in areas of fitness, promotes a positive psychological well-being, nutritional and supportive group counseling to overcome unhealthy eating habits in order to help you achieve the best shape of your life?

A. Yes
B. No

Are you interested in such a weight loss program?
A. Yes

Please complete the following statement as "way to high" or "just right".

A. The cost of such a program is $60/week is _depends on the features - your description is too open ended - but for 60 bucks it had better be darned comprehensive, ungimmicky, and be differentiated from other programs available. At 60 bucks it cannot be a perpetual program but one that provides education and equips the participant to wean off from the program and maintain a healthy life style indepependantly within a few weeks ______.
B. The cost of such a program is $70/week is _too high______.
C. The cost of such a program is $80/week is _______.[/quote]

I dont mean to be offensive, but this sounds more like a survey for a commercial venture than a post-grad project. Or perhaps it is me that is too cynical (more likely). Either way, good luck with the research.

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