? Head Injuries...??


Morning Educated Crowd,

Of all the stupid things ..... This morning I was doing IMAX 3 and on the first challange (I guess I was tired and not giving it my all) I went to jump up on top of the step, didn't make it, caught my feet on the step, went flying over top the step and slammed the side of my head into the dumbbells on my rack!;( Ouch!

Anyway, my question is can I take any thing to easy the ache in the side of my head? I hit it right in the hairline behind my temple. My vision is fine, my pupils are fine. I am not sick. I just have a general ache in the right side of my head, perhaps a slight headache, but the ache goes right down to the joint in my jaw so it hurts when I talk and eat.

Thanks for the help!
Morning Educated Crowd,

Of all the stupid things ..... This morning I was doing IMAX 3 and on the first challange (I guess I was tired and not giving it my all) I went to jump up on top of the step, didn't make it, caught my feet on the step, went flying over top the step and slammed the side of my head into the dumbbells on my rack!;( Ouch!

Anyway, my question is can I take any thing to easy the ache in the side of my head? I hit it right in the hairline behind my temple. My vision is fine, my pupils are fine. I am not sick. I just have a general ache in the right side of my head, perhaps a slight headache, but the ache goes right down to the joint in my jaw so it hurts when I talk and eat.

Thanks for the help!
OW!!! That sounds like nasty head bang. You may have cracked something in there. To be on the safe side, I'd call the doctor. Doesn't sound like you need a trip to the ER but your Dr should be able to get you in today for something like that. Head injuries are no joke. Better safe than sorry!

OW!!! That sounds like nasty head bang. You may have cracked something in there. To be on the safe side, I'd call the doctor. Doesn't sound like you need a trip to the ER but your Dr should be able to get you in today for something like that. Head injuries are no joke. Better safe than sorry!

Linda...please don't fool with ahead injury. Call your doctor just to be safe as others have recommended. I hope you feel better very soon. Ouch!
as a psychologist who sees many children that have sustained head injuries, you really should go see a doctor. just to make sure. when you hut your head very hard, a coup or contracoup injury can occur. basically, what that means is the brain is smacked against or directly beneath the area of impact (coup-primary impact) or the brain hits the skull on the opposite side of the area of impact (contracoup-secondary impact). I would really get yourself checked out even if you feel okay.
I'm in agreement with everyone else -- get it checked out! You can have a brain injury which may not be immediately apparent. ;)
I've taken everyone's advice and have an appointment tomorrow with my doctor. I still feel pretty good and the doctor said if that should change I should go to the ER.

>I've taken everyone's advice and have an appointment tomorrow
>with my doctor. I still feel pretty good and the doctor said
>if that should change I should go to the ER.

Linda, I'm so glad you called your doctor. It's always better to err on the side of caution ;)

You should seek immediate help if your headache becomes severe or if you notice anything like blurred vision, vomiting, restlessness, irritability, lack of coordination, etc.

It's probably nothing but it's best to take precautions.
>I've taken everyone's advice and have an appointment tomorrow
>with my doctor. I still feel pretty good and the doctor said
>if that should change I should go to the ER.

good thing to get checked out. my dad was riding his bike one day(without helmet shame on him) but fell and hit his head on a sign post. it took 2 months but he started falling alot loosing balance when he finally got to the hospital he needed surgery b/c he had gotten blood clots on the brain and they were suffocating parts of the brain.hopefully you will be fine and nothing like that goes on here.sounded like a nasty fall.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

Morning Everyone,

Just an update. Actually, my friends and family drug me to the doctor last night. They did the whole coordination test and thought that I was okay. All I've had so far was a mild headache and some bouts of nausea, which I still have this morning.

But thank you so much for the information on problems that can show up later down the road. I will definitely not just blow off any changes and make sure I get rechecked.

It was a nasty fall. I am literally the "bull in the china shop" but I think that is the hardest I have ever hit any part of my body! Scary stuff!

Linda, thanks for checking in. I was thinking about you this morning and wondering if you were okay. And oh yeah, I bet I could give you a run for your money in that china shop ;) :p
i'm glad you went, linda, and that they think things look ok. i hope you just continue to improve and don't have any other problems pop up down the road!

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