He ordered what?


I just had to share this. Yesterday I took my son for lunch at Applebees. Here is what he ordered: water, grilled chicken sand w/sliced tomato and his choice for a side was broccoli. You should've seen the look on the waitress' face. I guess she is used to 4 year olds ordering chicken nuggets and fries. I'm just so proud that I am teaching him to eat healthy and he enjoys it too!!! :)
Wow Dana, that's GREAT! Now if you can come over & train my son ;)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

That's great! Especially that HE chose it and enjoys it. I think teaching your children a healthy lifestyle (and being a role model for it) and healthy eating is one of the best things you can do as a parent, because you're setting them up for a lifetime of healthy habits that will contribute to their future health (and hopefully be passed on to their children).
Good for him!
That's awesome that you're teaching him such good eating habits, especially while he's young. :) Nowadays I see so many people taking their kids to fast food joints and giving them junk. Alot of people just eat whatever, and don't even think about what it is or what it may be doing to them. I bet the waitress nearly flipped!
can you teach mine to do that LOL??


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
WOW!! My kids definately would order the chicken nuggets and fries.

Can i ask, did he eat what he ordered??

That is awesome. The broccoli side really is amazing. I have yet to get a child to eat broccoli, not even w/ cheese sauce!! And DH and i eat fresh veggies all the time!
Yep he ate what he ordered. He LOVES broccoli. You should see him when we go grocery shopping. I always end up spending way too much money in the produce section. LOL

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