Having withdrawals


I miss Cathe! I moved in with a friend in January and I can't work out at home anymore, except yoga in the mornings :'(
All my stuff is in another state because my fiance has the house set up there while I remain in Nevada until I find a job.
So for the first time since being a teenager I don't have my own space and it is very hard. I do yoga in the am, and I go to the gym almost every day, but I used to do Cathe once a week to compliment my gym stuff and I totally miss it after years!
THe job search is very depressing and taking forever, and I am battling permanent lower back injury so I am having a hard time being optimistic.
I know it is only temporary and I am trying very hard to stay positive and recognize I am lucky that I have a great gym, and good friends, and a great guy, but the stress gets to me sometimes. SIGH. THanks for letting me vent. Back to work I go.
Oh Kristina,
I just wanted to say that I understand about the job hunting thing and how distressing it can become. Although I'm fortunate enough to have a job now (been there for 17 years), I'm unhappy at work now and need a change. I've been looking for one year now. It definitely becomes distressing. It's caused me a lot of insomnia and you are probably experiencing the same. Good luck to you in finding the perfect position that makes you happy!

Do you have Discovery Health on tv? Cathe has some shows airing on it. Maybe you could tape one and do it in the evening? Although without your stuff.... Maybe you could buy a set of dumbbells and leave them for you friend when you go. Probably not realistic.

Maybe you could buy a new Cathe tape so you know you'll have a great new video waiting for you when you get to Nevada!

Good luck with the job search. Hang in there! Things will pick up. jeanne

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