Having to Eat Constantly


Is there anyone else tired of "having to eat"? If I don't eat in regular intervals my stomach goes crazy and causes me a great deal of discomfort until I send something down there. I constantly have to watch the clock to make sure that I eat on time, even when I think I have eaten enough. It feels like a chore. I try to hold out sometimes because I am not hungry, but the discomfort is just not worth it.

I am one to always eat preventively. Even non pregnant I get sick to my stomache and dizzy if I wait too long. During pregnancy, I knew to keep eating and always had a snack on me. Despite my constant eating I gained less than 25 pounds pregnant and now 13 months after having a baby , i am thinner than I was prior to pregnancy. Hope this helps. Also be prepared to keep eating often if you decide to nurse.

This drives me crazy, especially at work. I'm a teacher, and before pregnancy I wouldn't snack before lunch, but now I HAVE to eat something at recess time with the kids. If I don't eat every 3 hours, my stomach aches with hunger. I want to be careful not to overeat though!
I was the same way! In fact, I posted here while I was pregnant about going to the supermarket delirious and hungry and I ended up buying $80 worth of microwave meals! A lady in line said very loudly to the point of making my feel awkward, "I'm looking at someone who doesn't like to cook!" Of course, I was too early along to look pregnant and didn't feel like I needed to explain myself.

Of course, I gained 42 pounds, but I rapidly slimmed down thanks to breastfeeding and exercise.

Peroutka for President

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