Having cravings; would like suggestions


Hi! I mentioned in another post that last night I was so hungry at 4am that I actually had to crawl out of bed and eat a bowl of cereal. I was actually craving a hamburger with dill pickles and ketchup, but that wasn't as accessible at 4am as a bowl of Special K with Red Berries was. Around 7am I started craving Hickory Sticks (haven't wanted those since high school!), but DH told me I was nuts when I asked him to go to the store and get me some. So this morning for breakfast I gave in to my beef craving and had a roast beef sandwich for breakfast. I'm still hungry, and would like to just eat another roast beef sandwich. I'm drinking a large cup of water, instead, and will wait a bit before deciding what else to eat (another sandwich seems excessive!).

What are you craving these days? I could use some new ideas.

hahaha....cravings are crazy. i've had an insatiable sweettooth..;o(
i've also been eating alot more french fries w/ ketchup oh and cereal, now i rarely eat cereal but i've been craving it like crazy.
I'm right there with ya! My cravings are mainly greasy, salty junk foods such as hamburgers & fries, Chinese food, or pizza. I'm trying really hard to keep them at a minimum, but so far I can't say I've been very successful. At least I am eating plenty of salad and fresh fruit in my attempt to eat something good for me.
I crave cereal and peanut butter daily. A bowl of cereal makes a great mini meal- better than snacking on chips or chocolate! (I can't believe I'm saying that!)

Jennifer V
35 weeks
Well I have to say my cravings have been matching Kristi's pretty closely, although I ate alot of peanut butter in the first few weeks, became totally turned off by it after that, and am just now starting to enjoy it again.

I agree with you on the cereal, Jennifer. I've been eating that quite a bit, too. And Quaker instant oatmeal. Surprisingly, my sweet tooth hasn't been too active. I've been eating butter on almost everything. I've even considered naming this baby "Buerre" (French for butter, but pronounced something like "Bear").

Hi! It's so funny to read about other pregnant women's cravings. Sometimes I feel like I'm alone in the world (of pregnancy) until I stop by this site! I am currently hooked on:
Cream of Wheat, double batches (i.e. 2 envelopes)
BIG salads, esp Caesar salads
cereal and toast- cinnamon raisin toast, especially.

that is where the healthy stuff ends.

I also crave
CHOCOLATE, some each day
french fries, sometimes with a burger, sometimes not.
spicy stuff, like chili or Indian food or Thai
battered Fish frys
egg salad sandwiches

That's all I can think of.
Thank goodness I'm in the 3rd trimester! I'd blow up like a baloon if I always had to eat like this! But it is fun, and I am taking my vitamins, and all is well with the baby, so I'm just enjoying this pregnancy.
Oh yeah, I'm with you on a number of those foods, Lisa! I'm eating lots of Quaker instant oatmeal, caesar salads, toast with butter and cinnamon spread, and egg salad sandwiches. I *rarely* ate any of that until I became pregnant! About a half hour ago I had a sudden craving for Eggo waffles, smothered in butter and maple syrup. It's crazy!!

Sandra the subject of your post is "would like suggestions" and I am in no way suggesting you eat these foods. LOL I've been craving Wendy's taco salads (with x-tra packs of hots sauce), McDonald's breakfast sausage bisquits and Pizza Hut's bread sticks. I don't normally do fast food so this is strange.

I've been eating a lot of cereal too. Now you all are going to think I'm nuts but when I eat Raisin Bran it HAS to be soggy. I will let it soak in the milk for like 10 minutes then I drain the milk off of it. I can't believe that I just admitted that. Other cereal that I've been eating is the bad, sugary kind (Apple Jacks, Fruity Pebbles, Corn Pops).

I don't have much of a sweet tooth though. I eat a lot of fruit (mainly grapes, kiwi, strawberries & oranges) and I eat 2-3 yogurts a day.

I think that I am eating pretty good with the exception of the ff cravings which I only give in to on the weekends.
I have lost my sweet tooth! I used to be a sweets junkie but I have not been eating candy for weeks.

I am not craving too much, more that I am not enjoying anything. I am anti-meat and anything I used to cook sounds disgusting now. My poor DH is living on sandwiches at night because I do not want to cook and am so tired.

So far fish sticks, macaroni and cheese, grilled shrimp and bean and cheese nachos have been most meals. And cereal, lots of cereal. But I have always loved cereal, just not for every meal :)
I am not pregnant. LOL Just peeking due to procrasting on the rest of my day and thinking about having another baby (would be #5.) I wanted to chime in and say I crave those same things when pregnant. I want lots of olives and cheeseburgers. Normally I crave sweets. But when pregnant I want beef and salt. My theory is that your body craves that b/c of the extra iron needs during pregnancy and I also think you need a little more iodine and maybe something else from the salt.

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