Having a hard time gettin back to a workout routine and...


Hi Cathe,

I know you must be really busy with finalizing the upcoming dvd's, but I was wondering how to get back into the excerising mode after losing one of my precious dogs. "Sammy" used to be with me when I worked out to your tapes. She always thought I was playing with her and would constantly be in my way when moving about the step. She would finally get the hint and I would be able to finish the aerobic part, but then came the stretch and cool down. She would insist on being right next to me when I would be on the floor cooling down or stretching or, even when I would do abs. Every time I do any of your tapes, I have a real hard time-because I start to cry. They all remind me of her. She died in October, somewhat suddenly and very unexpectedly and was only almost 8 years old. She was a miniature schnauzer and had the most beautiful brown eyes. I know you lost one of your dogs, and I was wondering how you got through it? Perhaps I should have posted this somewhere else, but I was just wondering how you made it through the tough times.

I do have another min.schnauzer-Max. He's such a good boy! He doesn't bother me at all while I excersize. These two are my "kids".

Anyway, if you could offer some advice-as I really need to get back to working out-I would really appreciate it.

I really enjoy working out to your tapes and dvd's and am looking forward to the new series.

RE: Having a hard time gettin back to a workout routine...

Hi Kris,

I'm not Cathe but I am sad for your loss. I am so in love with my doggie and couldn't imagine life without him. Since you have the memories of him enjoying your workout, he could be your happy thoughts during your workout.

I have an English Bullie and he can't wait for floor part of a workout...the slobber begins. lol

RE: Having a hard time gettin back to a workout routine...

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I too have 2 mini schnauzers and they are the love of my life. My male sounds like your dog, when I'm working out with Cathe and on the floor streching or doing floor work he is always coming over and licking me in the face or rubbing his head on me. I hope Cathe has some good advice for you, but keep your head up and just remember the good times you had together.

Take care
RE: Having a hard time gettin back to a workout routine...

I also wanted to say how very sorry I am. I too feel my dog is the love of my life. While I also have kids my dog also has a special place in my heart. Have you thought about grief counseling? Deaths of our pets especially when you are very close to them (how could you not be?) can be very hard to get through. Don't feel bad if you need a little help.
I wish you the very best, and remember once you do workout the endorphins will make you feel better.

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