Have you tried to get somebody to try a Cathe workout?


Just wondering... I have tried and tried to get my DD to try a w/o, especially the KickMax, she lives kickboxing. She refuses. She works out by walking, running, and doing the Firm. She is slowing down in her w/o's so I've gently tried to encourage her without overdoing it. She flat out refuses to try Cathe though. I think my primal screams on some of her workouts may have something to do with it.;)
RE: Have you tried to get somebody to try a Cathe worko...

LOL Jane. I haven't attempted to get anyone to try Cathe. Actually, there is only one person I know who could handle it and she doesn't need my help to stay in shape! Though one day it would be fun to do Cathe with a partner. Maybe I'll bring a dvd to her house and we can do it together for the heck of it.


6/13/05 Some new pics added!Check out pics of Joey's room in the "nursery" album!

RE: Have you tried to get somebody to try a Cathe worko...

When I lived in New Mexico, there was a woman who would come over and workout with me to Cathe. I was acting as sort of a personal trainer for her since she wasn't used to exercising. We'd do a step or kickboxing workout, then work one body part with weights. It was kind of nice for a while until her motivation wore off and she didn't come over as often. Well, I got her back by moving across the country!

Try threatening to ground your DD if she won't try Boot Camp!

RE: Have you tried to get somebody to try a Cathe worko...

LOL... I can't threathen her with Boot Camp, I've done some of it on the Terminator and it scares the crap out of me!!! I will work up the courage to try it soon I hope!! It will be when she isn't home or she'll never try Cathe!!
RE: Have you tried to get somebody to try a Cathe worko...

I gave my sister my vhs copy of bc when I got the dvd.We both started working out to the firm and she still loves the firm as do I.she attempted bc after a week or so I ask her how she liked it she called cathe a lunatic:D .She always ask are you still doing that cathe person's workouts she does still have the vhs so maybe one day......she will want to pop it in and take a lunatic ride;-)
RE: Have you tried to get somebody to try a Cathe worko...

I tell anyone who will listen how great Cathe is!! So far no takers. I even went so far as to loan out my PH dvd, to a good friend who uses firm. She said it was too hard, I probably should of given her Cardio and weights but couldn't part with IMAX 2 for a week. I'll keep trying. Carolyn
Yes, but no luck! I've lent some VHS tapes to my sister. Even though she asked me to let her borrow a good workout, her excuse for not liking them was that she wasn't motivated to workout to tapes. Well then, how do you explain her recent purchases of Firm workouts and Winsor Pilates?????

I also let someone at work borrow them. She returned them within 2 days and never commented on them. I guess they were too hard?
I don't know in person anybody that likes to workout at home as much as I do. I have told my oldest sister about Cathe, but she goes to a gym and has a trainer and doesn't seem to be interested in working out at home. But I have the feeling that sooner or later she will ask me: "What are those videos you use, again?" Besides her, I haven't found anyone that could be interested. It's like when you are very excited about something and people look at you like: "What's wrong with her?":eek:

I have loaned out my DVD's, so far 2 takers. The first was with BC and the second with KM. They both thought she was nuts, too, when they first started. Now they are hooked as well. The third person I loaned LM and they said they turned it off in the warm up. I'm still working on that person, however! LOL! I love talking and hanging out with all of you, but I really want my friends to catch the Cathe fever, too! Then we could swap DVD's, etc.

LOL! Jane, "primal screams". I'm too tired to breathe and your screaming! :)

RE: Have you tried to get somebody to try a Cathe worko...

Oh man--I have totally failed with Cathe evangelism. I have lent tapes to 2 people and they think she's insane. Other people just do not seem interested...

I would love to meet another Catheite in "real" life....but at least we have these boards where we can all congregate.

Maggie :7
RE: Have you tried to get somebody to try a Cathe worko...

Actually my daughter is a convert. :)
She likes Cathe and also Karen Voight. She was VERY resistant at first, but when she no longer had P.E. at school, I told her that a 3 week trial was mandatory for health reasons- 30 minutes a day. She quickly started slimming down and feeling better and she is now in her 6th month of working out. She has gone from a 41" hip to a 36" hip!! A 29" waist to a 26" waist! It is pretty amazing to watch. Now everyone wants "some of what she's having." :D

She likes to choose intermediate premixes.
KPC 42 min premix of intermediate drills and combo one and two
Kick Max kicking and punching drills
Bootcamp lower and cardio only (this one is tougher, but she uses lighter weights)
Push Pull or Supersets lighter weights
Kick Punch Crunch- circuits w/ Legs and Glutes premix, using lighter weights

These are all good starting points, I would think, for someone who is already in pretty good shape.
RE: Have you tried to get somebody to try a Cathe worko...

Yes, I try to convince two of my friends who do other homeworkouts (mostly Tae Bo & the Firm)to try Cathe all the time. I even gave one of them PUB and she's never tried it. I think they are afraid of her.

One of them always complains that Tae Bo isn't good enough cardio, but she keeps ordering every Tae Bo that comes out. The last time she told me she was going to order the latest Tae Bo, I asked her why when she hasn't been satisfied with them for a long time. I said "all the time you ask me advice on good cardio DVD's and I tell you about Cathe, but you never try them, why?" and she said she's just comfortable with Tae Bo and doesn't want to learn anything new.

One of them told me she doesn't want to do step because step workouts give everyone big butts. haha! I told her Cathe doesn't have a big butt by any stretch of the imagination.
I loaned my Core Max DVD to my father a few months ago so he could learn how to use his stability ball. I had to basically pry it out of his hands to get it back. So I gave him his own copy for Father's Day and he's very happy with it. He likes to workout with Cathe and the girls. He says he pretends they're his friends. What a geek.

Some people need the gym atmosphere to motivate them. For me, it's a turnoff. But I'm a loner and prefer the convenience of a home workout. Whatever gets you exercising is all that matters.
I've convince several people to try Cathe. And recently had an entire group--10 people--do CTX-Kickbox. These people were all "nay sayers" about home workouts. When they saw how awesome Cathe is, they asked where they can buy her tapes.
RE: Have you tried to get somebody to try a Cathe worko...

Boot Camp isn't that bad! Don't fear it. Love the Boot Camp.
I think I've just about got my shoe-shopping buddy from work converted. I just got my Hardcore DVDs in Monday and I did the un-thinkable...I let her borrow Muscle Max before I even used it.

Before she said she was worried about me, thinking that Cathe was some kinda of undercover cult leader...anyone that can make me skip a shoe sale has some kinda of awesome power.

Well Wednesday when she brought it back, she asked how long it took me to get my order in? She said she hasn't ordered yet, but she's think about it. I told her to keep the DVD until next week and then decide. Maybe by next week we'll have a new convert. :7
I have my SIL working out to Cathe. I have a couple VHS movies that I received in the step bench boxes that I gave her. I also had a VHS tape that I had recorded some of the workouts off of FitTv and gave those to her too. She does Cathe regularly. :)
Yes, I've lent out tapes only to have them returned pretty much unused. I had a deal w/my best friend, who's really into yoga, that if I tried yoga she'd try Cathe. Well, I've been doing yoga since Feb. & she has yet to give Cathe a shot. The coward. :p
I loaned Low Max to a coworker at her request. She has worked out at home for always but had never tried Cathe.

When she gave it back I asked her what she thought and she said "Well, it's very well put together".

Can you believe that? I go around thinking that anyone that is serious about working out would love, love, love Cathe. Apparently I'm wrong.

What's wrong with her?????:)

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