have you seen results w/Xpress series?


I recently purchased the Xpress Series. I really like it a lot. I was a bit skeptical at the amount of cardio that was on the tapes b/c they were only 30 minutes long. Boy, was I mistaken! Those are tough! Anyways, I was wondering what results anyone has seen with these. I plan on using these tapes for one month to see what results I get. I know they must be working because every part of my body is SORE. I guess I would like to hear any success others have had and how long it took. I'm at healthy weight for my height (tend to hover near the lower range), but I have a little body fat that I need to get rid of-- esp. around the abdomen. Curious to hear your successes with this.
I always thought I had to do at least 45 minutes of cardio to keep my weight down, but I'm doing fine with CTX. Makes me HAPPY!!!! I figure that if this what Cathe did to whip herself back into shape after a pregnancy, it was good enough for me!
Honeybunch-How long have you been using this series? Just curious. I've only done 3 of the tapes so far and I'm really like them. In fact, I can't wait to get off work and workout!
I must admit that I've had the series since it came out last summer (2000), and never did the entire series until this year. I was so into walking that I could not imagine doing nothing but tapes for cardio! I actually did the entire series start to finish for the first time during the last part of August this year when I was trying to loose about 5 lbs. I gained while taking a hormone replacement therapy. Thanks to a food journal and CTX, I took it off FAST (that plus getting off the daggon pills)!

I am totally happy with what I get from the tapes. I have to force myself to do something else now. Was that a sales pitch or what?!;-)
I'm revisiting the CTX series now!

I did my first rotation of these last October/November and loved it. I could eat a TON while doing it! I had to modify the schedule, though - I'd only do the cardio three times a week, but stack up the body parts (eg. Power Circuit, plus the bicep section from Kickbox). I liked having the extra days available for a yoga day or long cardio day. And I found that 5 days a week of CTX cardio was too much high-impact for me. Anyway it was fab - I remember feeling very lean (for *me*, that is! :p) after this rotation. I was at a healthy weight when I did it, but like you wanted to firm up and de-jiggle a bit.

Since then, I've only used CTX by doing the cardio tacked onto other tapes - they're perfect to use after a PS upper body tape, for instance. Then during May-June I only used the CTX lifting sections in conjunction with some other cardio - mostly running and soccer.

So, I'm going back to do a CTX rotation for the second time. I had almost forgotten how much fun they were! Without question, they are the most versatile and best-used tapes I own. I'm mostly doing them now to keep me focused as we go into the holidays and to try to strip off some extra insulation (suddenly my waistband is snug after eating a ton of Halloween chocolate - go figure)

Anyway, enjoy! I'm sure you'll see some changes you like :D


I would like to do a CTX rotation, but I don't think I will be able to handle all the high impact either. Did you double up the cardio on one day or only do three of the tapes cardio. Can you give me a sample week of what you did?

Hi Everyone,

This is my first post on this forum. I just received my Cross Train Xpress dvds this week and I'm really excited to read all the positive post concerning these workouts. I departed with my Slow and Heavy, PS, Power Hour and MIS workouts on VHS to make the switch to DVD. Since I can't afford the dvd 12 pack (yet), I decided to go with the Xpress Series and pick up the 12 pack down the road. I did Leaner Legs tonight and I'm looking forward to doing the rest of the series. I can't wait to get the rest of Cathe's dvds!
RE: Sophie!

Gosh, no, I didn't double up the cardio although I know there are others here who did. They be better women than I, matey!

I just looked at my journal and all my weeks are "messy" - meaning I always deviated from what I actually had planned, but here's one that's not too bad:

M: CTX 10.10.10 (includes triceps, add chest work)
T: CTX Kickbox (biceps, add back - only do one ab section!)
Th: Pump It at the Y, add SNI cardio
F: Yoga, plus CTX All Step cardio
S: CTX Power Circuit cardio, plus shoulders
Sun: Rest

You could probably plan it better than this - I left out leaner legs out of this week because I screwed up and ended the week with Power Circuit, which has a leg workout included in the cardio portion. It would be way easier with the DVD, as I tended to choose workout according to what my tape was "wound" to.

Wait, this ones a bit better planned:

M: CTX Power Circuit plus biceps
T: CTX SNI plus triceps
W: Y-Box (or any long cardio - or heck, a short one!)
Th: Leaner Legs plus shoulders
F: Yoga
Sat: Circuit Max

I tended to aim for one CTX body part per week, then throw in a circuit or Firm tape if I could, so I could hit each body part twice a week, but if I didn't get it in, I didn't worry about it.
I tried to only do three high-impact cardios a week - in this case two CTX and one Circuit Max. In the week above, I did five - that's how I found it was too much for me!

Well, that was messy, but I hope it gives you some ideas!

Well all I can say is that these tapes are the best!!! I have already lost an inch of fat on my waist! I don't have too much fat to lose so that's a great accomplishment for me. Yippeeee! I have planned to do this series for 1 month and see what the results are. I'm liking them so far. Of course now I want every Cathe tape, but I'm going to try and pace myself. I am seeing excellent results with these tapes. They are fun, fun, fun!!!!! You must buy these tapes!

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