Have you done your kegels today?


Just thought I'd ask how many of us exercising mamas actually do kegels on a regular (daily) basis? I'm not great at remembering to do them every day, myself. Maybe we need a daily kegel check-in! :D

If you do kegels, how do you do them? There seems to be a zillion ways.

Nope, having a c-section so they aren't that important for me, unless I start having problems controling myself from urinating (which can happen). So I figure I've got better things to do. BUT if I was doing a vaginal birth I'd do them like crazy though. :)
I've been really bad and not doing them and didn't even do any with my first pregnancy. To be honest I completely forget about doing them. A daily check-in sounds like a good idea to me.
i definitely don't do them as everyday...it's funny though because when i am reminded of them (ie..reading about them) then i will do them. i too am having a second c-section so they aren't as important. but i know i should still do them..
Julie and Sunnydelite,

How come you're both having scheduled c-sections?

Okay, everyone, clench those pelvic floor muscles! Let's go! 20 quick pulses, hip, hip, hip!!

There you go. I just did 30. Exhausting :)

I'm guilty too. I never do them...


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
>I'm guilty too. I never do them...


I'm sorry but I must correct that statement! :p I actually do them often because when I get a good BH contraction it always sends my bladder into a tizzy so I gotta fight the urge to pee until I can get to a bathroom!:7

Unfortunately though...this is the ONLY time that I do them...so it's not like I'm doing it 25 times a day....:(


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
I was determined to be deligient with kegels this pregnancy...I hated that if I let my bladder get too full I'd just start peeing after I gave birth the first time. But, I've let them slip again this time and do them only when I remember too...not as often as I should but I think more than the first time I was pregnant.

Sooooo, I would suggest to all of you...do them, unless you like wearing Depends, and you enjoy the thought of your DH making comments about changing your diaper. (K, it's funny, I know.) But really, it was horrible.

Okay, I've got to get off the computer now and go have my shower. Before I do, though, I'm going to do 30 fast-pulse kegels. Anyone else?

(Hey everyone if we are really quiet and still, maybe Sandra won't see us here and we won't have to do our kegels so shhhhhhh!)

LOL :p


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
LMAO! Come on Wendy, tuck those muscles. You can do it! Don't you want to impress the doctors and nurses with your strong perineal muscles when it comes time to push? (Yes, believe it or not, I'm attempting to appeal to your perineal vanity!).

- just did an "elevator" kegel: 6 slow counts in, 4 slow counts out.
"just did an "elevator" kegel: 6 slow counts in, 4 slow counts out."




I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
I'm pg with my 3rd and have never done kegels. I had two fairly easy vaginal births, 20-30 minutes of pushing with both and little to no bladder control issues after. I'm not so sure they're all they're cracked up to be, jmho. :) Heather
It's probably different for everyone but they probably push them as a precaution...Oh well...I'm not doing them so I just hope I'm not one of those cases where I'm kicking myself after the fact for not doing it! lol


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
I hate them. They make me feel so weird and anxious in my gut. But I do them anyway, although it seems silly since I have still have such a long way to go.

Oh, that's odd, Monica. I wonder why that happens? The other thing that is frequently recommended to help with the process of delivery is perineal massage. I tried that a few times with my first pregnancy and absolutely hated it. Does anyone here do that?

Okay, 30 more fast-pulse kegels followed by 2 elevator kegels! Here we go....

- casting an eye on Wendy in the back ;-)
I had actually attempted to post in reponse to what Monica said about hating the way kegels feel but it didn't go through...I actually agree with her...it feels icky to me too unless I am truly doing it to hold back urine....that is why I don't do them to be honest...


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05
I used to do my kegals when I was still pregnant with my first eight years ago. When the time comes to push, you have aleady lost your mind and can't think strait anyway. That, plus I realized that I am just going to pee on everything anyways, so I may as well give up. :+
She pushed the importance of the darned kegels in lamaze...grrr! Now I just may feel guilty enough to do them in these last days...better late then never...MAYBE! lol


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05

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