Have any suggestions???


New Member
Hi all! I need some feedback about workouts and the best way to lose weight. I'm not real big on how much I weigh, but rather the size of my clothes (and how well they fit). Right now I'm wearing a size 16, some snugly, I might add, but would like to be either 10 or 12. Any suggestions as far as types of workouts/how often and any other advice you might have. Thanks!
I don't know what you like to do for exercise, but I can tell you what worked for me. I have lost 24 lbs. and two pants sizes so far (over a period of many months). Most people think I have lost more.

I run 3-4 times a week (started out running 20 min. a day) and kickbox 1x per week. I also lift weights 3x per week. The strength training has made a BIG difference in the change in my body. My favorite Cathes are the GS series.

But with both cardio and weights, I recommend you start slow and build up. Naturally, diet plays a role as well. I am eating healthier and keeping a food journal (on the computer) but I'm not on a strict program. If I were, I imagine I would being losing faster, but I'm happy with the slow loss. I just try to make healthy choices for the most part and strive for a 500-calorie-a-day reduction.

Good luck! I'm sure you will get lots of great advice & support here.

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