Hater Scmater-Dec.7


Hey everybody!! come on, you know you all LOVE cardio just like cathe-anyways--back to the barley thing- the barley I bought is the fine barley and it's from another country-has no directions on it- do I soak fine barley- MIchele??

August- I do like your idea of adding some greens to the smoothie (if I can just locate the right greens)- I know in my situation it would help me to get my veggies in for the day cuz I'm not a good veggie eater-

For all the rest of you cardio haters-I really do think that upping my cardio with the GS has broken that layer of fat on my belly- I could be deluding myself- I keep thinking I am going to stop the GS rotation I'm on and do a CTX rotation but this GS with EXTRA cardio is really making a difference (or I'm dreaming-will know more in about 2-3 weeks)-so I'll probably continue with it- you fine ladies probably don't have the belly problem that I do--you buff bunnies you-LOL--deb

Hi to everyone else-where is everybody??
Re: barley, I don't know, but to save time boiling it on the stove and of course it will boil over for me, I soak it ahead of time. I would just keep cooking it until it's at your desired texture or chewiness. Mmmmm, I had a bowl of barley for breakfast this morning, with cottage cheese, a little protein powder, little ff milk and a dab of peanut butter. Yummy. Ate it while reading the computer.

Deb, glad that upping your cardio is working for you. I'm doing pretty good right now by lowering mine and adding more weight work in. The cardio circuit for November made me really puffy and made my weight go up (yep, that's what I'm blaming it on!). Actually, when I quit doing so much cardio and added in more weights (from the GS series), I felt leaner and quit retaining as much water.

No cardio for me today, just YogaX. And it was no cardio yesterday either, just Shoulders and Arms. I will have some cardio on Saturday when I have KenpoX, so only 2 days of cardio with this rotation. I'm hoping that will shake me off a plateau. Who knows? Everyone is different.

Dana, riding in the winter can be tough, especially if you are new to riding because you are probably dealing with the seat discomfort and all that other stuff so the enjoyment factor wouldn't be as high. I ride with clipless pedals too on road and mtn. bike. However, my mtn. bike has one side of the pedal as clipless, the other side is just platform (not locked in). Being locked in can take some getting used to but is the only way to fly for me for speed.

Good morning Deb, Jeanette, and everyone!!

Deb, we must've started this thread at the same time so I reposted here and we'll just go with yours. :) I have to run right now but I'll come back in a few minutes and respond to both you and Jeanette. My phone is ringing off the wall this morning!

We got our first snowfall and DH, who left for work about an hour ago, just called to say the roads are a solid sheet of ice and traffic is nearly at a standstill. He's working at a satellite office today that's about 25 minutes from our home and he's not even 1/4th of the way there! I always worry about him driving in all kinds of weather. I wish he'd just turn around and head back home. Chances are most of his patient's will cancel anyway. One thing's for certain--I won't be going out today.

I love my Nano!! I'm so glad I got it. I still haven't figured it all out yet but it's so much nicer than lugging around a CD Walkman which is what I had been using. The walkman skipped a lot, even though it was a sports model and wasn't supposed to. The Nano makes working out on the elliptical much easier.

August, I'll bet you're swamped with holiday gigs. Maybe you better throw some barley in your smoothie to keep your energy up. Are you sleeping OK? I only ask because I didn't sleep well at all last night x(.

Robin, if there's one thing I don't miss about working, it's all the friggin candy and cookies everyone used to shower upon me. It was always an overwhelming thing. My DH, who is the recipient of many a cookie platter, has been banned from bringing any of it home this year. I told him to give it all away, and if nobody wants it then he is to throw it away. I know myself, and no matter my resolve, I cannot keep my hands out of the cookie jar. It's best not to have a cookie jar. I just came up with a brilliant idea. Why don't you spill something on the cookies? I'm sure you have a variety of noxious liquids in your lab--lol! Then you can say "OH! Darn it! I can't believe I did that! I'm such a klutz!"--lol!

Dana, Diane, Jana, Deb--how are you?

I'll BBL. I keep getting interrupted with phone calls and I still haven't had breakfast, and it's just taking me forever to type this out--lol! :* :*
Good morning, not-really-haters-but-pretending-cause-it's-so-darn-funny.

Deb, I agree that cardio is the best way to blast away the fat. I just don't have the time right now to add extra cardio. You can do it for me, OK?

Netta, do you prefer road or mnt biking? I always preferred mnt, cause there are too many farm dogs around here that like to chase bikes and I like the mnt scenery. I always wanted to get clipless pedals, but don't really ride enough to justify them.

Dana, next year you and I are going to get together and bike!

Michele, I pray your DH and all his staff gets to where they need to be safely. I'm glad you figured out and love your nano. Guess what I'm having for breakfast. BARLEY! I'll let you know what I think. I love your solution for the cookies, but I'm not so sure the other piggeldy wiggleies would appreciate the toxic spill.

Hi to all the rest to come.

Oh, I forgot to mention I did 10 10 10 from CTX this morning, along with tricep and bicep work.
Deb, honestly, I have no clue what fine barley is or how it compares to what I use. I use either Quaker Brand Medium Pearled Barley or Quick Pearled Barley. The Quick is good for breakfast because it cooks in less than half the time of the medium pearled and I don't want to spend an hour + cooking breakfast cereal. My grocery store stocks it in the same aisle with rice and couscous.

I don't know what fine barley is so I'm not sure if you can soak it or not. I've never soaked my barley. I just cook it according to the package directions and then add some raisins and walnuts and sprinkle it with cinnamon and a packet of splenda. It's absolutely yummy! I posted a breakfast barley recipe not long ago but, after making a batch, I decided I didn't care for it. It called for apple juice which I thought added too many calories and not much flavor or sweetness.

I've also been substituting barley for rice in recipes like risotto and rice pilaf. I just follow the recipes as written but use barley instead of rice. It has so much more flavor and texture than rice--I just love it!

Sorry, I know I'm not much help. I think the moral of the story is, don't buy foreign grains packaged without instructions--lol! Really though, your grocery store should carry barley and if they don't, try chains like Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, or Wild Oats. If you can't find Quaker brand, look for Arrowhead Mills. I'm sure you can buy either brand online. Good luck and let me know what you do with your fine barley.

Jeanette, what kind of protein powder do you use? I have never used a protein powder, probably because I don't' make smoothies and I'm not sure what else you would do with it. It never occurred to me to mix it into my breakfast barley! I've been tempted to swirl PB into my barley but I'm trying to avoid it right now. It's one of those things I find addictive. I've tried the "healthy" PB but it really doesn't do a thing for me. I'd rather eat a handful of nuts--I guess that's why I add chopped nuts to my barley.

Deb, what rotation are you doing? Are you following Cathe's Dec rotation?

Cardio is essential for me for weight loss. I need cardio AND weights, but if I don't' do at least 5 days of cardio a week, my muscles hide under a layer of fat.

Diane, did you ever get that watch? Is is as pretty up close as it is in the picture? What ever happened with your diamond?

I guess we posted at the same time. I'm dying to know what you thought of the barley. We're on a barley binge in this household. Even my darlin' DH is loving the barley. He made a batch for himself Tuesday while I was getting my haircut and took some to work this morning. I was by myself for dinner last night so I made up a batch of barley risotto. I plan on having the leftovers for lunch today. I can't seem to get enough of it. I googled and there are several very good recipes online like chicken and barley bake, and several for barley pilaf and risotto. Who knew!?!?!? :7
Hey, hey, hey haters! OMG my calves are still fried. I was going to take off work today b/c I am hobbling around like a LOL. Don't think that DOMS justifies a sick day though, ya know? I tried to take a walk but I couldn't do it. Went a little over a mile and came back. I'm pitiful. It is really cold here too. Doesn't help though when I forgot my sweats and I have on a skirt. Brrr! I ended up using yesterday as my rest day so hopefully tonight I"ll be able to do GS SBB and get back on track.

Deb - I don't know anything about the Barlely you are referring to. I buy the same kind as Michele (Quaker) and then you cook it just like rice - just longer. Funny thing is you bought a foreign kind w/no directions and poor August was on a barley searching spree in Japan. After many attempts she finally found it. Michele and I were going to send her some from the States if all else failed. Ugg, more cardio? That is totally unacceptable here. HA!

Robin - yes we will have to go biking in the spring. Have you ever been to the Montour Preserve? I love to go walking there. It is only about 10 minutes from my house so I go a lot when it is warmer. I found that I can go about 7 miles if I walk every trail and I park a mile from where the trail ends so I get in that extra mile. I wish they would have biking trails there but they don't.

Michele - I hope that you DH has a safe drive home. We are supposed to get an inch of snow this evening. I HATE driving in that weather. I get myself all worked up and my hands get sweaty and I could pee my pants I'm that nervous. I have a 4-wheel drive vehicle to drive in the winter and I'm still terrified. Do you realize that the hate thread has been going on for about a year??? So if after a year we still hate cardio, we will always be true haters!

August - how are you? Busy, busy, busy I bet. Pop in and say hi if you get a minute.

Jeanette - I like your rotation. Cardio only 2x a week, that is for me! Are you still riding your bike in addition to the P90X rotation?

Hi Jana, Diane and Kate!!!

I fogot to tell you all that I am the Assistant for our Wellness committee. Our superintendent is the chair person and he asked if I would be the co-chair. I told him that I would love to although I can't attend the meetings. They are after school and I have to pick up my boys at 2 different daycares. Just won't work for me. So right now we are doing a "Smelly Sneaker Challenge" between the 7 different buildings in our district. Everyone participating got a pedometer and logs there steps per day. At the end of the month, the building with the most steps (this is averaged depending on the # of paricipants per building) gets to keep the smelly sneaker trophy in their building. We are doing this monthly until June. Also, we are going to form a team for Shape Up PA which sounds fun!

Have a great day everyone!
Michele, I had the barley for breakfast and I did like it. I think I prefer steel cut oats, but the barley was a nice change. Jay had some too and liked it (he said anything is good if you add enough sugar.) Ms Emilyturnuphernosepants wouldn't even try it.

Dana, yes, I know where Montour Preserve is. I think it is less than 1/2 hour from me. Maybe we can meet there and walk sometime...Have fun with the Wellness competition.
Robin, I'm glad you liked the barley. I have to say that I like it a leetle bit better than the oats. I'm surprised by how much my DH likes it. He's a Cream of Wheat man all the way and doesn't care for oatmeal at all.--How many days until you're done with 3-11? If I knew how, I'd tell you to back away from the cookies in French (a reference to your post in the <--- thread--lol!). --I wish I could go walking with you and Dana:-(

August, looky what I found!

I ate a donut:eek: x(
Not August but I checked out the link anyway. I'm nosey I guess!

Michele, you can go walking w/us. Just hop a flight to Williamsport airport, Robin can swing by and pick you up on her way home from work. We'll go walking, then to dinner, you can spend the night at Robin's and she can drop you back off at the airport when she goes to work in the a.m. Sounds easy enough!
I think Dana's suggestion sounds devine. Let me know when to expect you, Michele, and I'll take a day off.

I only have 6 days left on this shift. Well, 5 1/2 now. And you can say whatever you like in French, because I won't understand a word of it anyway. I'll think it means something like "Have another dozen donuts, Robin."

You just never know, maybe I will hop a plane and come over there one day. That would be so much fun!

I have another idea. I think we should all save our pennies and fly to Tokyo for a GTG with August. First stop...the sweet potato man!:D :9
Hi Ladies -

Sorry still busy at work. I am just stopping by to say hi and that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth yet. I haven't worked out in a few days now.

Michele - DH hasn't purchased the watch yet, but it is my Christmas present as well so I have to wait to get it :( I tried it on for DH the other day and he loves it on me too, so agreed I should get it. As far as the diamond in my wedding band, Tiffanys fixed it for free! I hated not having my band for a few weeks, but all is well now.
Hi Haters!

You guys have been hating for nearly a year? That's soooo excellent. I participate in KK's check in and I've been posting there for going on 2 years, I thing. I just think you guys are all pretty humorous and get a kick out of this.

Michele, I worry about my DH driving, heck I worry when I drive in the bad weather, though my commute is only about 10 minutes long. I detest white outs. That's when my hands get all sweaty. No way do I want to move forward when I can't see. Michele, I bought some protein powder at Walmart. It is whey protein and flavored vanilla with little sugar. I like it and it helps me to get more protein, which is what the Phase 1 of P90X eating plan (fat burning period) requires. Yep, the fat is just dripping off of me. LOL. I have to be careful with PB too. I've only been having 1 heaping teaspoonful. Yes, I could eat the whole jar very easily.

Robin, I prefer road riding, but I don't like it when dogs come out. Thank goodness we don't have too many. I ride with pepper spray on my handlebars. In the winter, however, when it's really cold, I wear my lobster gloves and you have zero dexterity to spray pepper spray. I'm more afraid of hitting a dog and falling than getting bit. It would be great it Dana, you and I could all get together for some bike riding. Clipless pedals are great for your pedal spin, making it more efficient. You are supposed to pedal in circles, and at the bottom of the stroke think scraping mud off the bottom of your foot. You can't do that with regular pedals. But really, it's all about having fun on the bike, so whatever works is fine. Oh yeah, I'm taking a trip to Wyoming to see Susan (dogs2birds) this next year. We're going to do some riding. I'm looking forward to it. Oh yeah, glad you liked the barley. I like the chewiness of it. Yep, anything with sugar on top is good to me.

Dana, I haven't ridden my bike (normal Tuesday night Cardio Coach) because I don't want to be too tired and because I want to see what P90X can do for me. I knew lots of cardio and less weights wasn't really helping me, except to get fitter cardio wise, so I'd like to see what less cardio and more weights, with rest will do. If I feel okay next week, I will try to add in a Cardio Coach. I just want to make sure I have enough energy to do the Classic rotation and not make my body go into starvation by doing too much cardio. Your contest at work sounds really fun. Where I work, the norm is to not walk at all. I walk twice a day up to the administration building for the mail (about 1/2 mile each way). People are always stopping and asking me if I need a ride. It's like it's unheard of to walk and why would anyone want to do that.

Hi Diane, glad you stopped by!


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