HATE trying to fit 26 hours into a day


Morning gals. I have a list (Michele!!) about a mile long of things I'd like to get done today, but I don't hold out much hope. My MIL wants me to help her decide what to wear tomarrow for Greyor's dedication. I have to make dessert for tomarrow. There is a ton of laundry. The house needs some attention. See anything you want to help me with yet? My DH is taking me out to breakfast and we may stop at a local flea market kind of place and look for a dresser. Sitting here is NOT getting any of this done. Oh, and by the way, did you see any mention of a workout? I don't think one of those will get done today, but I'm not worried. I've sort of decided to take a short break until Monday. Hopefully I'll be revived, renewed and ready to recommitt to fitness by then. Gotta run. I'll try to get back later. Have a great day haters.
Well, today I HATE that I don't live close enough to Robin to help her out with her list. I'm a list maker too :7 I'll be doing the usual today: laundry, visit Mom in hospital, cooking, cleaning and hopefully some shopping. I also have to put together an Easter basket for my niece.

Robin ~ please take some pictures tomorrow of Master Greyor's dedication. BBL Haters....
Hi Tammy-you mentioned your mom in the hospital, I'm sending warm thoughts to send on to her-hope everything is okay-

Robin-you need a break-don't feel bad-you'll get back into it-I took a whole month off recently-have a nice dedication ceremony for the little one-

Jen-hope your throat feels better-

michele-I feel the same way about Easter-it occurred to me just this morning that we NEED to color easter eggs-I mean my 11 yr. old would never forgive me if we forgot to do that-where has my head been?-LOL

Shelley-sending warm thoughts your way too-hope your being nice to yourself--

I am really liking Tony -P90X-so far so good-but those chin ups are hard!!

hi to EVERYONE else I didn't mention
Hi there, I'm home and I had no idea it's Easter. Wow.

My trip went well. But as always, I had weird sleep hours so now it's 1:10am and I'm wide awake.

All the better to read the Hate thread, my pretties!

On my trip I had just about the best workout motivation I could get - I met up again with a woman I'd seen last time I was in this particular town, and she kindly told me that she felt so inspired seeing my muscles during my last trip that she herself had started working out. She then grilled me about my current workout schedule. http://bestsmileys.com/eek/3.gif

Which brings me to my next paragraph.

I made a new workout rotation for myself. http://www.smileyhut.com/excited/clap.gif It's one that is going to be the minimum to maintain the muscle I've built over the last two years LOL. I mean really, I can't disappoint this woman, now can I? LOL.

I feel better. I'll do the minimum while I'm finishing up the big project so that I won't be completely jelly by the time I'm ready to go back to my regular programming.

MARIAH - Did you have a peaceful Friday?

>No I didnt do workout yet, i come home and read the thread first LOL

LMAO! I so know what you mean.

>Ladies I dont like to go against my religious and spiritual beliefs but im gonna perform an exorcism this weekend........... Im gonna take all the evil out of them

Oh, Mariah, you're so sweet and silly! I have to give you one of these http://bestsmileys.com/kissing2/10.gif

BECKY - Your smoothie sounded delicious!

>Nowadays, it seems every time I go , I hear I have some problem...need a root canal, a crown or something!

LOL! The dentist is smart. Nowadays he's pumping you and not your folks for his expenses!

Congrats that your closet is almost done!

MICHELE - How awful about your dentist appointment, and that's terrible that you're stuck with a bad crown for three weeks!! Why on earth are they making you wait that long to correct their mistake?!

You DH and the flowers. http://www.smileyhut.com/misc_expressions/cry2.gif What a sweetie.

>I hope I acknowledged all of my friends in Hatesville by name -- you know -- something like "I'd like to thank all the little people..." -- LMAO!!


I've read that one of the only things you can't do in a dream is....read! Isn't that interesting? Your brain gets all nutso creating dream images and overloads trying to keep the sentences straight, so dream sentences are ever-changing! So all I remember seeing that was on the back of the DVD was lots of words, and HATESVILLE all in caps LOL.

So what's on the menu for your Easter meal? Those lucky family members of yours! I'll bet whatever you make is scrumptious.

>Whad'ya have for breakfast?

I always have half an apple and half of another piece of fruit (grapefruit, mango, orange, a kiwi, a bunch of strawberries) that I chop up, then sprinkle with cinnamon and put it in a bowl of plain yogurt and cottage cheese. I love it!

DEB - Your dentist story totally pissed me off and now I'm ready to go and kick that helicopter man's butt. I had a really bad dentist experience that I'll spare you the details about, but it gives me the right to be angry at any dentist who gives anyone a hard time.

http://www.smileyhut.com/misc_expressions/grrr.gif You know, I'm going to swing by and get Michele's dentist, too. And Mariah's eye doctor.

Anyone else who need their dentist's butts kicked, tell me, though as you know, I've not been working out regularly in the last few weeks, so my beating will probably be quite meager.

>so does anyone have an opinion on whether I should buy-Jari Love-Ripped to the Core or Amy Bento All pump extreme or a good yoga dvd-I've never done yoga--

I wish I could help you there, but I don't know about Amy Bento, and like Michele, I only have a few yoga videos. What kind of workout are you in the mood to get? Those three sound pretty different.

Glad to hear P90X is going well!

ROBIN - http://www.smileyhut.com/friends/group.gif We've sure missed you. I think the wacky weather is doing us all in. It's making us all cranky and on the verge of sickness, and making us feel blah. We need the springtime sun to come out and make us all feel sexy and stuff.

How has the rest of your decorating and whatnot been going? Can you see the finishing line?

But more than that, what kind of cake did you bake? http://bestsmileys.com/innocent/2.gif

I wanted to tell you that I thought your post to Shelley was really moving.

>We had lemon-garlic angel hair pasta with our scallops tonight.

Did you do that with shrimp last time? Because I know it caught my attention then as it did now. Did you ever post this recipe? Is it basic? Can I make it if I only have one pot and no soup stock? :D

>August, how's the big project going?

Thanks, all's good so far. I've been able to keep the sore throat from getting out of control. It'll be pretty much finished up by the end of May, with the bulk of it this month.

>See anything you want to help me with yet?

Yes, in fact, I did. I would like to help with this part :

>My DH is taking me out to breakfast



>DS#1 is in love this week, so you may have to wait a few weeks for him.

LMAO LMAO! A few weeks! Bahaa!

Just give me the word and I'll send my dating resume. http://www.smileyhut.com/misc/curlers.gif

>Hey, didn't you used to post on the yoga check-in? I did check in there for a wee bit.

Yoga check-in? What yoga check-in? http://bestsmileys.com/paranoid/3.gif

Heheh. Yes, yes, that was me. You were there, too? Now that you mention it, I think it's coming back to me! I wish I could have continued with that, but I had a problem when I ordered a bunch of yoga DVDs (that I ultimately ended up not being able to buy) and it totally took the wind out of my yoga sail. Are you still doing yoga?

>Now I won't be bringing any cake on the roadtrip, but if it is available I'll definitely be eating it for breakfast


Tammy, may I ask why your mother is in the hospital? Is she all right?

JEN - Jen Fill-in-middle-name Fill-in-last-name. What are we gonna do with you, girl. I'm all for pushing yourself to get a killer workout, but not when you're sick. http://bestsmileys.com/nono/6.gif Listen to your body and be good to it.

Ever since my throat has been weird, I've been using a face mask to keep my throat moist. I think it's really helped a lot. I've been wearing it at night and also during much of the day so that I look like a burglar. It's also been keeping half my face nice and toasty LOL. But the stretchy bands that go behind the ears are making my ears sore! Anyway, I hope you feel better soon. What with your busy work and stress, it must be hard to keep a cold at bay.

Woo hoo for banana milkshake! http://www.smileyhut.com/eat_drink/beak.gif

All right. Maybe I'll attempt to sleep again. :)
Hello haters. I woke up with a worse sore throat but head is feeling better so hopefully the sore throat will be gone soon too.

I ran some errands early this morning then back home to work out. I had Drill Max scheduled today. I didn't feel like doing the regular version & the only other one I've done is Cardio/Leg premix so I decided to change things up a bit. I started with the Cardio Blast premix, did the w/u & the cardio from drills 1-6, the skipped the cool down & went to the total body premix, skipped the w/u, did all the upper/lower body work, then cool down. It was a nice change- instead of being a circuit w/o it was more 35 minute cardio followed by upper & lower body work. I think I am going to do Firm It Up this afternoon sometime.

Robin- Enjoy your weekend off, it sounds like you are going to be running around like crazy so you need to give your body a break. I am sure you will feel so energized come Monday!

Tammy- I also will say a prayer for your mom, I hope everything is okay with her. Shopping for anything particular or just anything you can find! :D

Deb- Glad you are enjoying P90X. Do you have any other of Tony's workouts? I have the Power 90 master series & his bun shaper & thigh toner. I really like the bun shaper w/o & add it on with a 30-40 minute cardio almost every week, since my bum is the biggest problem area for me. x(

August- Glad to hear your trip went well. Sounds like you are going to be very busy this month & next. I think your w/o schedule sounds good & that is awesome you had a positive influence on another to start working out. That is interesting information on dreams, I didn't realize that. Loved the smiley shaking his finger, LMAO! The banana milkshake was worth every calorie too! You have to treat yourself every once in a while, right?

Okay, off to do some laundry & house cleaning, I'll probably BBL.
August we were posting at the same time. Sorry you can't sleep. Do you have any nyquil or unisom? That may help, nyquil tends to work quicker though.
>I think your w/o schedule sounds good & that is awesome you had a positive influence on another to start working out.

http://www.smileyhut.com/misc_expressions/blush-anim-cl.gif Thanks! It sure was......inspiring! LOL.

>Do you have any nyquil or unisom? That may help, nyquil tends to work quicker though.

You're talkin' to someone who doesn't even take aspirin unless it's dire. :*

Another funky dream thing - I don't know if any of you dream lucidly (being in a dream and KNOWING that you are asleep and dreaming), but if you are dreaming and feel yourself waking, you can spin your dream body around to keep yourself in the dream! Your brain is so busy creating the illusion of your dream world spinning around, that it totally forgets to wake you up! Is that trippy or what!

Sorry, don't be scared of me. :)

ETA : I'm glad you treated yourself to a nice treat, Jen! You certainly deserve it! And your throat thanks you, too! :D
Wow, that is really freaky about the dream thing.... where do you learn all this? I know it isn't from Oogi!!!

I don't take much medicine either besides unisom, I am horrible at taking advil, tylenol, etc... when I have a headache or something, not sure why maybe I'm just lazy!!

Just popped in real quick to see if August was still awake...I decided I am going to do another workout today and I've decided to do Kick Max- with the blast challenge first, followed by drills, then leg drills. I will do Firm It Up sometime during the week, it is a good weekday workout because it is less demanding but still a good lower body workout.

Okay, off to kick it to the max, BBL.
Deb: I know Tony annoys a lot of people, but I found him kind of funny. Keep with the chin-ups...you'll get there. I ended up selling my 90x to a fellow Cathe poster.

Jen: Good workout today! I hope your throat feels better soon. Shopping ended up being a bust as the DH tagged along....I'm a much better solo shopper $$$$.

August: I wish I could get back into a regular yoga schedule, as I did enjoy it....maybe in my next lifetime. Are you into dreams? My hairdresser is always telling me about her dreams and what they mean. Heck, I can't remember what I had for lunch today, let alone what I dreamt last night.

About my Mom: 5 weeks ago she was rushed to the hospital. She had a perforated ulcer and they did emergency surgery. She was in septic shock and they didn't expect her to survive. Well, she spent 5 weeks in the ICU and was just moved to a regular hospital room. She has a LONG road of recovery ahead of her but she is making small baby steps in the right direction. Thanks for asking:*
Tammy- I am with you on the shopping thing! If I need to buy clothes, shoes, etc... I do so much better on my own. The only time I enjoy shopping with others is when I am really not looking for anything in particular or buying stuff for the house, etc... Thanks for telling us about your mom, I will keep her in my prayers, that has to be really tough for you. I am glad though she is doing better.

Well Drill Max & Kick Max are both done today! I feel really good, my knees are aching a little bit but I just finished Kick Max like an hour ago so that could be why. That blast challenge is tough but the kicking/punching drills are so much easier than KPC or Powerstrike 1&2. I do like the leg conditioning drills too.

Okay, off to search for something to replace all those calories I burned. :)
Jen: YOWZERS! I bow down to your double workout...I can barely make it through Drill Max......but Drill Max + Kick Max? What did you say you're taking for that sore throat?

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