HATE returning to reality


Morning haters. Today I hate the scale. Well, everyday I hate the scale. I really need to clean up my eating. Nothing like a Monday morning to start up again. I have a friend at work who jokes that I start a diet every Monday. She's right!

We had a great trip to Philly. A couple museums, a couple wineries, some shopping. Mariah, we spent Sat afternoon in New Hope. I did manage to fit in a 30 min treadmill run Sunday morning. Today my rotation calls for Cardio Fusion. I like that workout, so I'll be looking forward to coming home and doing it. When we got home, there was a message from my sister. She will be happy to have us visit in May, so we are planning a trip to WA state the last week of the month. Arista, Corrie, I'll be between Spokane and Canada that week, if you'd like to get together for lunch somehow. OK. Gotta run and get to work. I'll try to catch up with you all later. Have a great, love-filled day all.
Hate Mondays

Good morning, Robin! Ugh! Is it really Monday again already? Thankfully, my cycle finally started Friday. I had cramps from hell this weekend. I did not get enough sleep, and I am exhausted. But I am going to New Jersey in August for the Cathe Road Trip. :7 I am flying first class on miles. :7 And my 40-day cheese and chocolate fast is officially over. :7 I did it! I am enjoying cheese and chocolate this week. Yummy! :9

Guess what I bought yesterday? With the money I saved on airfare (because I am flying first class on miles), I bought a pair of Asics Gel 1120 running shoes last night. I went to Academy for walking shoes, but I ended up buying these instead. Walking shoes do not feel good on my feet. I tried on countless walking shoes and running shoes before settling on this pair. Wow! They feel amazing on my feet. They are so much cushier and more comfortable than my Nike Shox running shoes and cheaper too! The store stayed open 25 minutes after closing time just for me! :7 Yes, I am a very good customer. :7 LOL! I was not planning to buy more shoes when I headed out last night. ;-) I promise! I was just going to buy some cheese for today. My car suddenly turned into the Academy parking lot, and a new box of shoes was in my hot little hands before I know what hit me. :eek: My collection is topping out at 24 pairs now. :eek:

I joined the Cheetahs and a Road Trip check-in yesterday morning. I am up to my butt in check-ins now. :7 Yes, I am going for the title of Cathe check-in queen. My game plan is to join so many check-ins that I do not have time to eat junk! ;-) By the way, I joined the Cheetahs so I could have a good excuse for buying a new pair of running shoes. :7 LOL!

Robin, I am looking forward to meeting you in August! :7

Michele, I am hatching a plot to get you to New Jersey in August. :7 Several forum members who did not get in are planning to make the trip, hang out together, and crash the party at Adelphia Saturday night. :7 I am trying to get some Ohio girls like Becky to make the drive with you. You would not have to pay for a flight or registration that way and would not have to deal with Cathe’s step choreography. You could just hang out with us in the hotel! :7

Shelley, I hope you are feeling better! :*

August, I miss you! :*

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).
Hello fellow Haters!

I've missed you crazy chicks. My weekend was insane and I never made it back here after Saturday morning. In fact, I still need to peruse the weekend threads to see what's been going on around here.

We finally got all of our tax preparations ready to send to our accountant. I'm so freaking glad to have that out of the way! It's become such a burden every year. The spring is a frantic time for my DH as that's when his meetings kick into high gear. He's been gone quite a bit this month and he's taking off again Wednesday for a few days. I'm a little down about it because I was originally supposed to go with him, but we had to reconsider some of our plans -- it's a long, boring story;)

Not much in the way of workouts for me. I was going to do a CC, but opted for a walk with my darlin DH instead. We enjoyed beautiful, sunshiny weather all weekend long, but I think we've skipped spring and jumped head first into summer. It was downright hot and humid here this weekend and I was sorely tempted to turn on the A/C:eek:. I planning to do that CC workout this morning before it gets to hot.

YEA YEA YEA!!! Robin's back! Oh I hear you about the scales. I've been avoiding mine. I'm planning to do monthly weigh-ins and measurements and I'm not scheduled to recheck my stats until April 6. I'll join you in the Monday diet thing. I'm sure I need it after a weekend of baaaad eating.

I'm so glad you had a nice weekend. I must admit I was worried that Greyor might object to it, but I'm thrilled to know my concerns were unfounded! Hey, you'll be in WA state around the same time I'll be in Italy!! I want to meet Arista and Corrie, too!!! You and your sister will have a great time, I'm sure.

How's your mom doing? Is she still at home in Vermont?

Alright, I'm off to read the weekend threads so I know what the rest a youse has been up to. I'll BB.

Editing to say HEY HEATHER!!! OMG, it would be so fun to crash your little mmmm-mmmm party:7. Unfortunately, I have it on good authority that I'll have family visiting at that time. My DH's siblings are scattered around the country and they take turns visiting during the spring and summer. His brother will be here during the mmmm-mmmm and that's why I didn't even bother to try and sign up. I've also made an important discovery -- I never would've made the cut in the first place because I'm the worlds slowest typist :eek: x( . Maybe next year.

How exciting that you found comfy shoes!! I'll just bet you're their best customer:eek: :p :7
Just saying a quick hello before I have to get back to work.

Robin- glad to hear that you had a nice weekend.

Heather - flying first class??? woo-hoo, you're just like a celebrity, the Shoe Queen.

Michele - hey you!!!

I didn't workout this weekend either. I did take my mom's dog for a 4-mile walk yesterday. I tuckered him out and he tried to sit down and take a break, I wasn't havin' it. HA!

Well, I'm up to my patooty in work so I'll check back with you all later!

Love ya's!
Hey Dana, I just checking in real quick to say I can't meet you April 5. DD reminded me we have a church thing going on that evening. Look at your calender again and give me some dates.
Ladies: what is up? I need to go back home and go back to sleep. I am soooo tired today. For some reason my house has turned into an ice burg. Something is sooo wrong with my a/c and normally I would not complain, but this is just nuts.

Did I mention I hate my job? However, the boss man is out of town today, so I don't hate it as much, I just don't want to work today. I need more sleep.

Michele-To answer your question from the other day about the knee, well it has never healed and I am 70% disabled in the knee and might be for the rest of my life. It is a long story, but I will know more tomorrow after I go back to the Dr and then I am going to another Dr in April to see what can be done. It really, really, really bites. Did I mention it bites a big one???......

I still think your post the other day was really funny! I wish you would have filmed that and posted it for us all to see. I am sure the look on your face was priceless. And, oh yeah girl, why are you just now doing your taxes? I guess I am an early bird. I wrote so much off the year, it was insane, but I managed to get us a refund. It was nice.

How is everyone else?

Dana-Marley is fab. Just a little pistol. I swear she gets into everything under the sun. It is never ending chasing her. I could not imagine doing it with 2 kids!!! I bet Gannon is just the same, into everything and never likes to sit down huh?

August, did you eat the donut yet?

Ok, ok, ok, I HAVE to get back to work and I am hungry, so I need to try and find some food.

Hello to everyone! Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!!!

PS-Did not check for spelling...don't hold me to it!!!
I'm all caught up, I think, and back to say a proper hello.

Mariah, I miss August, too, as she always provides a cheerful start to the day. That said, I'm grateful to you, Robin, and Corrie for stepping up to the plate in her absence. You did her proud!

I felt so sorry for your little post on Sunday. I'm sure it was just an accident that someone pulled up Saturday's post. That's happened to me before. Threads can be easy to miss sometimes.

So did you manage to get in some exercise yesterday?

How is your DD doing? Is her cancer gone?

Corrie, it sounds like you had a lovely weekend. I see you've become addicted to the smiley's. I love that little coffee drinking tome reader -- LMAO!

You gave a perfect explanation of weekends in Hateville. It's often slow around here on the weekends. I don't post much because DH and I see so little of each other during the week and we need the weekends to regroup.

Diane, OMG, it sounds like your weekend has been crazed. Oh I hate air travel. It's gotten to be so unpleasant. You're just lucky your flight wasn't delayed or canceled, or that they didn't abandon you on the runway for hours.

Yea -- you're in your 2nd trimester!! Does this mean you can start telling more people? I would have to. I'm not sure I could've held out as long as you have.

How exciting that you heard the heartbeat:+. Isn't it the most amazing thing? The miracle of life had a big impact on me when I was in nursing school -- especially seeing how quickly an embryo develops into a recognizable human being. It was an epiphany for me.

Deb, yes, the mmmm-mmmm talk is a little depressing, especially for those of us who can't go. WAH! We'll make our own fun, by golly, and we'll talk about everybody while they're gone:p

Jen, I had the same weather as you this weekend. It was so hot and humid -- UGH! I came this close // to turning on the AC. People are mowing grass today -- a positive indicator that my seasonal allergies are about to explode. This usually signals the closing of windows and turning on the AC:-(

As for my weekend with DH, see ^^^. We mostly worked on taxes. We went for a walk on Sunday and we managed to go out for dinner Saturday night, but we didn't get to relax near as much as we hoped we would. We wanted to see a movie but we couldn't squeeze it in. :-( x(

Dana, that poor doggy -- LMAO! We walked 2 miles yesterday and that about killed me, mostly because of the humidity. There's a HUGE, steep hill in my neighborhood and I thought I would die before I made it to the top. I made it, though, and my DH was proud of me (mostly because I was a biatchin and a moanin about it the entire time:p }(

Where is everyone?

I'm off to pay some bills. I'll BBL:* :*
JANA!!! I miss you, you rascal, you!!

*GASP* Your knee! Oh nooooo. I can't believe all you've been through with that knee of yours. You better report back and let us know what that doctor says or...or...something will happen.

I'm so glad I provided you with some good entertainment. :p

Now WTH is Kate. KAAAAAATE!!!!!
Jana! Hi! Sorry you aren't liking your job lately. I feel ya.

Well, I finally told work I am pregnant today! My direct supervisor already knew, because when I was in Kentucky another partner figured it out and he is best friends with my partner. I wasn't drinking, not eating sushi like everyone else, etc. But my big boss didn't know and everyone has been great about it so far.

I soon will be getting the "what are your plans" question, but haven't gotten them yet.

Anyway, I am so busy today (as usual). My boss told me to take the day off but I just have SOOO much work to do and I am already pretty behind because I was out of town. Alright, back to work. I hate to just come in and talk about myself and then leave, but I have to today.
Good afternoon haters friends.

I just completed Cardio Fusion and have a few minutes before dinner time, so I thought I'd try to catch up here. I started checking in at the RT check-in too, but there are so many (105!) that I may not be able to keep up there.

Heather, congratulations on the shoe score. How do you store your collection. I just toss my shoes in the closet, then I have to dig to find something I haven't worn for a while. I'm glad you are no longer PMSing and hope the cramps are gone. LOL at checking in all day, so there is no time to snack. I think I'll try that too.

Hi Michele. Taxes, uggg. That's DH's job and he puts it off until the last possible minute. I try not to nag him to get them done earlier though, because he'll just tell me I can do them. My sister is east this week, visiting my mom, who, yes, is still in VT. I won't have a chance to get up and see her. She came to do my mom's taxes and says it's quite a challenge, since Mom has been throwing away all her mail this year.

Hey Dana, your job must be like mine; crazy busy sometimes and nothing to do at others. You stopped in for a quicky, but I didn't see you get back today. I think spring has finally arrived in our neck of the woods.

Jana, hi. What happened to your knee. Permanent damage sounds awful. I hope the doctors can give you good news.

Diane, congratulations on passing the first trimester and hearing the beans heartbeat. How cool is that? Your weekend trip sounded just horrible. Maybe now that your bosses all know, nothing like that will happen again.

Hi to Arista, Jen, Terri, Mariah, Kara, Shelley, Corrie and anyone I may have forgotten. Now I have to get dinner started. Have a nice evening all.
did i scream laughing at your recount of throwing your shoes in the closet.
When I want to find a pair, i sit on the floor and pull them all out, surround myself in a pile and eventually find two that match Meanwhile i find a few pairs i forgot i had and have to get up to try them on and see if i like the way they look with the latest outfit. Could take me up to half hour to decide and then "throw" them all back
With promises to someday straighten them all out

How great that you finally can be out and upfront about your pregnancy
dont worry about the "what are your plans" I think most everyone plans to have the baby stay out the 6 weeks and come back to work
Some really know they have no intention of going back to work but want the benefits till the last min and some really plan to go back but when they spend at home Mom time they love it and dont want to give it up
Some work out a part time on the job and part time from home too
so, you dont have to feel like your lieing if you say you are planning on continuing to work

Company gone, no exersize done, hope to do some tonite, company coming at about 8 for coffee and i eat after that so that sort of breaks my day so might just be a 20 min workout but i want to get back to the commitment

I still have to put together my paper work for taxes im sure ill owe so ive put it off
I used to do mine the day after we got out w2s but now that im here in florida i dont have the available person who used to do mine and i also have added real estate so i did find someone who will do them or help to do them he says he already has many realtors as clients so thats a good thing spoken in my best martha stewart voice

as to my daughter, she does not have active cancer now, but its something that has to be watched constantly and i guess forever as it does seem to reappear

Have a good evening all, im sure ill check back in at some time
Hi Haters!

Sorry I haven't been around for a few days. Now I have to try to catch up with your craziness!

Mariah - I'm so sorry I didn't see your offer until now. Thank you so much, that was very sweet.

Diane - sounds like a crazy business trip. I'm glad you're out of your first trimester and that you don't have to keep secrets at work anymore. We're so lucky here in that we get a year off paid maternity leave. Actually, it's parental leave, so fathers can take time off too. Not both at the same time, of course, but I know families where the mom takes six months and the dad takes six.

Michele - yay for getting taxes done! What a relief that must be. I did mine a couple of weeks ago and netfiled them, so I'm anxiously awaiting my big fat refund cheque.:)

Heather - MORE SHOES??? Oh my.... that guy at Security is gonna have a field day with you;) And I think you may have to vie with Wendy for title of Check-In Queen around here.

Robin - I'm glad your Philly trip went well. I'm awfully excited about driving to see you SOON!

Jana - Pleased to meet you:) I'm sorry to hear about your knee. That's just gotta suck.

Dana - did your work day get less busy? Mine was crazy too.

I hate to admit this in here, seeing as it's a cardio hating thread, but..... I ran 11 MILES yesterday.:) Then this morning I got up early and did Meaner Legs and abs. That may not have been wise. We shall see.

To everyone I missed, HI!!!
Good evening haters. Today was very busy day. I did manage to do KPC Cardio premix, KPC abs, and 30 min. bun shaper from beach body.

Robin- Very glad you made it home safe & sound & had a good time.

Michele- Sorry your weekend wasn't more relaxing. Yes, you have the same weather we have here from the sounds of it. I have my air on, today was 80 & muggy again & is supposed to be like this until Friday, then back into the 50s over the weekend.

Heather- You & your shoes!!! :)

Dana- Hope your day got a little less hectic.

Diane- Sounds like you need a day off!

Jana- Hello there!

Mariah- Hope you managed to sneak in a short workout, every little bit counts.

Shelley- Great job on the 11 miles, WOW! :)

Hello to everyone else if you check in later. I am off to bed shortly I am beat & ready to curl up & watch a little TV until I fall asleep.

Have a great Tuesday everyone & I'll be back tomorrow evening.

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