Hate...NOT.. A beautiful sunday


Good morning fellow haters
my company leaves today, Im gonna try and get in at least a half hour of exercise when i come home from work

Shelly?? You out there girlfriend, and how are you doing
Did you see my note yesterday, Get in touch anytime

How are you feeling

Are you following any kind of diet now???
And i dont know if you answered me but i had asked how much you were looking to lose?? We can all support you in that

Sorry not to sign in and find one of August's posts
they always help me to wake up with a smile
my brothers girlfriend was telling me her daughter wants to apply for a job in Japan, If she does maybe ill have her talk to you, august and you can share tips

And a great morning greeting to all you Im not addressing personally
By the way did i ever tell you that my daughter in Mich, the one with the kids and husband who was in accident and she has the thyroid cancer etc etc, is named JANA so i know two Jana's

Getting ready for work now
Hi Mariah!!!!

I'm so sorry nobody responded to your thread! I think that it is because spring is arriving everywhere and people are out in the warm sunshine.http://www.smileyhut.com/glasses/shades.gif I think Deb and Diane just didn't see it. http://www.smileyhut.com/working/type.gif

It is kind of scary how quiet things are in Hatesville, but we also have a lot of folks out of town.

I am just having a nice relaxing Sunday and feel like fixing a cup of tea and reading a book. http://www.smileyhut.com/working/coffee1.gif

I hope everyone has a had a great weekend.

Corrie http://www.smileyhut.com/silly/arrowhead.gif


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