HATE - Mar 8


Disclaimer : I take no responsibility for....well, for anything bad.


Sorry I was gone yesterday. The madness continues. I got home at 4am all a-fluster.

Before I go on, I must tell you something.

Something exciting and important. Something disappointing but thrilling. Something that happened in between two meetings.

Imagine if you will. Me. Me arriving at a destination. There, in front of my very eyes, just several feet in front of me...the golden gates to............Krispy Kreme! Fairy tales of glazy, dreamy wishes dancing through my head! The beautiful Krispy Kreme banner shining proudly in the sky. Me looking in awe. Me looking at my watch. Me beginning to cry seeing the three hundred or so people waiting in line for a freakin donut.

Yeah. That's how close I got. I actually had to go to that area for a meeting. I SAW Krispy Kreme. I SAW it.


Anyhoo, did my S&H Shoulders and calves, Winsor Buns & Thighs, and C&W abs.

Arista - Your chicken and barley soup made me hungry!...Your bday massage sounds like a nice idea. Let me warn you though to tell the person giving you your massage to go verrrrry easy with you. I never get massages but had one when I was visiting two friends who I hadn't seen in ages. We went to a spa together to celebrate, and then afterwards we went for dinner - except by the time we got to dinner, I felt totally nauseous from the after-effects of the massage...A digital scrapbook sounds cool, too, but, jeez, do you have any time to make such a mongo thing?!....Glad to hear you had a nice trip to your hometown!

Hmm. I think I need to start looking into doing jumping jacks.

Robin - Suggestions for a sub for a run? How about scrubbing your bathtub?

>I growled at him and hung up, so he better come home and lick my feet. Hmmmm, porn post?

LMAO. So are your feet nice and clean now?

Mariah - Glad to see you back. Have a safe trip to NY and be good to yourself. We're sending good vibes.

Shelley -

>I find it fascinating that the disclaimer on the "Nude Cardiovascular Workout" is "Contains nudity".


Unrelated, but somehow that reminded me of when I was in college and bought a home-waxing machine and in the instructions it said : Do not use for waxing nose hair.

I hope your DD feels better soon....And LOL about your BF's quip about being on how it would be weird to be on his own again. Ahhh, gotta love those non-thinking comments. But I'll bet from that answer that he in general has a free and laid-back attitude, which is always a good thing.

Michele -

>Here's my review of LIC; it is hard.


And LOL that you bought your sister an HMR and...chocolates. Work it off! Eat it on! Work it off! Eat it on! Anyway, the end of the winter blahs and byuck will pass soon, and I'll bet the nice sunny weather will inspire you and your measurements. I always feel pudgier in the winter, and the warmer weather always helps lean me out. And of course, extra cardio does, too, urgh. Which is probably what I need to start doing, too.

MSY - I hear you about the working out in the morning or it just don't happen thing. Huge high-fives to you for getting up so early to workout. That in itself is major strength...Ched is cousin to Shred, of the Cheese family. I hooked up with Ched Cheese just a few weeks ago, thinking I'd make Mexican, but then my schedule got busy and I couldn't find time to cook, but Ched nagged and nagged for attention. Before I knew it, he was consuming my time. As soon as he was gone, I told myself, No More Ched. But then when I was at the grocery store picking up fresh fruits, I bumped into him and he convinced me to give him one more try. I foolishly let him back in. As soon as he got back to my place, it was the same games. So no more Ched....Oh, I didn't get the chance to wish you luck with your day! Were you able to hop on the treadmill?

Dana - You're too late. I've done away with Ched (LOL, I just saw Michele's post asking me if I'd "done away with him")....I've not heard of Pilates Super Burn. I'll have to check that out!...Urgh, sounds like your cold is just awful. You should take some rest rather than make yourself workout in that condition....Good for your son for voicing his opinions and for standing up to authority! I hope he's cool now and that the teacher was able to save some face. LOL.

Jen - Hope your training will go smoothly. LOL that you are ahead of your years by starting to forget your age before you've turned 30...Wait wait, what does TMI stand for?

Corrie - You and Jen and your Kahlua!...LOL at your cockroach story. Why on earth did you sleep ON the covers? Wouldn't sleeping IN the covers be a better strategy to escape the Wrath of Roach? Did you know that roaches can eat anything? ANYTHING. This is why those guys have survived since way the H back when. I hear they can eat and live off a fingerprint. No joke! A fingerprint, for crying out loud!...As for Ched lasting in my fridge, well, he didn't. Not at all. He didn't even put up a fight...What on earth was with your dinner the other night?! LOL! Sounds like a meal for a freshman at college!...Your DH's work sounds really cool!

Netta - Hey you! Congratulations for finishing up your P90X rotation! Deb is also starting up that rotation from March 1st, and ever since she started talking about the P90X system, her posts have become less frequent - we're hoping that's a good thing LOL! Anyway, it was nice to hear from you!

Terri - I've never gone through the formal process with the law to do anything, and I imagine it's really, really a major ordeal, time consuming, emotionally draining, and expensive. Is your feeling of upset enough to fuel you through the process? Quite frankly, I think you are RIGHT to be mad. I mean, would it be right to make a burger joint and call it McConnald's? No. Would McDonald's be pissed? Yes. Would there be a lawsuit? Yes. Would McDonald's win? Yes. But then, they've got "people" to deal with that so that the main guy doesn't have to. I guess if it were me, I'd talk to someone about it to see if something could be done easily. Although the diffence in names is insignificant, it could be argued that the name difference between "is" and "with" is certainly..."not the same," so if the lawyer thought it might be a difficult process (time away from your actually working your business, dragging names through whatever and possibly scaring clients), then you might look into perhaps promoting your homepage and ads with the information of when you started, maybe even designing your logo with a purposeful WITH, if that might be an option. Anyway, what a major nightmare. You're not overreacting at all.

Where is our hater lawyer? Calling our hater lawyer! Diane!!

Phew. There we go. Now I can work. In pajamas.

Have a great day!

Good morning August!! I guess I lied a while back in my post when I said I really enjoyed reading your post first thing in the morning... I usually read it before I go to bed!

TMI means Too Much Information (I think). Wow, I feel like I might be getting the hang of the abbreviations!

Your McDonalds/McConalds comment made me think of Eddie Murphy in Coming to America where he starts as a janitor at McDowells. LMAO at that movie!!

Who in the world would wax their nose hair?? Honestly! ROTFLMAO.

Alright, I'm tired (and about to eat some chicken pizza), so I'll BBT. (that's 'be back tomorrow' for those of you who are abbreviation-retarded like me!) :p
Hi, Arista!

Too much information - I see! Now I'll have to go back to see what was too much info that Jen gave me. :)

Yeah, yeah, I did see Coming to America - the guy had McDowell's with the golden Arc. LMAO. I guess it must have been "different" enough for the movie to use it without having McDonald's get angry.

>Who in the world would wax their nose hair??

No kidding LMAO! But if the company had to go to the trouble to write it, would that mean that there had been at least one complaint from someone who said that the they bought it and but it didn't work on their nose hair? Scary!

I guess application of the hot wax would look something similar to application of that new hay fever medicine.

"Applying medicine. Sorry."


Have a good sleep!

Oh, Jeanette, you came back! I just saw your other post in yesterday's (well, yesterday only for me) thread. If your body tightened up, it must mean that you lost a considerable amount of fat, even though you may not feel that much different in your clothing or on the scale. I saw your photos and your already tone body looks more defined. Anyway, fantastic work! You must feel so great. (Urhm, two cardios plus two bike rides equals lots of cardio to me. Am I the only one? I can't be the only one.)

Anyway, thanks for dropping by and we'll chat with you again soon, I'm sure!

Congrats on finishing what sounds to be an amazing challenge!
Goodmorning haters.

August, so good to see you here bright and early again. Oh, so close and yet so far to the KK's. We don't have any close, so I can only dream. The kids sell boxes of them as fund raisers, but they are just aren't the same, I hear, as a fresh, warm, gooey, sticky, KK donuts hot out of the oil, glistening with glaze. As for substituting bathtub scrubbing for a run, I think I'd rather stick to the run.

Arista, DOMS means delayed onset muscle soreness. It's when you hurt today due to yesterday's workout. Everyone knows you don't wax your nose hair. You snip it very carefully with the nail scissors. Have you ever tried to pluck and errant nose hair? My eyes water just thinking about it.

Jen, Michele's "Sis" is Melody, a wonderful woman who used to post inspiring and funny stories about her boys. We got to know her mostly on the <--thread. She has gotten very busy and doens't post much, to the dismay of all who know her. Michele and Melody refer to each other as Sis since they share so many aches and ailments.

Todays the rotation calls for another 20 min run and some ab work. I checked the forecast and it's still cold today, high in the 20's, but it should be sunny, so I think I'll give it a try. I have to get the bedroom cleaned out in preparation for painting and carpeting in the next 2 weeks. I can't stand the thought of all the bedroom crap in the livingroom for the next 2 weeks, but it must be done. Guess I'll just have to live with it. Oh well, a good excuse not to dust and vacuum in either room for a while.

Have a great day all. BBL.
I was back but now im going again
My ride for the plane arrives here in 45 mins so now its throwing the last few things in the suitcase
I wanted to check in and listen to Augusts rendition of the going on's of the list
You have a wonderful way with words...

Jen How are you feeling, is the bug or whatever it is that you had finally gone??

Do you girls create your own rotations??
And dont answer me this one now, since i wont be able to read this thread till i get back on Monday, But
what would anyone suggest as a rotation for a beginner, (in rotation) and a beginner in commitment.

Suppose you gals never excersized or watched your weight and decided now to begin what steps would you take..

but think on that, Ill ask again when i come back so i can read answers
By the way August I just emptied my refrigerators, cause i didnt want Mr. Ched, and Mr. ApplePie to get green in my absence.
August is back! YEA!!!

Mariah, I'll keep you and yours in my prayers. I promise an answer to your rotation question when you get home.

I only have a minute to say hello. I need to shower and get going but I'll try to post later on. DH will get home earlier today though, and we may be going out to eat. :9

I could not finish PLB yesterday:eek: . I am such a workout weenie!!

I think doing LIC the day before is what caused the problem. I hadn't done a step w/o in several months and my legs really felt it. Does that seem right? Gawd -- I have LIS today. Please PRAY for me --lol!

Have a great day everyone:*
Good morning Haters!

August - What time is it where you are when it is morning here? Unfortunately for my waist line there is a KK on just about every corner here, and the drug reps bring them to the clinic all the time. I stand strong and resist b/c I know if I eat one, three will be in my belly in a blink of an eye! And no, I didn't get to the treadmill last night.:-( I was too exhausted from work.

Robin - I'm not sure your rotation is suited for the winter months (ironically, since as I remember it was a Nov rotation!) I don't run, and I certainly don't run outside in winter! More power to you.

I did part of IMAX 2 this morning. Where is everybody? bbl:7

Edited to tell Michele I'll miss her while she's gone for the day and hopes it is for fun!
Hi, All!
Well, it's so good to read August's post first thing in the a.m. She keeps us all so well-informed. But I still feel a little out of the loop.

Mariah: thoughts and prayers are with you while you're gone. We'll help you with your rotation question when you return - just remind us - my memory is failing in my "old age."

Michele: LIC is a tough workout, no doubt! The 8" step is a real killer, which is why I probably don't do it. Like Jen, my legs tend to bulk up with a lot of step so 4"-6" is about all these thunder thighs can handle. You and your DH seem really close with each other. Always doing this together, like going out for lunch. I love that...

Robin: how exciting that progess is being made on the bedroom. Living with the clutter and mess until then can be a little tiresome, but you're right - no vaccuming or dusting in the living room! :)

August: so close, yet so far away from the KK's. LMAO!! 4:00 a.m.? YIKES! I've never had a massage or a pedicure, although DH would love it if my sandpaper feet were smooth. Needless to say, we don't play footsie very often...:(

Speaking of scrubbing the tub, that is probably my least enjoyable task around the house...

Ummm...licking of the feet...I had an old boyfriend that liked to do that...maybe he had some foot fetish or something. Now that I think about him, that is kind of odd, isn't it?

Shelley: you workout in the nude? I have a new found respect for you - all my jiggle would make me ill...

MSY: yep, if the workout isn't done in the a.m., it probably doesn't get done. Although, I've been splitting my workouts and have to really force myself to do the p.m. workout. It's usually weights which doesn't take very long and that's the only saving grace.

Dana: hope you feel better. You should have some of Arista's chicken and barley soup.

Jen: I emailed you a bunch. Hope you're training was, well, over. :)

Corrie: YIKES about the cockroaches - August, I'm afraid to ask how you know so much about cockroaches - is that a problem over there? I'll say it again, YIKES! I guess that's one positive about living in MN is that it's so darn cold, we don't have bugs in the winter time or about 6 months out of the year.

Netta: KUDOS to finishing P90X. I haven't done it but it seems quite popular here.

Deb: where is Deb? Doing P90X???

Diane: hope you're feeling better. I have to see your ticker so I know how far along you are.

My two-a-day w/o's have been going pretty good. I didn't do them on Monday or Tuesday because I literally didn't have any energy after moving furniture around for 10 hours. This morning I did KM, just the combos and then combo 3 & 4 twice. That was enough. Tonight, it's GS BSB. I got GS CT yesterday so that's on tomorrow's schedule.

I did contact my business attorney who refered me to another attorney in his office. We have a meeting scheduled for Friday about this name issue. He'll give me my options, then we'll go from there. He said it may all be resolved with just a letter. August, you're right, I do not want to be involved in some long legal battle. I can contest the name with the Secretary of State. I know for sure I'll start the trademark process so this doesn't become an issue again.

I wanted to share this recipe with you all. It's great if you like gooey, chocolately stuff. It's my new favorite mid-day snack. I love it with an ice-cold glass of milk.

No Bake Nutrition Bars - (Stella Juarez recipe)
5 tbsp natural peanut butter, chunky or smooth
1 cup oatmeal
6 scoops chcolate whey protein powder
1 tsp fanilla
1 cup non-fat dry milk
1/2 cup water (or more)

Spray an 8x8 baking dish with cooking spray. Combine dry ingredients in a bowl; mix well. Add peanut butter and mix. The mixture will be dry and crumbly. Add water and vanilla. Mix until dough forms. The dough will be very sticky. Spread dough with a wooden spoon or spatula that's been coated with non-sticking cooking spray. Refrigerate a few hours (or freeze for an hour) and cut into 9" squares. Keep refrigerated.

Very sticky, but oh, so good!

I'm off to the grocery store today and help my mom fix her broken computer. BBL!

Hi ladies -

Sorry I have been gone for a while. I found out Monday morning that I had to work on this huge project due Wednesday that had me in a conference room full of 15 other lawyers from Monday-Wednesday from 8 am to past midnight. So I haven't really had a chance to sleep very much, much less get online.

But I was able to sneak away yesterday long enough to go to my doctor's appt. The baby is doing GREAT and we even got another ultrasound pic! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

It was a crazy appt though. DH and I got to the appt and found out the doctor was an hour and 1/2 behind (had to deliver a baby that morning). So we went downstairs to a cafe that is in the same building as the doctor's office to get lunch while we waited. We sat down to eat our food and before we could take our first bite, a fire alarm went off and everyone started running out of the kitchen of the restaurant. Apparently the water sprinklers went off in the kitchen. So we had to evacuate the restaurant and ate some of our food outside. We ended up waiting 2 hrs and 20 mins to see the doctor (with the fire alarm going off intermittedly throughout the wait, making it even more fun ;-) ). The doctor tried to find the baby's heartbeat on the doppler for a while but couldn't find it, which of course sent me into a panic. She said that happens sometimes this early, but that we needed to get an ultrasound to check on the baby. We get hooked up to the ultrasound machine, and it ends up being broken. But I freaked out again because the doctor didn't tell me it was broken, just that she couldn't see anything on the screen. I thought that meant there was no baby!!

Anyway, the ultrasound machine got fixed and we saw the baby and it was kicking its legs around and waving its arms at us. The hearbeat was nice and strong at 174 bpm. It was so cute to see it wiggle around in there. I'm also glad that DH got a chance to see the baby, he didn't get to come to the first appt. We got a few more pics that I will post once I get the chance. Anyway, my schedule is back to normal today so I finally get a breather! I am also planning on telling my work friends about the pregnancy at lunch today. They already know (they aren't dumb) but we will finally get to talk about it.

Anyway, I need to catch up on some other work I have today since I have been out of pocket for 3 days, so I will try to come back later and catch up on personals.
Hi everyone.

August - har-dee-har-har, so you think it is FUNNY for my 5-year old to mouth off to the teacher??? I'm boxing him up and shipping him to Tokyo, so there! :p Last night he insisted on having some hot tea, so he wanted to know what was in the tea bag. I told him and specifically told him not to open in. Don't open it= I"ve got to open it and see what's in there. So there was tea all over the counter and it is still there b/c I'm sick of cleaning up after him. Oh so close but yet, no KK. You almost had it. I bet the aroma was wonderful and you were drooling but yet you couldn't set foot in the building. How dare they tease you like that??? Ha! You didn't get in til 4:30am? I'd be dead.

Arista - I could use some of your soup right now. It sounds really yummy. I love in Coming to America when they get up off the couch and you can see all the outline of their heads from their hair products. Too funny. Is this weekend Ryan's b-day?

Michele - how far did you get in PLB? Next time, try one of the premixes if you aren't up do doing the entire workout.

Terri - I'd be upset too. You put a lot of hard work into your job and I would not want my business confused with someone that just started a business. Glad to hear that your rotation is going well and that you are able to get in your workouts 2x/day. Are you going to do your weight and measurments weekly? Oooh, your goo sounds delish. Do you have any idea what the calories, etc are and how many servings? I'd eat the whole thing probably.

Mariah - have a safe trip!

Diane - whoa, what a doctor's appointment. Have you ever heard the old wives tale that high heartrate=girl? ;) I did one of those old wives tale tests and I was sure Gannon was going to be a girl. So, how surprised were your co-workers when you told them the news?

Jen - you mean that they make the blonde version of 4-wheel drive? Mine is pretty simple, you just turn the dial to hi or lo. It was acting weird yesterday.

MSY - I too stear clear when co-workers bring in junk (which is all too often)

Robin - I only did LIS 2x but I like it. I forgot to tell you how relieved I am that Greyor is home. He is such a fighter. Do you have any running on your rotation for next week? Next week is supposed to be in the 50's. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So you are a pro at how to prevent a child from stealing food??? How about sprinking food? Gannon had a bag of doritos last night and he sprinkled them all over the couch. LOL

Last night I thought that I could workout so I chose something moderate (C&W) and I couldn't do it. I did the warm up and combo #1 and literally thought I was going to pass out. So I went upstairs and plopped on the couch. Then to make things even worse, TTOM arrived this morning. Try dealing with the PMS cravings when you gave it all up for Lent! I've been eating bananas w/pb, cheese and Nutri-Grain bars to satisfy my cravings.

Have a great day ladies!

Hi Cora, Deb, Kate, Jana, Shelley, and anyone I may have forgotten.
*runs in*

HI girls!!!! Work is stupid today. As are the people I work with! So this will have to be quick.

August - I'm sending *kill all the people in line at KK so August can get a donut* vibes!

Arista - I think I saw Coming to America. I don't remember. Maybe I was stoned.

Michele - LIC has leg work, yes? Did you do the leg work in LIC and then try to do a leg workout the next day? Crazy woman!

Terri - oh that bar thingie recipe sounds awesome. It has PB. I love PB!

Mariah - sending safe trip vibes!

Diane - good Lord, your day sounds incredibly stressful but I'm glad you finally got to see little waving limbs!

Jen - so, what time will you be in your jammies tonight? I'm actually GOING OUT DANCING tomorrow night! First time since last July! I'm giddy with excitement.

MSY - thankfully nobody here brings in junk. I'd have to kill them if they did. It would be ugly.

Dana - I suggest you sprinkle the tea on Gannon's dinner.;-) Oh, I hear you on the freaking Lent cravings. I have slipped up once with a cookie. BUT I've also lost an inch off my waist, an inch off my hips and half an inch off my thighs. No idea how that happened.

To everyone I missed - HIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!

Okay, back to the madness.
Hi everyone- can I just ask ya all this? is anybody out there going through pre-menopause (there is such a thing, right?) I mean should I start a check-in for that? I mean when is all that stuff suppose to happen?? I have been soooo tired and unmotivated these last few weeks (I will get to P90X in a moment)- I sleep about 6 hours anight usually and last night I managed 7 so I should be really rested and I feel so tired sometimes, and don't get me started on the hotflashes that I've been getting here and there-anyways in regards to P90X (I am ducking all the tomatoes and workout equipment you're throwing at me right now)-I didn't start it (YET) but wait!-there is a good reason-like I said before after doing 2 years of GS (just kidding, it was 3 months) I got in a rut and I would work out here and there well since it's impossible for me to concentrate on 2 goals at a time, 2 weeks ago I decided to start eating clean (I mean cleaner than I ever had in my life-no sweets-NONE!), I got a week into it (with plans to start P90X) and lo and behold pants that havn't fit me in a long time are fitting real nice, so I wait a few days and I'm looking sideways in the mirror and I'm saying to myself-is my pooch smaller? yeah I think so, so March 1 comes and goes and March 2... well the bottom line is- I think I built up alot of muscle with GS and I'm eating so clean and the lbs are melting off some of those "last" pesky pounds that I don't want to mess with the formula just yet and add in aheavy duty weightlifting program and have to up my cal, etc. whew-and then you guys are always working out so since I havn't been for 2 weeks I was feeling sheepish about posting- I am going to give this "recovery" period another weeek to a week and a half and then (as you all are my witness) I am starting P90x then (reasons-I want to, hubby would be upset if I didn't-it was a gift from him, and I want to be buff for the summer) so I'm leaving the room now and whats this-a banana peel-now who threw that?
Oh Deb should I just smack ya now??? The pounds are melting off of you? I hate you!!!! J/K I know you invested a lot of $$$ with the P90X but if what you are doing is working now, I'd be leary of changing too. We'll all be here, patiently waiting in 2008, when you decide to start P90X.

I don't know anything about pre-menopause but my friend, who is 34, is going through it already and she has an appt w/her OB/GYN b/c she needs to start taking hormone replacements.
Just stopping in real quick to say today stinks... I am so busy at work & mentally drained still from yesterday. My stomach hurts but I know it is just stress.

I am supposed to do IMAX tonight...UGH! I am going to really try to convince myself to do it but not sure I really should since it'll probably do more harm than good since I'm already mentally drained. We'll see how I feel when I get home, I am really going to try.

I will BBL, probably around 7 tonight so for those of you who aren't tonight, hope you have a great day!
Hi all. Just jumping in for a quickie.

Jen, do the workout. Nothing relieves stress like a good sweat. And IMAX goes so fast. Set out to do half. I bet by the time you hit #5, you'll want to go all the way.

Diane, what an appointment. I'm glad it all turned out well. What did your friends say? Do any of them have kids?

Oh Dana, a cold and TTOM. No wonder you couldn't do C&W. At least you are sticking to your Lenten decisions and not eating junk. I'll hold Deb down while you beat her up.

Deb, good for you with the clean eating. That is my one and only issue. I can work out till the cows come home, but I just can't clean up my eating act.

Michele, I read about your mouth in the <--thread. Poor thing. I hope the gel and guards help.

Shelley, let's see, violence, drugs, rock and roll. What happened to sex? I don't remember seeing it in your post. You are certainly an allwildgirl.

I didn't do the run. The wind kicked up. I hate running on a windy day in the middle of Sept. Forget about it in sub freezing temperatures. Instead, I did the all step pre-mix from Cardio Fusion.

Gotta go start dinner. Lots of hugs and workout support to everyone else.
Hi haters!

Sorry for the absence, just experiencing a very stressful, busy week. I just wanted to let y'all know that I am thinking of you and trying to catch up.

Deb, one thing I did with P90X is add them in individually for the first two months. I knew that I would be going on vacation and didn't want to start the rotation until I had returned. This helped me have *fun* with the workouts, but not be obligated to a rotation. I usually don't enjoy long rotations and prefer to design my workouts weekly. Just a thought...

August, sometimes the smell of Krispy Kremes is just as pleasurable as actually eating one. Really! When my family gets them, I stick my head in the box, inhale, and refrain from eating. Yes, my DH and kids will attest to how odd I am... :)

Robin, HA! I just began this line with an <--! I am such a wimp when it comes to the cold. It is 65* here today and I am still sitting next to my trusty space heater! Isn't Cardio Fusion step fun??? I'm sure your bedroom will turn out lovely. :)

Michele, Egads, girl. I am sorry that you have to get a crown! I grind my teeth too, but my blasted nightguard doesn't fit properly, so I don't use it and have already cracked a molar. ;( I hope you have a nice dinner this evening. Did I tell you how much I LOVED your story about your DH at the laundromat? He is so darn cute! hey, now I sound like August! :D

Terri, I am sorry that this company is giving you such a headache. I don't blame you for being annoyed. I hope it gets worked out soon. good job on the workouts! You are really dedicated and will surely see awesome results! :)

Mariah, I am so sorry for all that you are dealing with. Please accept a great big ((((HUG)))) from me and many prayers. :)

Jen, I agree with Robin that Imax would help relieve your stress. Just go for half and see...Is your stomach still bothering you? I would be exhausted after such a long day at work. UGH!

Arista, I have a friend who compiled a scrapbook for her DH's 30th bday and it was awesome. She sent blank pages to his friends and family and had them put a pic with a "special" memory on the page. It was wonderful for him to see how important he was to so many people. Anyway, my point is that your idea is good! :) You are a very thoughtful girlfriend! I have been married for 16 years and my DH is lucky if he even gets lucky on his bday! ;-)

Dana, oh the joys of children. I wish I had some wise words of advice for you, but I don't. I struggle with mouthy kids every day and even though they are decent, caring, wonderful human beings, they think I should wait on them hand and foot. I hope your cold clears up soon and that you get some time to rest. :)

Diane, how exciting for your DH to finally see the little one! Your work hours are amazing. I hope you are able to relax the rest of the week. How did lunch go?

Shelley, now, you are really telling me that you are boring???? Puhhhllleease!!!!!!!!!! I got a migraine just going to a Sting concert because the music was too loud. I can't imagine dancing in a mosh pit to Tool all night. :eek: Hey, I bet you will burn a phenomenal amount of calories!

MSY, Good job on the workout! I can't imagine being a doc and raising twins. That must be very tiring, but rewarding. I hope your day went better than yesterday. Imax 2 is one of my favorites. :)

Alright, I am making barley burritos for dinner in honor of all of you barley lovers. I hope y'all have an enjoyable night as I am off to study. Later! To any and all that I forgot, please forgive!!!!!
Just seeing what ya'll are up to tonight.

Kara - barley burritos? What are you putting in them besides barley?

Jen - sorry you are feeling sick this evening. Stress stinks. I agree w/Robin - at least try to do 1/2 the workout. Then have 2 of your hot chocs! }(

I just ordered Powerstrike and the Pilates Maximum Burn dvd's. I figure that I can do the pilates one on Thursday nights when DH isn't home. I can do it in the living room while the kids play rather then going down to the basement. Hopefully I"ll have it by next Thursday.

I still feel like crap. Now my ears hurt.

Boring? Ya wanna hear boring? I'm heading to the couch to watch "Wheel of Fortune"!

Talk to you all tomorrow!
Hey you!!

I can't play at all. I tried to post a few hours ago but lost my internet connection and then I fell asleep. DH just got home and we're trying to decide between going out to eat or ordering carry out. I think at this point I'd be happy with carry out. I haven't done a workout yet so I probably won't get to it today. I sure have screwed up the first week of my rotation;( . I may have to start all over again next week.

KARA!!! I'm so happy to see you here. Recipe please!

Diane, you had quite a day! I can't wait to hear the reaction from your coworkers.

Jen, I hope you manage to get some good rest.

Everybody, I can't do personals right now. Rest assured I read all ^^^ and laughed and cried where appropriate (yes August, I cried about the whole KK donut debacle:eek: :p :7).

I'll try to stop by before going to bed, but just in case I don't make it, I'll see y'all tomorrow.:*
Good evening haters...okay, I looked at my workouts for the rest of the week & saw I had Powerstrike 1 or MIC for Sunday...so since IMAX is more step cardio than just cardio & I am trying to lean out my thighs, I decided to do Powerstrike 1 tonight & let me tell you I am glad I did. Worked up an awesome sweat & burned some calories!

August- The "TMI" was to me sleeping naked EVERY night! }( Repeat after me, I DO NOT NEED KK, I DO NOT NEED KK!! They are evil, avoid at all costs! I am actually not having any kaluha tonight, can you believe it? I am saving myself for tomorrow night!

Robin- Thank you for explaining who "sis" is for me!! That stinks that she isn't around much anymore. I was going to do IMAX but then thought...why are you making yourself do a step w/o when you are trying to trim your thighs & you know the step bulks them? So, I did powerstrike 1, which is also a HUGE stress reliever...I feel SOOO good now!!! Thanks for the words of encourgement!

Mariah- I am feeling wonderful, thank you so much for asking. Hope you have a safe trip, we'll be waiting for you to post on Monday.

MSY- Don't sweat not getting to the treadmill, hey you did part of an IMAX this morning & those aren't easy!

Michelle- I won't stand for you calling yourself a weenie...okay?

Terri- I will be checking e-mail shortly. Glad you contacted an attorney though & hopefully you can just scare her into changing it. Those sound really good...I can't make them though or I'd eat the whole pan! I did print it out though...

Diane- It is so good to hear from you, I was beginning to get worried. I am glad the project is done & hopefully you can catch up on some sleep now. So, did you tell the girls over lunch? How did that go?

Dana- Yep, I've got the blonde 4wheel drive. I don't have to do anything, it senses when it needs to kick in & just does it. I know it is easier said than done but try not to beat yourself up over not working out, especially with TOM here, just try to eat as healthy as you can & give yourself a break. You have a full time job & 2 little boys to run around after, you get your workout & you are too hard on yourself. You are so pretty & you need to hold your head high! ;-) Hey, you will like Powerstrike, talk about stress relief. And hey, I've been listening to wheel of fortune while typing this and I'm already in my PJs... I'll give you a run for your money on the being boring!

Shelley- I was in my PJs at 6:45 tonight!!! :) I have a date with the couch & my kaluha & diet hot coco tomorrow night after doing B&G Leg Blast Premix & the floor glute work. Where are you going dancing? That sounds like a lot of fun, there is no where to go dancing here in Springfield. St. Louis is the closest happening town & it is about 1 1/2 hour drive.

Deb- I won't beat you up over not starting P90X, as good of a program as I know it is it isn't one for me. I tend to build muscle so easily so I need more cardio and high rep/light weight work. I love Tony's Power 90 master series & I have the Slim Series by Debbie too, between beach body & cathe I have SOOO many workouts! Glad to hear the pounds are dropping for you, that is always such a good feeling, isn't it?

Kara- The stressful week thing must be going around! Tomorrow is Friday though, ONE....more....DAY! My stomach is so odd, I hate it. I've been going in stages.... one week I won't be able to go at all & then the next week (like this one) I have been going twice a day & a lot each time, sorry I know gross...but you asked! ;-) Thanks for asking! Barley burritos, that sounds really good. Good thing I can't cook, I'd be so much bigger!

Okay, well off to check e-mail & raid the fridge...think tonight will be fat free pizza free w/ turkey pepp! :)

Catch you guys tomorrow evening & Happy Friday!

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