HATE - Mar 23



There was a major storm in Oogi's village today. Thunder, lightening, the whole works! Oogi splashed around in the rain and made puddles running all over the place. I guess she was excited after finding she'd successfully made a pretty pink hybrid tulip! http://bestsmileys.com/flowers/13.gif YAY!

As for myself, I'm getting ready for my out-of-town business trip this weekend. I'll be gone from tomorrow until Monday.

You guys do remember what out-of-town business trips mean to me, don't you?

That's right! DONUTS! http://bestsmileys.com/fainting/4.gif

ROBIN - Thank you for your nice compliments. I took French in high school but never used it so it drained out of my accessible brain cells. It sure would be fun to speak a European language. They just sound so good.

I loved your subbing story with slamming the door and the glass on the door breaking. I'll bet those who were students then still tell stories of how they had a teacher get so angry she went nuts and broke glass.

>It felt pretty darn good. Especially when it was done. DH and I went to an open house for a friend who moved his office into a new building. I ate way too much, but I'm hoping registering for the Road Trip will help me start to eat better. Of course, I hoped that 2 years ago, and I think I gained 5 pounds. Sigh.

LMAO! Anyway, I'll keep my fingers crossed that you have no trouble with registration for the road trip!

KARA - Urgh, Spring break is eating up all your time meant for US! LOL.


>i clicked on this the post came up starting with exercise and then cleaning etc etc without looking who posted it i knew it had to be Jen


That's generous of you to be helping your friend with his eating. I'm sure he's grateful.

Actually, I don't think I've talked about how I got to be living in Japan. Have I? There was a music contest in Japan (I'd been an exchange student, so my host family sent me the info) that I entered, just as I was finishing up college. I ended up coming to Japan to compete in the following contest after passing the first stage. And then, as the ol' cliché goes, one thing led to another. My brother came to live in Japan a few years after that.

LORA - Nope, no Kundalini. No yoga nothin'!

JEN - I'm sorry to hear you're so stressed about work. That sounds awful. But HOT sounds AWESOME. I love love love it when it gets steamy humid hot and I don't have to use covers! I love to wake up and not feel cold & stiff or dry & parched (from the heater being on all night). Bring on the summer! Bring on the heat! http://bestsmileys.com/sun/4.gif

HEATHER - How are you doing? I've been thinking about you tons and hoping you are doing all right.

Shouts out to the rest of you!

Okay. Going to go pack now. :)
August!!! You beat me again!!!
Hi Everyone!

Well what a blah day! Clouds and rain and oh so grey. I tried to work out, but just couldn’t get into it. Had no energy until late in the afternoon, but needed to do laundry, sweep, tidy, cook, clean toilets and so decided today would be my rest day this week.


I re-read my silly question about carbs. I just thought maybe I needed to up my servings of grains. I wasn’t thinking about the carbs in almost every other food (duh!). So do you think I got enough carbs today?
Breakfast: Oatmeal, blueberries, brown sugar, hemp hearts, soy milk
Snack (eaten 2 minutes after completing breakfast): 1 slice of ww bread with peanut butter and honey
Lunch: large bowl of cabbage-tomato soup with ½ cup of beans thrown in, strawberry yoghurt
Snack: Smart-pop popcorn – amount unknown (shared with children) & diet-caffeine free Pepsi, large bowl of vanilla ice cream with lots of pecans and chocolate sauce (NOT shared with anyone – HANDS OFF!)
Dinner: Kara’s yummy barley-bean-corn burrito filling, amount unknown, 1 ww flour tortilla, 1 avocado, about a tablespoon of Ched, maybe ¼ cup of salsa (I am still stuffed)

I’ll see how my energy levels are tomorrow and report back! I also do my weekly measurement on Friday mornings – I will NOT report back!

I am really curious as to how so many members of your family ended up in Japan. I’ve never been to another country except the USA, and honestly, it wasn’t too much of a culture shock.


Please let us know how you are doing. I haven’t seen a post from you anywhere on the forum.


Glad you got some sleep.

Honest, I do eat very well!

Today was not a typical day. I have a large spinach salad every day with a couple cups of veggies. My snacks are typically fruit and/or cottage cheese or veggies and hummus. I rarely eat anything that is not whole grain. My weight loss has been very slow and consistent because I am trying to make sure that I can eat this way for the rest of my life. I love losing weight, but honestly, my goal is to optimize my health so that I can be active for the second half of my life.

Also, if I get cancer when I am 52 (like my mom), I can tell my daughters (who will only be 16 and 18) that I worked hard to be here for them as long as I could. I made the decision to wait to have kids, and sometimes I worry that I should have started earlier.


Graphic Arts!!! That sounds so fun! I think I’ll be going back to school once both my girls are in grade 1. I just need to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. (Certainly not a Production Scheduler as I was in my previous life before children.)


Thanks for the laugh today. You are hilarious!


Just listening to a little music in your honour:
I like your pants around your feet…And I like the dirt that’s on your knees….I like the way you still say “Please” while you’re looking up at me…you’re like my favourite damn disease!!!!
TeeHee – I’ll give it a break now, I promise!!! (Do you have freckles on your chest?)

http://www.smileyhut.com/weapons/tanke.gif http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/shared/pictures/Nickelback/t_NICK_LIVE_EP.jpg


Yummy recipe! I added extra spice (we like things a bit spicy around here). My four year old ate 2 burritos!! I thought she was going to explode!


Hmmm….haven’t heard anything about your tummy lately. Is it better, or are you just trying to keep us off your back lady!!!!???? Quit doing so much! (You make me feel like such a slacker.) You need to relax…maybe you need to check out the article from the “Best Exercise You’re Not Doing” thread in OD. To quote Shelley:
That's all well and good, but I want to know more about this...

"There was also the adult-film star I trained who had an orgasm every time she did hanging leg raises, but that's another story."


I was glad to hear you were giving up LA Weight Loss. http://www.smileyhut.com/excited/kicking.gif I saw a news show on it with former sales people/counselors and they DID NOT have good things to say about the company.

I know you will be able to lose weight – we all know what we should/shouldn’t eat. The hard part (for me at least) is being honest with ourselves about what we are REALLY putting in our mouths. I learned this during a frustrating plateau. Also important to remember is that there is no going back – the more you lose, the fewer calories you need!!!! I am pretty smart http://www.smileyhut.com/characters/garth.gif (be nice everyone – I know what you are thinking!!!!) but that last fact was a real epiphany for me and help me through more than one sticking point.


I love your quote – my sister has this same one on her IM profile sometimes (she changes them LOTS).


I am sooooo jealous that you are going on the road trip!!! I actually checked into the cost of a flight and sorry to say that I can’t afford over two grand just to fly out! Maybe some day when I have a job that pays money!


Oh come onnnnnn!!! Having a baby right now would soooo fit into your life!!! LOL

You ladies are very addictive. I can’t wait to hear what everyone has to say every day. If I have missed saying hi to anyone it is just because I am beat and need to have a cup of tea and go to bed.

Good night angels of Catheland! http://www.smileyhut.com/characters/angel1.gif

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore,
is not an act but a habit.

Corrie, you crack me up.

And I'll always beat you - I'm a freakin ENTIRE DAY ahead of you, after all!

>Snack (eaten 2 minutes after completing breakfast)
>amount unknown


Yes. I um, I think you, yes, you did um, meet your daily carb requirement. Yes.

>I am really curious as to how so many members of your family ended up in Japan. I’ve never been to another country except the USA, and honestly, it wasn’t too much of a culture shock.

Okay. There's one part of the equation that I've realized needs throwing in - actually, I think I've mentioned this before (?), but it's probably been ages since I have, so it's probably been forgotten. I'm half (asian and half caucasian). And so is my brother :* .

>Also, if I get cancer when I am 52 (like my mom), I can tell my daughters (who will only be 16 and 18) that I worked hard to be here for them as long as I could.

I want to say something about this, and I'm not sure how to go about doing it. On one hand I think it's good to be prepared and be realistic, and on another hand, I think it's more than reasonable not to prepare yourself to EXPECT it to happen, especially with a conclusion like what you wrote.

Do what you can to avoid it. But don't convince yourself that it's inescapable, because that is simply incorrect.

On a lighter note, your Nickelback album cover with the tank icon TOTALLY cracked me up. You spaced it out perfectly. Too funny!!

>"There was also the adult-film star I trained who had an orgasm every time she did hanging leg raises, but that's another story."

I did not read that.


Can uh, can someone teach others how to do that? :*
Hey hey hey!!!

How's everyone tonight? I've had quite a long and exhausting day. I tried several times to post but was continually pulled away from the computer for one reason or another. This was a shorter than usual work day for DH so we went out to dinner this evening. I was pretty good, although DH and I split a dessert -- buttermilk chocolate cake in a swirl of crushed almonds and butter toffee sauce http://www.smileyhut.com/eat_drink/yummy.gif

I did a c..c..c..cardio workout today -- Step Fit on the Cardio Hits DVD -- and O!...M!...G!...WHAT WAS CATHE THINKING!? http://www.smileyhut.com/surprised/yikes.gif I bought this DVD a few months ago but hadn't tried it yet so, in keeping with my pledge to incorporate the step into my weekly w/o schedule, I decided to give it whirl. Well, hilarity ensued as I stumbled and tripped my way through that blasted w/o. I swear Cathe had one too many cups of coffee when she choreographed that baby! I mean it had all sorts of twisting and turning and jumping -- aye yi yi! Well, obviously, I didn't do the WHOLE thing, but I did do more than 1/2 of it, albeit it with several modifications;)

August, it sounds like Oogi had a lovely day splashing through the rain puddles -- and the tulip!! I adore tulips. Ahhh, to be a computer generated cartoonish life form!

You'll...you'll be gone until Monday? I shall miss you http://www.smileyhut.com/love/kisss.gif

Hurry home and don't forget the donut!!

I'm copying you again. Yes you've gotten me completely addicted to the smiley again. I found another great smiley website: http://www.smileyhut.com/index.php

Corrie, OMG! I'm ROTFLMAO at your tank smiley firing on the Nickelback album!!!

We had a major big storm here in Ohio today, too. It was really neat. I love spring storms. It was one of those where you thought the sun might shine at any moment. I wish it would rain now that I'm going to bed. I usually sleep well during storms.

>>Honest, I do eat very well!

I believe you...I believe you!!:7

I'm POOPED! Sorry folks, I promise I read all of your posts and had a great time doing it, but I'm too tired to respond to each of you tonight.

I have an appointment in the morning to color my gray roots:eek:, and my highlights are in desperate need of re-highlighting (is that a word?). Anyhoo, I won't be around until later tomorrow.

Good luck to all of you who are vying for a spot on the RT. I wonder if the big sign up will crash Cathe's server:eek:

Alright, good night now and I'll see you tomorrow. August...DONUTS...chew slowly:*
Good Morning Haters and TGIF !!

What happens when you go out of town August?? I missed that story.....

Michele , I am in Ohio too and yes, we had thunderstorms and wind and crazy weather yesterday. Now we have standing water in our yard and more rain coming for the next several days!!:-( :eek:

LOL @ the fun you had with Stepfit !!!! The one I wonder how much coffee Cathe had was the step portion of MIC ! omg it moves so fast. I've got it now but it took me a long time to be able to do that.....fast feet, fast heart rate...I could NOT keep up for the longest time!

Step is my favorite cardio but I hear you......the stumbling and fumbling around is how I feel about hi/lo and kickboxing! ACK!!!:eek:

Is anyone from the Hater's going on the RT?
I'm not because we already have other vacations planned, so it's not gonna work this time.:(

I'm so glad it's Friday!!! :7
What's everyone doing this weekend??

Will pop back on a little later....gotta run!
I change mine often on my emails also
i am not sure i know how to do it here but maybe tonite ill give you all another dose of "Mariahs musings" Ive always wanted to write a column and call it that
"Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."
Judy Garland

I read this in Simple Abundance written by Sara Ban Breathnach, and this is the last paragraph in the daily thought ... very worth passing on

Did you know that Amish quilters will deliberately add a mismatched patch to each quilt to remind themselves that only Spirit can create perfectly? We need to rememver that. We should only strive to be fir-rate versions of ourselves. And our best is always good enough.
Hey ladies!

Jana runs in (ok, well hobbles in), takes a deep breath, looks around, reads about Michele's workout, falls on floor laughing on that one. Reads something about August and a donut? Get's back in wobble position...starts to wobble...wants to say HELLO!!! to everyone and tell Dana she is beautiful! Sends out a big hug to Preggers Diane, runs out the door...waves Hi and Bye to everyone and yells in the distance "have a great weekend everyone", turns in time to see she just face planted into the door, reminds herself to look when wobbling!!!
No Hate Friday

Good morning! :) It is Friday. I woke up early this morning to practice my speed typing drills for the Road Trip registration. ;-) I hope I am one of the blessed 105! :7

August, enjoy a donut for me! :9

Cora, thank you for your concern. You are so sweet. :)

Mariah, have a great day! :)

Michele, Step Fit is one of Cathe’s easier workouts. Are you sure you did not do Step Works instead? ;-) That one has a faster pace and more complex choreography. If you really did Step Fit, hold off on Step Works and Rhythmic Step for a few weeks. ;-) LOL! You may like Power Max on the Cardio Hits DVD. It is not my cup of tea because the choreography is more basic, and Cathe spends longer than usual teaching the combinations. It sounds like it would be a perfect fit for you. I like complex and dancy choreography with little breakdown. :7 The first workout I did when I received the new series was Cardio Fusion. I love that Body Max 2 bonus with no breakdown. I also love the Rhythmic Step Challenge when Cathe strings all the combinations together in rapid succession with no breakdown. Love, love, love it! :7

Becky, I love Maximum Intensity Cardio. But I am hyper! :7

Jana, nice to meet you. :)

Shelley, I sent you a PM. :)

Robin, get your fingers ready to type! ;-)

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).
RE: No Hate Friday

Good morning ladies!

I have been lurking for the past few days because I have been busy and also did not have anything interesting to report or say. My DH and I both have the weekend off (one of us is almost always working), so hopefully we can do something fun together. Evie (1 lb lighter) tackled Annie to the ground over a toy and I just finished some BM2 and LIC step. Nothing very exciting going on down here.

I'll catch up with you Haters later in the day:).
Morning ladies--special hellos to Jana, Kara, Briee and Heather where are you??

How is everyone today?-Okay I just had a thought-if I'm going to go into Graphic Design shouldn't I learn to add these effects that you're all doing?-I need a tutorial- well I did my sub training-it went well except the WHOLE time they kept talking about IF the kids don't behave, IF they get violent,'IF the situation escalates-I commented to the guy next to me-quite the sell job they are doing!! LOL-

Robin-I laughed out loud at the vision of you (yes I have a vision of you) slamming the door shut, glass breaking, and you glaring around at the class daring anyone to laugh..I'm askeered (yes that is a word just ask michele)-I'm not sure I want to do this subby thingy..help-

my DD had her play last night and she called me an hour and a half before it to say she was having really bad pain in her lower right stomach-she couldn't even stand up straight (not nerves)-per the mom of one of her friends who is an ER nurse I gave her some motrin and she said it probably wasn't her appendix cuz she didn't have the signs for it- well she started to feel better shortly after that and she made it on stage-woo hoo--it was a great show!

Okay now I have a question and want your opinion-I err on the side of caution usually but last night one of my DD's friends was staying the night with us (she has before) cuz she's in the play too and my daughter came home by her curfew (when they are under the age of 17 they have to be off the roads by 12)-and this friend was not with her and my daughter was having a hard time reaching her on her cell phone-a few minutes after 12 she called my daughter and said she was with another gir at this girls house (now I really do trust all these girls they are really nice)and could the extra girl spend the night at our house too- I said sure but told them they need to be careful it's after 12 they called back a minute later to say they would just stay there-I thought this girls mom should know she wasn't at my house-do you agree-but should I have called her myself-I told my daughter to make sure this girl (who is a grade younger than my daughter) to call her mom and ask-well I lost a little sleep cuz I never spoke with her mom myself-I just hoped that this girl had called-I'm usually so careful and responsible-I'm thinking I dropped the ball-I'm also gonna have a talk with this girl and tell her that she can spend the night here but she needs to get here when my DD does and on time--wheww-feedback?

I gottsa go-bbl--deb
RE: No Hate Friday

Hi Again!

Heather if you love StepWorks like I do, you gotta see the workout I did today! WHAT A BLAST!

I needed a cardio and weights type workout so I came up with this:

Stepworks warm up and chapter one
Timesaver chest & triceps
Stepworks chapter 2
Timesaver biceps & shoulder
Stepworks chapter 3 and cooldown
Timesaver stretch

Was 75 minutes of step & weight FUN!!!:7

NOW I am ready for my Friday!!!}(
RE: No Hate Friday

No time for personals, but goodmorning to everyone. I just finished sanding and painting the first coat on the desk. Now I preparing to do B&G. Then I will glue myself to the computer chair and start flexing my fingers in preparation to race with Heather. Later friends who hate.
RE: No Hate Friday

BECKY - Well, for some reason, there are absolutely NO donut stores in my area. Not one. None! But whenever I go out of town, my hotels are mysteriously ALWAYS down the street from a donut shop! It's absolutely uncanny!

You've probably already guessed it, but I won't be going on the road trip. Too bad you can't, either. What will you be doing for your vacation?

MARIAH - Hi there!

JANA - JANA?! Was that Jana?! Jana?!

DEB - Should I give you the tutorial on the smileys? I'm using a Mac so I'm probably doing it differently...?

For example, go here:


Then go to a smiley you like. On the left side you'll see an http address. On the right side you'll see the smiley. For the Mac, I click CONTROL and click on the smiley to copy. Then you bring it to your post and paste it in. Did that make any sense?

Glad to hear that your sub training went well. Too bad they were so pessimistic and focusing on all that "other" stuff.

Also so glad to hear that your DD felt well enough to get on stage. As for her friend saying she'd stay the night and then ended up not staying,...I guess it's better safe than sorry - to make sure that the mom knows, especially seeing that you felt off about the situation. If you knew where she was staying, you could call back to tell her that you had called her mom to let her know you wouldn't be hosting...?

HEATHER - It's good to see you here, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll be telling us stories about the road trip!

MSY - Hey, you! You, lurker LOL. I hope you and your DH will enjoy your weekend together. Woo hoo!

>Evie (1 lb lighter) tackled Annie to the ground over a toy


ROBIN - You are getting such the workout sanding and painting and all that. You must feel great (albeit exhausted).

So I just had some off time and I watched a Cameron Diaz/ Kate Winslet DVD that a friend of mine sent me. It was a bootleg, so the sound was askew, and every time there was any kind of incidental or background music DURING a conversation, the conversation would suddenly turn into RUSSIAN!! It was totally frustrating at first but then it became increasingly ridiculous as the movie went on. All the tender heartwarming scenes were in freakin Russian! It was totally funny! http://bestsmileys.com/expressions/1.gif
RE: No Hate Friday

Hey haters. I typed a nice post a bit ago and when I went to hit post, I was timed-out on this goofy system at work and all was lost. I tried hitting go back but it didn’t work.

I weighed myself this morning and I am down 1 more lb. Only 38 to go! Friday is my “official” weigh in day. No workout for me last night. DH didn’t get home until 9:00. I hope that I can workout tonight. DH is taking Gabe to an outdoor expo so I’ll have Gannon. Hopefully they won’t be gone too long. I’m going to have to figure something out for next week. Wed/Th/Fri nights I can’t workout out. I need to get up earlier in the morning. I really do. It is pouring right now so no walk for me at lunch.

So Michele, I am lost with these smilies? I clicked on the link you provided but when I click, or right click, on one, nothing happens so I can’t copy and paste it? Anywho, on the site you posted, there were 2 (I think) links to other smilie sites, so I went there. It was a foreign language and they had, NUDE smilies. I’m dead serious, it was a NUDE male smilie. I thought, OMG, quick, close out before I get in trouble at work for looking at nudity. NUDE, smilies. What the heck is up with that????? As for your bout with the step routine, I’m with you on that. When you attempt to do a workout like that, but spend most of the time trying to catch on or fumbling/falling/tripping, it is not much of a workout, eh? And then (at least to me) it feels like you’ve have wasted the entire workout time. That is how I felt when I attempted that pilates DVD last week. For the 50 minutes I wasted with that, I could’ve done 1 CoreMax segment and 30 min on the eli.

Robin – I think I told you I was off the wrong day. I am off, Thurs, April 5th. Are you working? Good luck getting signed up for the roadtrip.

Heather – you too, fingers x’d that you can sign up for the RT.

Becky – I am not going on the RT.

Arista – I didn’t read yesterday’s post but were you able to get refund for you money that you spend at LA Weightloss?

Deb – I’m glad that your DD felt better and did well in the play. As for her friend, I would’ve called the girl’s mother. Although you said that she is a good kid, she needs to show you some respect. She was supposed to be staying at your home and she should’ve came home with your DD. Sounds like she was up to no good – I was a teenager once you know. And I think my mom would have a heart attack had she known some of the irresponsible and stupid things I have done.

Shelley – well thanks for jinxing me. Yesterday, I leave work, turn on the car and Nickleback is on the radio. This morning, turn on VH1 and there they are. Get in the car to leave for work and yep, you guessed it, on the radio. All 3 times it was the same song. Damn you!

Corrie – I saw the same show you did on LA Weight Loss. I think it was Dateline maybe? Did you see that woman who spent $1000’s and she was still overweight? $2000 for a flight to NJ? That is insane!

Jana – hey stranger! What cha up to? How many frequent flyer miles are you up to now? How’s Miss Marley doing?

August – so are you headed anywhere exciting this weekend? Make sure you eat a big, fat PB filled donut for me.

Hi Diane, MSY, Kara and everyone else! Have a wonderful day!
RE: No Hate Friday

Hey August, my co-worker just told me her sister is coming to Tokyo for business. She is leaving on Sunday. After Tokyo she is going to Bankok (sp???). Wish I could come with her.
RE: No Hate Friday

Yay, I'm going on the road trip. Double yay! I'm gonna meet Heather and Kara and a bunch of other really neat people.

I finished B&G, but had to cut some of G part off. I had to babysit so DD could go to class, which ended up being cancelled.

Dana, I have to work April 5, but I get off at 3 and could meet you, weather permitting, at Montour Preserve by 4 or 4:30, I think.
Nude smilies!!! What is this world coming too?

August, so now you are adding Russian to your languages? You could work at the UN. Have fun out of town, and enjoy a donut for me. I'm going to swear off donuts until August 10. Yeah, like that will ever happen...

Becky, that sounds like quite a workout. Did Aunt Flo come yet? I thought she came to my house this morning, with some spotting, but it must have been a false sighting. I hate menopause.

MSY, have a marvelous weekend.

Corrie, Shelley, Kara, Diane, Janjan, others - Hi! What did you hate today?

I have to go finish packing for the weekend and probably won't be back till Sunday. I have a rest day tomarrow, and will try to run on the treadmill at the hotel Sunday morning. Have a great weekend. Bye.

Michele, I hope you are now rootless. Did you get ANY sleep. I tossed and turned, as expected, thinking about the mmm-mmm until about 1:30. That's when Greyor started screaming. I feel pretty perky now though.

Deb, congratulate your DD on her wonderful show. I miss seeing my DD perform.

Heather, I'm so looking forward to meeting you.
RE: No Hate Friday

August-wait before you leave town- your post this am got me hankering for donuts , so I stopped by the local Quality Dairy and mowed on a plain cake donut--I have to tell you SERIOUSLY-it wasn't worth it-the inside of my mouth felt sooo greasy after I ate it- I'm amazed every day at what foods taste "yucky" to me after all this clean eating I've been doing-so don't do it-LOL--deb
RE: No Hate Friday

Yes, Robin, Aunt Flo is visiting now!
She's not my favorite relative, but I was glad to see her after all that pregnancy talk in here!!!;-) :p
It would be my luck to be in perimenopause and end up pregnant!!!:eek:

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