Miss Lee

Good morning!!

In case you didn't read my last post last night, I did finally do my workout. I don't know why I procrastinate so much because I really do love the GS workouts, and the C&T superset premix is fantastic! Kitty tried to help me at one point. I was doing the triceps exercise where you lower the DB behind your head, and kitty was next to me on the weight bench, standing on his hind legs and trying to massage my armpit:7 . Have I mentioned recently how much I love having a real workout room with a real, adjustable weight bench -- it's great for incline presses and flies;)

Corrie!! We've missed you around here. I know what you mean about trying to keep up. I have a hard time with that myself. I've been known to lurk on occasion.

I'm so sorry your DH has been sick. Wow, a fever of 104! I hope is on the mend and you can salvage something of his trip home. I'm sure you took very good care of him.

August, I hope you were able to get a little rest today. Is it still snowing in Tokyo? It was snowing here when I got up this morning but it seems to have stopped now. It's burrrrr burrrrr cold outside x(

Mariah, good luck with your lasik procedure. I'll say a prayer for you.

I have to, HAVE TO, do my cardio this morning. I have an appointment this afternoon with the dentist. I need another crown x( and they're prepping the tooth today. I always get a migraine from the injection they give you to anesthetize your mouth and I just hate it -- but the actual dental work doesn't bother me at all. Soooo, I may not BB until tomorrow. If I get a headache I'll probably come home and go to bed.

Have a great day everyone :* :*
Hey haters!!! I'm checking in during my clean fest.

Yesterday I cleaned the upstairs (3 bedrooms, 1 walk in closet, 2 bathrooms and the landing/hall) and it took me 6.5 hours!!!! I cleaned everything, washed windows, curtains, etc. I was exhausted. Today is the downstairs and I have no desire to clean. I'm only going to do 1/2 today.

Shelley - Knoebels is an amusement park. www.knoebels.com It is free to get into and free parking, you just buy tickets for the rides. I hope that I am not out of line here but . . I've been working in special education for almost 6 years and I have the best, most knowledgable supervisor and she ALWAYS says that when a child is diagnosed with ADHD, many of these children are also gifted. I have problems with Gabe (not staying on task, unfocused, lack of self control) and she insists that I get him tested for gifted. From what you've posted about Sophie she is an extremely creative, artistic and smart little girl. You are not a bad mom, you are a wonderful mom. I hope that you are feeling better!!!

Michele - I haven't started the April rotation yet. Here are my excuses for the week for not working out: Monday, DH not home. Tuesday, took Gabe to T-Ball. Wednesday, too tired from cleaning and DH not home. Today, will be cleaning all day and I have to go to Wal-Mart tonight. I'm thinking of starting the rotation on Monday, oh well, I'll just be a week behind all of you guys.

I had to pop in and run but the mop is calling my name.

Have a great day everyone!!! I'll try to get back here later.
Hey Dana!

OMG, all that spring cleaning can go towards your workout. That IS a workout! You would die if you saw my house -- it's a freakin pig sty:eek:. My mop was calling my name so I stashed it in the corner of my laundry room and shut the door :p

I completely agree with you that Sophie is likely gifted. She's clearly very artistic and creative, and loves to read, and just look at her gene pool, for crying out loud! Shelley is one smart cookie herself ;)

I just finished breakfast and I'm about to hop on Eli. I wish there was a little Eli smilie somewhere. I'll see y'all later :*
Morning girls-

Dana- I didn't know people actually did spring cleaning, I just thought people talked about it like they did-LOL-keep talking about it and you may just motivate me to get er done...

michele-I am really liking P90X-now it's only been the first week but last night (8 o'clock again) I went down to do my workout thinking it was gonna be 1 1/2 hour long yogsx but it was shoulders & arms & ab ripper x, and I was relieved!-LOL

shelley-I agree with everyone else here-please don't feel like you can't unload on this thread (i mean should I just point out or remind you of my George Costanzaesque moments of a few weeks before?)-and little sophie sounds like one neat kid-didn't she write some song lyrics or something a little while back-thats impressive-and take some time to spoil yourself, soon!

august-so it snowed in Tokyo??-same here but I live in Michigan so we always get this weird weather-now you havn't been talking about working out that much lately are you still on your recovery week (s)?-LOL

hi to everyone else-Diane (are you getting any bigger?), Corrie, Becky, Terri (where are you), Heather, Mariah, Briee, Arista-web design (sounds interesting),Robin,Jen, MSY (where are you?), Kara (where are you?), Jana & Kate where are yous?) and anyone else I've missed---bbl-deb
I'm back from work (it's 11pm), and I'm in my PJs with a nice warm mug of soymilk.

While I was hanging out on the snake sofa, I sneaked a peak at the Cathe forum and read that post about Body For Life....and then the next thing I knew, I was doing a search and getting all intrigued. Uh oh. It could have been the part about "20 minutes" of cardio that caught my attention (didn't see the INTENSE part of the 20 minutes, so nobody say nothing!).

Anyway, now that I'm home on my own computer, I can do the search again and take some notes. Heheh. But first I wanted to say hi!

MICHELE - Good for you and your workout! You really seem to be in a good groove!

>In case you didn't read my last post last night, I did finally do my workout.

LMAO!! You're cute. And so it your kitty!! That must be so awesome having the workout room all set up. Remember when you'd have to lug stuff out and about just to work out?

It snowed that tiny bit yesterday, but I didn't even see it. Someone told me. Like a few flakes. But I sure FELT it. http://www.smileyhut.com/misc_expressions/dry.gif I FELT it. And it's still cold now. I've got my heater back on, now that I'm home.

Anyway, I'm wishing you good dentist wishes.

>My mop was calling my name so I stashed it in the corner of my laundry room and shut the door


MARIAH - Oh yeah! Now I remember you were talking about the Lasik! I'm wishing you the best! And I'm guessing you won't be able to check in for a few days. At least you better not! You need to be resting your eyes!!

CORRIE- I'm glad to hear your DH is doing better. It sounded awful, but if you're going to be sick, it may as well be when you're home with someone who loves you! I'm sure he felt as comfortable as can be with your nurturing!

>Getting home at 4am!!! How old are you lady??? 19, 20???
>Who were you with? What were you doing?

Heheh! Oooh! You almost guessed my age to a T! http://www.smileyhut.com/naughty/naughty.gif

Don't worry, I was a good girl. I was still at work with the people I work with. Being in music makes for wacky hours. If I have to leave my apartment to work, things don't usually start until 2pm or so. But coming home has a range of different hours, usually from around 11pm to 2am. But sometimes 4am. And if you can believe it, I left EARLY. http://www.smileyhut.com/misc_expressions/crazyeyes.gif My partner stayed there and finished things up.

DANA - Hey Mrs. Clean! I wish you could come over and give my place a clean, too. And my place is teeny so it would take you like five minutes, and then we could just hang out! Anyway, that's so great that you're cleaning like that. I wish I could feel inspired to do that. Maybe when the weather gets better and my schedule settles some. Or maybe not. Heh.

DEB - Haha! I know, Spring Cleaning - it sounds so cliché! Yay, you're liking the P90X! Have you been checking in some with the Xers?

>now you havn't been talking about working out that much lately are you still on your recovery week (s)?-LOL


Did you have to bring that up? LOL. No, I realized something interesting.

***A hush falls over the crowd of Hate getting ready to read about August's incredibly reasonable excuse***

I have kind of a big work project that happens about every two years, and right now I'm on the hump of it. Things are busy and I'm out a lot, and I absolutely cannot afford to get sick. What with my getting a bit of weirdness in my throat on THE day I started back on a rotation http://bestsmileys.com/doh/1.gif I got a little spooked and I didn't want to give my Army of Virus Fighters any hindrance.

Anyway, it then occurred to me - I became religious with my eating and exercising two years ago - just around the time I was finishing my last big work project!

***Compassionate but somewhat leery gasps come forth from the crowd of Hate***

So that's the story. I mean, reason.

And that's why I'm now looking at things that say 20 minutes of cardio LMAO.

Wait a minute. I need to wash my face before it gets super late. Plus, I'm going out of town this weekend, so I've got to pack, too. Urgh.

Be back later!

ETA : I realize it doesn't hold much water to those with jobs and children and husbands...but I'm...
I'm....delicate. http://bestsmileys.com/angles/9.gif
Good evening, August!!

Oh wow, your work sounds pretty intense right now. You know, I've heard there's a direct link between cardio and vocal fold nodules. It probably has something to do with all that whooping so you better lay off for now -- it's for your own good. Bwahahahahahahaha :p

What Body for Life post. Link me link me!

>>Remember when you'd have to lug stuff out and about just to work out?

I still have nightmares about it:eek:

I'm sitting here waiting for my hair to dry. Curly hair is such a pain. If I touch it before it dries it gets all frizzy and I end up looking like a sheep ready to be shorn:eek:

August, if I miss you before you go, have a great weekend and take care of yourself. No cardio, ya hear!? :p :7

I need to get dressed an hit the road. I'll see ya :* (how many times have I said this today -- lmao):*
Hi, Silly Michele!

Thank you for warning me about the harm that comes from cardio and vocal fold nodules. I had the inkling that there could be some major danger. I know you know about medicine, and I completely trust and value your judgement, especially when it's in my favor :D . I will take your advice. Yes. Yes. Watch out for cardio. I will take your advice indeed. http://www.smileyhut.com/love/kiss1.gif

Now. For that post. I'm surprised you haven't been there. The title is : "Real Stories of What Happens When You Do Less Exercise"


Needless to say, my eyes zipped right to that topic.

The post of interest is by rnyogamom.

I have naturally curly hair, too. If it were only a good natural curl, rather than a totally annoying one. That's why I got my hair straight permed. }(
Oh yeah! Dana, you used to follow BFL, didn't you!

Let me squeeze your brain and get me some info! }(

Okay, it's 1:30am and I should be trying to get to sleep. Instead I'm doing a massive research on BFL in the search engines. x(
OK... So heres the scoop

I didnt get the surgery
They found something wrong with my cornea which means i would be too high a risk.... Im ok with it, a bit disappointed, yes, devastated, NO
But I am a bit annoyed that the pre op didnt come up with that
Thats what their job is, and the surgeon was a bit annoyed as well and said he will be looking into it
I took off work I had a friend take his morning off (he is retired but he still changed his plans around) and drove me an hour away and it all could have been avoided if the original screening was aware.
The doc in the surgical place spotted it immediately

so thats it
MARIAH - Urgh! That is incredible that there was such an oversite at your screening! I mean, that is downright unnerving that they could miss such a thing! That surgeon better be annoyed! http://bestsmileys.com/angry1/4.gif I mean really, to get your hopes up high, to make you spend all that time going back and forth (not to mention inconveniencing your friend), unneeded prep eyedrops (had you used them, LOL)......well, thank goodness the doctor spotted it immediately!! Anyway, I'm sorry that happened. I'm thankful it wasn't as bad as it could have turned out. Really, thank goodness.

MICHELE - I had a dream about you last night! I dreamed at first that I was watching some funny DVD. Soon enough, in the dream, I was on my way to an awards show for the comedian who had starred in the film. And his sister, was YOU! And you were also an actor getting an award! You invited me backstage to hang out with you after your open conference with the media and many fans.

I went backstage and you were sitting at a table, waiting for your next interview. I sat down and we started joking around. You started laughing telling me about how you had been in a period piece and had to wear all sorts of binding corsets, and why couldn't the costume department make a corset that would at least make you look slimmer LMAO! You were really funny, and I was laughing a lot in my dream. Then I picked up the DVD that was actually a book, from off the table where we were sitting. I began to study the back of it.

On the back of the cover, there was a list of your "favorite things" and "things of the moment" for you. And there, in the middle of the back cover, I saw HATESVILLE and your involvement there. I felt so proud! http://www.smileyhut.com/misc_expressions/blush-anim-cl.gif I said, "Oh man, I HAVE to buy this!"

Then I woke up.


It was fun hanging out. You're quite pretty.

All right. I'm eating breakfast now.
I so wish I had tomorrow off, Wells Fargo only gives us like 6 days off a year as "holidays"... stinks! I get 25 vacation days but that is vacation/sick time all in one. I would LOVE to have tomorrow off.

Shelley- I agree, we must have been separated at birth, we have a ton of things in common... as I sit here eating cereal. I figure I just need to polish off the box so it is gone & not buy anymore! I am really sorry you are down... lots of kids have ADD, actually I think a lot of us probably did too but just wasn't recognized back then. Don't feel like you could have done anything different. Are you okay, I didn't know you are having health issues. {{{{HUGS}}}}

Mariah- Wow, that does really stink about the lasik...you would think they could have told you that when you went in for the screening. I would've been very annoyed.

Becky- You with the cereal too? I wonder why it seems to be such a trigger food for so many? Maybe it's the carbs?

August- Yeah, he is still there, he is the VP over pricing... the group that prices the loans we buy from brokers. I am in sales, I kiss butt to the brokers to get them to bring the loans to me & Wells Fargo. Sorry it is cold there again... unlike you though, I don't enjoy the muggy hot weather either, I just want it to be 70-75 everyday and then in the 50's at night...that isn't too much to ask, is it?? Love the dream about Michelle, LMAO! You feeling any better?

Corrie- Good to see you!!! Ah, that is so sweet of you, your comment made me smile. I am so sorry your DH has been sick, that is no fun at all. Like you said, at least he was home, it is always more comfy to be sick at home, if there is such a thing as comfy when sick. I am feeling a little better today, work is so busy I just really have to deal with it during the day but my workouts haven't been as good & I've been starving lately & have had no control over my eating!

Dana- Wow, can you come clean my house next? I did clean behind the stove again the other night. Sport lost the ring to the milk carton under the stove & was staring under it so I felt bad & pulled it out to get it for him, since I had just cleaned behind there not too long ago wasn't very dirty at all.

Deb-Hello there!

Okay, well I'm going to go get some more cereal... I am on a mission to finish off the box so I am not tempted by it anymore! It calls my name, Jen...look over here at me, I know you are hungry & want more cereal... AH, THE VOICES!!!!!
Hello haters!

I'm a long time lurker, but it's time to join in.

Just to set the record straight...I don't hate cardio AND I don't hate weight training either. So you are asking yourselves, why the h*ll is she here?

Well! I HATE missing out on a good time, and there are plenty of good times to be had here.

I also HATE cold, snowy weather in April, which I am seeing way to much of in my neck of the woods.

I HATE that the arrow thread isn't what it used to be.

A little about me......I'm 47, married and I have 3 boys ages 22, 19, 18 (thank GOD I finally figured out what was causing that!)

Hello All! It's a pleasure to be here.
Hey Tammy- We must have been posting at the same time, WELCOME!!! We love to have new people join us... you say you are an arrow lady so I know you know Michelle! Pleased to have you here!

I am 29, soon to be 30, single and live in Illinois...so, any of those boys of yours single?!?! Just kidding, I have yet to accept that i'm not "young" anymore! :)
Jen~ Thanks for the welcome... and yes, I know that cardio-hater Michele very well!

PS: Yes the boys are still single...:7
AH! I just realized today is my 1 year anniversary at Cathe's! http://www.smileyhut.com/happy/gap.gif

TAMMY - http://www.smileyhut.com/happy/hiya.gif We're so glad to see you're joining in! Welcome! You have three sons, 22, 19 and 18?! Wow, the pheromones must by flying!

>thank GOD I finally figured out what was causing that!


If you introduce Jen to your sons, can I be introduced next?

Yes, let's hate snowy Aprils together.

Anyway, I look forward to getting to know you better!

I'm, uh, going away this weekend. http://www.smileyhut.com/misc_expressions/dontgetit.gif But I look forward to getting to know you better when I get back.

JEN - Don't get me started on cereal. I used to eat it ALL the time. At my all-time peak, I finally figured out that I might not do well with cow milk. LOL....My throat is better, thank you. It's still mildly sore - like if I leave it open for too long, it feels dry. http://www.smileyhut.com/misc_expressions/ermm.gif Well, you know what I mean...Does the summer weather get hot and muggy for you in your area?...That is totally cute about Sport and the milk carton ring!

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