Hate being late!! April 19


Goodness, August gets out of her PJs and everyone disappears. I've been really busy at work and when I get a chance to check out Catheland, everything reads like Blah blah blah to me. I hope you all are having a better day then I.

Michele, I hope the nasty sinus infection clears up soon. We miss you. Are you deskunked and loverly now? My hairdresser called me today all confused because I had made a color appointment for next week and a cut the week following, when I usually do them together. I told her not to be confused. I'm getting the color a week early so I can impress Shelley and Sophie with my youthful look.

Speaking of Shelley, where are you today? Any Dana? I don't expect Jen until later, and everyone else has been MIA lately. Diane, deb, Arista, Mariah, Terri, MSY, etc, etc? Tina, I hope we haven't scared you off.

The plan is for PLB this afternoon. I have to do the grocery shopping after work. I'm picking up ingredients to make a Ceasar Salad with Tofu Croutons, Spring Vegetable Saute on couscous, and a roasted salmon dish for dinner. The first two menu items are from last nights class. It was lots of fun and I hope to do it again. Only trouble is, it ain't cheap.

I hope you are all having a great hatefilled day.
Hey Robin.

Did I miss something? What class did you go to? The food (well except for the Salmon) sounds really good.

I'm pretty busy today and then tonight, sheesh, I have another busy night. I have to clean up b/c I left the house in a whirlwind this morning, then I have to make dinner, do laundry, make chocolate chip cookies for Gabe to take to school tomorrow (it is his birthday) and then I have to go to Wal-Mart to get him a birthday gift. I doubt I'll be able to workout (again). Urgh!!!

Michele - how did your hair turn out? Do you look purty???

Where is everyone?
Oh, I'm here, but stupidly busy. Haven't had time to post anything lengthy.

Robin - your dinner sounds yummy, especially the salmon! I'll pass on the tofu croutons though. Tofu and I don't get along. Far too proteiny.

Dana - happy birthday Gabe! Don't you love the ritual of having to send something for the class when it's your kid's birthday. Oh yeah. I have so much time for that. What are you getting him for his big day?

All right, back to the piles of paper.

I'm having the day from hell. I swear, if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all (wasn't there a song about that?). It started at about 5:30 this morning when DH woke me up and informed me that he made an appointment to drop his car off for repairs. He needed me to pick him up at the mechanic's shop and take him to work. So, okay, I can do that, but it would've been nice if he talked to me BEFORE he made the appointment.

So when I got home I couldn't get out of my car. The %^(*^%$ door handle broke on the inside of my car!! I had to climb out of the passenger side and in the process I bumped the holder for my sunglasses and broke that, too!!

I scarfed down a quick breakfast and headed out to my hair appointment, only to find that my stylist was running about 20 minutes behind.

Wait...there's more...

Then I come home and I hear a rustling noise in the dining room. Upon investigation, I found kitty peeing inside a paper bag that was left on the floor. There was an empty box in there, too, so I checked it, and yep..he peed in there, too.

So now I need to get kitty to the vet (he may have a urinary infection -- that's what was wrong the last time he peed outside his litter box), then pick up DH from work and take him to pick up his car, then pick up something for dinner, then...then...then %*^%*%(#&$ I'm totally hyperventilating now x( ;( x( ;( x( ;(

How are you guys!?:* :*
Whoa, what happened to the haters? Three posts today, that's it?!?!

Robin- Your dinner sounds wonderful, how do you make tofu croutons? That sounds interesting, haven't had a lot of tofu but I know it typically takes on the flavor of whatever sauce you are using, or maybe in the case of croutons whatever spices you are using?

Dana- What was for lunch today? Sorry you are so busy at work, I know the feeling. My work is so stressful right now, I am mentally drained every day when I leave that place. I can tell it is wearing on me to b/c my body is drained also by like 9 at night. I don't blame you one bit for not working out, trust me if I had a full time job and a family like you to take care of there is no way I'd have the energy to workout like I do. I barely have the energy now and I have zero people to take care besides me!!!

Shelley- So how long of a drive is it for you to Robins? What workout did you do today?

Michele- Very sorry you had the day from hell, I hope it got a little better for you. Did you get the kitty into the vet today? I hope it isn't anything serious. Friends of mine just lost their dog last night, he was 15, but they also have a cat in the vet hospital right now on a feeding tube. They're having a really hard time and they are the most caring loving people I've ever met. They lived in the other side of a duplex I lived in before buying my house. They have since moved and live about 2 hours west of me. I am not kidding they take in any stray animal they find and they have even stopped to pick up a cat they saw get hit by a car & rush it to the vet and spent like $200 trying to save him. If the world had more people like them it would be a great place to live. Travis has been e-mailing me at work the last two days just so sad, I wish I was there with them.

Well I did Powerstrike 1 and a 30 minute hip, thigh, and butt workout. I am exhausted & starving. I'll BBL to see if any haters have come out of hiding!

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