HATE - Aug 1



Everybody! Everybody!! Announcement!!


http://planetsmilies.net/music-smiley-7506.gif http://planetsmilies.net/party-smiley-551.gif

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAVE A GREAT ONE, DANA!!

And seeing that you've already had sticky buns, I see you're off to a smashing start. Oh man, fresh, hot and gooey. How could a birthday be any better than that.

Okay. I have a lesson to share with you. I'll call it :

Kitty Litter Scrimping - Just Don't Do It.

LMAO. So today I took a look into the ol' litter situation to see if I needed to put in new stuff. It looked like the crystal sand beads were just at the end, but I decided to sift it some to get the unused crystals up top and use them for another day or so. Cham came to watch, as usual.

Actually, usually when I start to clean up the box, they both come and try to climb inside. But today just Cham came, and then only to look from the side watching me sift the sand.

Little did I know that Cham was thinking, "Oh. Oh, I see. That's how it's gonna be. Okay. I see what you're doing. In that case..."

A few moments later, Cham had wedged herself in between the box and the adjacent wall and there was so little space that all her feet were lined up like she was walking a tightrope, and she just stood there not moving, all wedged in. Seeing this I laughed, and said, "Cham, you doof, what on earth are you doing wedging yourself in between the box and the wall like that!"

She looked up at me.

And all of a sudden...


It was actually kind of endearing, the poor kid, making sure that I knew that it was not time to sift the crystals but to throw them out and put in fresh ones. I kind of scrambled to lift her out of her wedged in pee space (carpet, urgh) and put her in the dirty crystals box where she begrudgingly continued to do more major business (phew!).

So I got the message. And I changed the crystals. And I thanked her for doing #2 in the dirty box.

I sure hope she doesn't prefer the side of the box now, on the carpet. I sprayed with Nature's Miracle. I learned my lesson. I apologize.

And now it's near 1pm and I'm starving, I haven't worked out and I need to do some work.

So here I am posting. LOL.

JENNIFER - Soooooooo.....tell us more about this guy.???http://bestsmileys.com/listening/1.gif

And who's Woman in Pursuit? Do you know her? Would she make things hard on you if you were to also be Woman in Pursuit?

>no working out or walking till the heat drops.

LMAO! Here here!

BECKY - Socks and the deck! LMAO!! Him and his all "WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED ??!" LMAO! Sometimes Mooch will stretch while napping on my sofa and slowly slide off the side with a big thump and he makes that WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED ??! face. I imagine it's pretty shocking off a sofa let alone how that would be falling off a DECK!

MICHELE - Cool for your DN! The lead in Fiddler! Wow! That must have really been something to watch! If I were a rich man! Doy dle doy dle doy dle doy dle doy dle doy dle doy dle dee!

I think you definitely should stick to the elbow brace LMAO. Too bad there was nothing for like an entire arm/shoulder thing that straps to your neck and then you could really get the special treatment.

> I'm not working out today because I just don't want to -- how about THAT!


And I totally cracked up reading about your kitty stretching out to touch your food. How cute is that!

I've tried secretly flicking water but they stop for a second like "huh?" and then resume. LOL.

I've also treid double-sided tape and it seems to be working as a fun sticky toy, LMAO.

Oh, I saw that Ms. Potter movie on the airplane! Except that I saw the first 90% of it on the way to London, and then the last 10% of it on the way back.....which is definitely NOT the way to watch a movie LOL!

I'm sorry to hear about how your weekend turned out. That sounds worrisome and frustrating. It must make your MIL happy to feel that she can offer to help out. I guess your BIL must feel safe knowing that you and your DH are around, too. But what a bummer that you always end up having to change your plans to come to the rescue. It's good that you were able to be there for your DN.

I can just imagine that you and your DH are very good at rescuing. I certainly would feel at ease knowing if I had a Michele and DH nearby should the need arise!

Urgh, that tax thing would totally p me off. In fact, it's not just reading it p'd me off. How on earth can they charge you to pay if you don't do it directly?! Well, at least you got a fun lunch out of it.

> My store was selling fresh catnip plants so I bought one. You shoulda seen my Johnny! He did a face plant right into it.

LMAO! Apparently catnip doesn't do it for kittens until they're about 6 months old. I can't wait to let them dip into the nip!

For now, I'm just growing fresh grass and they love it. http://planetsmilies.net/party-smiley-554.gif

DIANE - That's so strange about such a difference in your blood pressure from being up to laying on your left side. I guess if the doctor thought you should stop working, he'd tell you. But that would worry me, too, and considering Michele's idea to work from home might be something to consider. And keeping track of your BP wouldn't make a doctor think you're nuts - they'd think you're aware and are taking precautions for yourself and your baby. Anyway, I'm sure you are, but just try to be especially aware of taking things slowly and easy.

And congrats on another fun party. It sounds like it must have been so cute! I'm looking forward to seeing the new pics.

Oh! I just got to your photos! You look great and everything looks so nice! Oooh, the cake! Yum! What's the green drink?

That must have been awkward meeting your sister's "new" boyfriend. How is it that they went to business school together when he doesn't speak very much English?

That would make me feel quite uncomfortable to hear that my daughter's new boyfriend who became my daughter's new boyfriend when he shouldn't have been becoming a new boyfriend, who doesn't speak English well is moving to be with her and "hopes" to find a job, and if not, he and my daughter would move to Brazil. Yikes.

>especially since the boyfriend didn't seem very interested in getting to know us or making a good impression.

Eegads. That just sounds wrong all over the place. In fact to tell you the truth, it kind of scares me. I realize what with your situations, you're not exactly in the best position to advise her, but I hope one of her girlfriends will. Do you know if her girlfriends are trying to talk to her?

DANA - Hey, birthday girl!!! You had boxes and boxes? Last week was files and files! And for your birthday it's sticky buns and sticky buns! Not a bad situation.

Have a wonderful birthday!!

JEN - Hey! Haha, you're nice to ask me for a kitty update. Both squirrels are currently recharging. They had a very busy morning - sneaking into the cupboards and knocking plastic Tupperware down while I was trying to put away some things, researching the closet a little more, going nuts over a crumpled piece of paper, doing gymnastics on and in the emptied soymilk box delivery, and demanding to be and remain the first one in the big cloth bag I bought to store some winter clothing in. And then there was the litter fiasco.

What's this about an issue. Are you all right? What's going on. What issue?!

All right. I've simply got to eat now. And then work. Maybe I'll try to do something this evening. Dana's talk about MM premix made me want to do it.

Have a great bday, Dana, and the rest of you have a great day! I hope it is filled with sticky buns (the kind you eat...sorry, didn't need to write that but I did).

:* :* :* :* :9
Good Morning Haters !!!

HAPPY AUGUST, AUGUST !!!!:7 This is YOUR month !!!!! ;-)

I love you kitty stories ! OMG at your little Cham "telling" you it's time to change the litter !!!!:eek: What a smarty pants!!! ;-)

I am so out of it here. I am terrible about posting consistantly !!!

I have to go back and see what's new, and what everyone is up to !

My big news is that DD got the job at the new resteraunt/deli !!!!!!!
She put in an application on Sunday, interviewed yesterday and they hired her on the spot !!!!!!!:p She was happy and is excited about working there . It looks like a great place, with a yummy menu (nothing fried), mostly sandwiches, wraps, soups and salads. I can't wait to go there and be SERVED by my teenager !!!!!!!}(

The MIL saga continues.
The dr. that was treating her broken bone, released her from his care and she's taken that to mean she can go home (back to living alone). Her sister wants her to stay with her, and that's been working out great - from my perspective anyway, ;-) She takes her to her dr. appointments, helps with her care, etc...
Once she goes home, I will be responsible to drive her everywhere and do her shopping, cleaning and laundry.
She called my DH the night that her dr. released her and wanted him to pick her up RIGHT THEN !!!!! It was going on 10 pm and her house has been empty for 2 months ! It needs to be cleaned, she needs groceries , etc..
He told her he wanted to talk to her dr.s first and see if they are alright with this and she said that was fine but it didn't matter, she was going anyway and if he didn't take her home, she'd find someone else who would !!!
When he told her that she needed to be patient and let him get lifeline installed and call about other senior services, she started crying and (here goes her famous manipulation........) said that he just doesn't understand what it's like not to be wanted by anyone !!!!!!:eek: x(
She has GOT to be kidding !!!!!!!!!!!
We have offered a GAzillion times to take her in....her sister is telling her to stay at her house...
DH finally is to the point where if all she wants at this stage in her life is to go back home, he's going to do all that he can to make it safe for her, but we know it's just a matter of time until she falls again!

That gets you up to speed with that !

I am trying to find a rotation for August (the month, not our favorite Hater;-) ) and am just floudering around..... I don't enjoy working the lowerbody and have stopped doing lunges,& squats with heavy weights and don't do step ups and deadlifts AT ALL since they always aggravate my back , so that limits my l/b workouts. I think if I did Cathe's Aug. rotation I'd be subbing the whole thing!!
What's everyone else gonna do ??

Well, I am too chatty for 6 something in the morning !
I'm going to find a workout and get busy!!}(

Have a good HUMP day everyone !!!


Becky:7 :7
Good Morning Haters.

About the guy, John. The woman that is pursuit of him already doens't like me at all, too much competition. I hardly know him but feel we have some connection/interest and both times, we had a great time together. It was fun. I hardly know her, the woman in pursuit. Honestly, I would prefer it for John to pursue me. He's 48, divorced twice:-( , college-educated, plays basketball for recreation, has 4 kids all grown. He lives in the city of Holland and I live in NE Grand Rapids. He is about 6' 4" and I'm at 5' 1 1/2". I don't plan on seeing him again till the end of the month.

Happy Birthday, Dana!! Have a FUN DAY!!

August-love those kitty stories.

Becky-Hang in there! MILs can be stubborn. Congrats for your daughter on her job!

Congrats to Becky's DD on her new job! Yay! And she got hired on the SPOT! Awesome! And it sounds like a killer place to be able to get the job, too. Ooooh lucky MOM! LOL!!

Yes, the month of August is awesome because Dana starts it out and I finish it up! Woo hoo! :p

Thankfully, Miss Smarty Pants seems to approve of the new litter. When she went in for the first time after I'd changed it, she stood on the box entryway and announced "meow." (I'm not kidding. She really did. In a rather "urgh, the things I have to do to keep things clean around here, for goodness sakes" kind of way LOL.)

I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL. It must be awful for her (I know I keep going back to her perspective - I have a problem with that ;-) ) to have to rely on everyone and to feel bad about stuff. Somewhere along the road, somehow family becomes your life and then things seem to get all mixed up. Anyway, I hope you'll all be able to find the best solutions.

>I am trying to find a rotation for August (the month, not our favorite Hater)


Actually, I wouldn't mind an August rotation. :D

Okay. Back to work. Work. Back to work.
Morning, heading off to work but had to stop by to say...

***************** HAPPY B-DAY DANA!!!****************

I will bbl on this evening. :)
Hi, Jennifer! We must have been posting at the same time. Or maybe we started out posting at the same time, and then I had to feed the monsters, and then I got tardy.

>Honestly, I would prefer it for John to pursue me.

LMAO! Did you mean to write "her"? Is this some kind of subliminal message? http://bestsmileys.com/thinking/4.gif

Woah, he's 6'4"?!

>and I'm at 5' 1 1/2". I don't plan on seeing him again till the end of the month.

When I read that, I thought you were going to write...."and I'm at 5' 1 1/2". I don't plan on seeing him again till I grow another foot."

LMAO! (I'm about your height, too, just so you know ;-) )


I don't think pursuing a man who has been divorced twice should detour you. If you both enjoy each other's company, why the heck not?
Hey, Jen!

We must have been posting at the same time!


Okay. Chat with you later.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a FANTASTIC day! And cake -- you better have cake:p


AUGUST - I'm cracking up over Cham! What a diva http://planetsmilies.net/not-tagged-smiley-10239.gif

Oh yeah, I remember reading about you making a movie of your kitties with the double sticky tape -- ROTFLMAO!! I'll bet that was a hoot. Cats are nothing if they're not totally entertaining. Now, what is it you wanted to do with the tape?

>I've tried secretly flicking water but they stop for a second like "huh?" and then resume.

Oh no, no -- you can't flick, you must spritz. I don't know why but it makes a difference -- lol! I think spritzing with a squirt bottle is more forceful or something. and not that they won't come back for more, but it still works better than flicking. ;)

Did you like the movie, Miss Potter? I did, even though they trivialized her life. Sometimes it's good just to be light. I'm loving the book. Last night I read The Tailor of Gloucester -- tonight it's the Tale of Two Bunnies:+. I mean geez, I had to look a few words up in the dictionery -- LMAO! Do you know what a pipkin is? I didn't :p

JENNIFER -- ooh, be careful with this guy. Just, just be careful. I don't mean to sound judgmental, but 2 divorces would definitely send up a red flag for me. I do agree with you -- I would rather be pursued. That other woman sounds like she might be a bit desperate.

I didn't realize you were in Grand Rapids. One of my oldest and dearest friends lives there. She is battling breast cancer right now so if you have room for an extra prayer I'd appreciate it.

Your dad sounds like a real gem of a guy (find someone like him;) ). I can tell from previous posts that you have a tight bond with him. My DH does some mission work, too. He goes to Mexico once a year to see patients in a very poor area.

BECKY -- congrats to your DD for landing a job! She must be so excited! Is she working in a chain restaurant that we would all know?

Is your MIL by chance Italian? -- ROTFLMAO!! I mean really -- she sounds a little like MY mom, who was quite adept at manipulating people and laying on the guilt trips;) . It was rather comical but there were times when I just wanted to smack her;) . You cannot succumb to her manipulations or it will just get worse. I think we have a duty to care for family as best we can, but it doesn't extend to allowing them to take advantage of us. I'm sure it's scary to reach the point in your life where you become dependent on others, but there's just no excuse for treating anyone the way she's been treating you, IMHO ;) .

JEN - hey you! Have a good day and I'll be looking for you tonight:*

ROBIN - aren't you due back today. Please come back -- I MISS you:* :* :*

DIANE - have you had your appointment? What did the doctor say? What's your BP doing?

SHELLEY -- oh Shelley. I know you're out there. How was the wedding?

I KNOW I'm missing someone, but who? Let's see, I got August, Dana, Jen, Becky, Jennifer, Robin, Shelley -- I think that's it. Hello to all you lurkers and former haters:* :*

I need breakfast http://planetsmilies.net/eat-drink-smiley-5146.gif http://planetsmilies.net/eat-drink-smiley-5164.gif http://planetsmilies.net/eat-drink-smiley-5162.gif I'll BBL:*
Hey all. I'm checking in real quick but will try to get back on after my lunch break.

Thanks all for the b-day wishes.

Before I exit, AUGUST, what the heck are you growing for your kitties????? Take a good look at the smilie you posted - that don't look like lawn grass to me honey!!! LOL

OK, BBL!!!
Morning haters...

I'm full of hate today, but I just popped in to say:


I hope it's fabulous and you get spoiled, like you deserve to be:)

Did the boys make you brekkie in bed?

I'm retreating back to my hole now. Has anyone noticed that I'm the moodiest beeyotch on the face of the planet?
Happy birthday Dana!!

Sorry just have a minute to post. I was put on bedrest until Monday and I am not in bed when on the computer. I had high blood pressure again at my appointment yesterday, which once again went way down to normal when I laid on my left side. My regular doctor is out of town this week, so I saw someone else. There is no protein in my urine and I have no other symptoms of preeclampsia (which is great) but she decided to do some blood tests to check my liver and kidney function and also a 24 hr urine test. And she put me on bedrest until Monday. I think she is just covering her behind b/c she is not my regular doctor. My next appointment with my regular doctor is not until next Friday, so I find it weird that my bedrest ends Monday (when my regular doctor gets back in town). She said to come in earlier if I keep getting high bp readings at home before my Friday appointment though.

Anyway, I am pretty stressed about being home. I had some Court deadlines I have to get pushed for work and a ton of stuff planned this weekend, including my first childbirth class. DH and I decided to do some of the stuff we planned this weekend (go to the childbirth class and to a birthday dinner for DH's dad), but not do some other things we planned on doing (going down to the beach with DH's family on Saturday or going to church). I also will be working from home for a few hours each day b/c I just have so much to do. I don't think the bedrest was totally necessary, so I don't feel bad breaking the rules a bit.

Anyway, I should get back in bed. The doctor said I could take some breaks during the day to do some work at the computer, so I will be back later to do some work.
Diane, I'm sorry you have to be on bed rest. That's so hard to do -- stay in bed when you have stuff to do -- but I'm glad the doctor is taking this extra precaution. Really, you can't be too cautious with stuff like this. You can't always undo damage so it's best to try and avoid it altogether. Bed rest actually is uncomfortable, too, especially if you have to stay on one side. I'm praying for you. If there's anything I can do for you please let me know, kay? By the way, if your pressure is still running high on Monday, I would definitely remain on bed rest.

Can another attorney pick up the slack for you? Avoiding stress is just as important as bed rest. WTH, you'll be leaving there soon anyway.
Well it's about time someone came to post and distract me from work, sheesh!

MICHELE - The sticky tape is up to protect DP (darling plant). Mooch so much wants to get friendly with him, and once Cham sees Mooch trying to get friendly, well, then she wants to be friendly, too.

Ah, I see. Squirt versus flick. I can see how that might make a difference. I might have to invest in a squirt gun if things get out of hand. I probably should have gotten one before Lulu and Yoyo tore up Mom's walls LOL. Now Mom lives in an apartment made of paper and tape.

WARNING : The next paragraph is about the Potter movie, and although I don't say anything specific in it, if you plan to watch it and don't want to read info on it, move along, move along!

I did like the Potter movie, but broken up like I saw it was....um, not good. I arrived at my destination just before some...um, important stuff in the movie was to happen....and so when I saw the rest of it on my return flight it was kind of like....wha?!

Okay, I'm finished! Okay, there's really nothing written in there but...

A Pipkin? Hmm. Is it a napkin for someone infantile? LOL.

JENNIFER - Don't listen to Michele. LMAO.

OMG, Michele, those pancake icons.

DANA - LOL, I know, that "grass" icon was the only greenery one I could find.

SHELLEY - Aunt Flo is with me, is she still over at your place, too? She totally made everything annoy me last weekend. Every little thing was annoying me. My work partner would be telling a story and waving his hands in the air and every now and then he would come close to bumping me. Ooooh, man, that totally p'd off! LMAO.

DIANE - That is pretty weird to have bed rest UNTIL your doctor comes back to town. But it's a fun concept. But like Michele said, it's better to be safe.

OMG. Mooch just figured out how to jump from the sofa into the kitchen sink!! Gotta go! LOL! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
ROTFLMAO at Shelley and August!!!

They had oat grass plants at the store, too, but I have to make sure kitty isn't allergic to it. He's allergic to lots of things and has to eat prescription food. This all started because kitty has been nibbling on my African violates and orchids x( . I'm hoping the catnip plant will appease him and deter him from eating the blooms off my other plants. :D
> You might try sticky tape.

ROTFLMAO!! I just might give it a whirl.

I keep thinking about that hot dog and root beer I had for lunch yesterday. I knew I shouldn'ta done that, but it was really good. :9

My eating has been totally out of control ever since the Amish restaurant my DH dragged me to TWICE! (the "D" does NOT stand for dear -- ;) ). I'm not over eating -- I'm just consuming junky, comfort type food when I oughta be eating clean.

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