HATE - Apr 17


Good morning!

http://www.smileyhut.com/birds/pisc3.gif http://www.smileyhut.com/birds/teste.gif http://www.smileyhut.com/birds/pisc.gif http://www.smileyhut.com/birds/hein.gif http://www.smileyhut.com/birds/pisc2.gif

Heater : On
Layer of clothing : On
Another layer of clothing : On
Another layer of clothing : On
Work-related equipment stuff : On
Nintendo DS Lite : On
Aunt Flo : Temporarily off, perhaps due to being at Shelley's
Workout : Temporarily off, due to um, scary deadline, yeah, that's it
Chicken breast : Marinating

Have a wonderful day and chat with you later!

http://bestsmileys.com/silly/19.gif IMPORTANT MESSAGE : August is working at home today and will need comforting, hateful-friendly guidance (distractions) throughout her work period (heh, I said work and period in the same sentence) so she will be checking in every few moments. Please have pity on her.

MARIAH - Double shifts sounds very busy, but painting! Yeah! Painting! Robin, more painting! LOL. Anyway, I hope the stress won't keep your sweet tooth (or salt tooth) in motion.

BECKY - Hiya! Does a laptop get lower rank than a regular ol' computer? I would have thought laptop trumps PC! Is there something going on in the youth world I need to know more about? Lucky you to have nice weather!

SHELLEY - LMAO. Oh good, good, Aunt Flo made it over there without getting lost? I'm so glad to hear that.

ROBIN - Is Aunt Flo still confused over at your place?...New furniture! Yay!

TAMMY - No matter where Aunt Flo goes, she always gets the red carpet treatment!

Can you imagine if some pad company were to use that as their catch phrase? LOL.

JEN - If you do try the Myoplex, start slow - I'm not sure if it was Aunt Flo or not, but the Myoplex made me really, really full. I'm thinking to try half shakes.

MICHELE - Is your cold any better? And do you have a new crown? http://www.smileyhut.com/characters/king1.gif

Okay, off I go into the wild blue yonder (aka work room)! :*

Have a nice Tuesday!
August, sounds like you have everything under control for a full and productive day of napping, uh, I mean working. Good luck with that deadline. I'm watching Joe, the crazy weather guy, and he is taunting me with sunny icons on the coming weekend. Of course, I have to work this coming weekend.

Shelley, there are lots of amazing things at my house, not just popping closet doors. There's the itty-bitty steps, the tottering tower of tires, the partial painted stairway... It's like an amusement park funhouse.

Jen, I like your deal with Shelley.

Michele? Crown?

I'm not sure I'll get a workout done today. We have to meet with our lawyer this afternoon the revise our will. If I get time, I want to do PUB. Well, maybe "want to do" is the wrong phrase. I will try to do sounds better.

Have a good day everyone. Where's deb, Diane, Corrie and Arista been?
Robin - in the words of Yoda "Do or do not, there is not try". ;-)

August - we'll be here to support you through your deadline!

I have go see what deal Jen is making with me.
ROBIN - Man, did you call that! I just had a great nap. And it was followed by a great dinner with Mom.

Popping and sliding and all sorts of moving things at your place. Sounds fun!

SHELLEY - So, what was the Jen Deal?

Elvis (above icon - kinda hard to tell) and I thank you for the quick interruption! :)
August, I knew right away that was the King.

Robin - ooh you live in a Fun House. How about that.

Shelley - did Sophie make it to school today?

Jen - yes, I did try the SB pizza, it was the pepperoni one. I thought it was pretty good BUT the LC BBQ one is still my fave!

Michele - where oh where are you? Did you get the crown fixed?

Mariah - I can imagine you are tired working double shifts. Just think of the $$ you'll be making. :p

Nothing going on here, nada. No workout last night. My chest still hurts. Actually, it is ok when I'm just sitting here but if I bend to pick something up, ouch!!! Plus, I was so tired last night I wanted to go to bed at 8:00 but the children would not cooperate. It was about 9:30 til I went to sleep.

I am so far behind in the rotation I chose. Oh well!

I better get some work done but I shall check back with you lovelies later!

>I knew right away that was the King.

There's a pub in Tokyo called The Elvis Pub. I've been there once. :)
Hey chiquitas~

Well, Sophie is at school. We'll see how long it lasts. If she needs to go home, my SO will go pick her up.

August - the deal with Jen is that she won't whine about her huge legs and I won't whine about missing workouts and eating crap. Somehow, I think we'll both be hard-pressed to keep up our ends of the bargain;)

Robin - your house sounds fun! Just warn me if I'm stepping on something that will make the stairs collapse:p

Dana - sorry your boys didn't let you get to sleep early last night.

Is it Friday yet?
Oh, that's good to hear that Sophie is feeling well enough to be at school. Hopefully she can pass off the virus to someone else and be rid of it completely. ;)

Haha, ah yeah, I remember Jen writing that deal.

I think Friday is tomorrow.

That reminded me of an awful children's show I once watched....or rather, it was a good children's show with a poor music lyric writer : the song was teaching the days of the week and the lyric went :

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday! Thursday!
Thursday, Friday, Saturday! Sunday comes again!

I'M DONE! The Gargle Wash clients can rest easy, and so can my peaking mound! LOL.

And now as to what I'm doing : I'm sitting on my sofa in my PJs with the heater on surfing the net and trying to get my mush of a brain in a sleepy state of being. :*

As for what I was doing, I was asked to write some music for somebody else but they need it a.s.a.p. Things are usually needed a.s.a.p. but this one was unusually a.s.a.p.
CROWN - fixed http://www.smileyhut.com/characters/king1.gif

COLD - bad...very, very bad http://bestsmileys.com/sick/9.gif http://bestsmileys.com/sick/7.gif http://bestsmileys.com/sick/1.gif

I think I coughed up a lung, and you don't even want to know what's coming out of my nose:eek: ;(. I have a raging sinus infection and had to start antibiotics last night, and I've had a sinus headache for 2 days now. All I want to do is sleep. On that note......

I'll see y'all later. Sorry to be so self absorbed AGAIN ;( . thanks for asking after my welfare.

:* :* :* :*
Oh, Michele! For as sick and awful as you sound, you sure found some cute emoticons!


I'm so sorry to hear that you're so sick. Feel better soon.

(Maybe you gave your dentist the virus, in which case you and Sophie should be all better very soon. ;) )
>Oh, Michele! For as sick and awful as you sound, you sure
>found some cute emoticons!
>I'm so sorry to hear that you're so sick. Feel better soon.
>(Maybe you gave your dentist the virus, in which case you and
>Sophie should be all better very soon. ;) )

I was copying you:p

I love your little owl smilies:+

Thanks for the well wishes and I'll see you tomorrow.

Y'all don't work too hard, kay?:* :*
Michele - feel better soon! ((HUGS))

August - get some sleep!!!!

I'm in an irratable mood for some reason today. I do not have PMS but maybe I have sympathy symptoms for Shelley????? I like that.
>I'm in an irratable mood for some reason today.

Well, sheesh, chest pain and trouble sleeping last night might do that to you!

Kisses to you, mwah! mwuah! :* :*
My PMS probably passed over to you, since it needed someone to glom onto when it left me yesterday:)

I do believe the top of my head is going to blow right off very shortly.

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