HATE - Apr 15


Hey hey hey!

I'm going to post and come back so that two threads aren't started!

Okay I'm back. :)

Can I just tell you how FULL the yummy Myoplex Lite shakes make me? I mean, I've really got to plan those suckers RIGHT in between meals, or ain't no meals gonna fit in http://www.smileyhut.com/shaped/rasberry.gif. I had a shake two hours ago and dinner is around the corner, but hunger is nowhere in site.

Hey, wait. I gotta check the extra threads from yesterday. I'll be back again.

Okay I'm back again. :)

JEN - Too bad about the weather and all that, but I guess it's good that you were able to take it easy and not pass on any germs to your mom and sister. How are you feeling today?

ROBIN - You and Shelley will be meeting for the first time? It's so exciting!

SHELLEY - I know you've talked about your sister before, but reading about her again was nice. It's so great to see how strong and loving life she is.

Okay, I've got to figure out what time I need to get to work. Maybe I'll have a little nap first. :+

Man, my apartment is so clean. :D

Have a great Sunday!
Morning August. Wow, those Myoplex Lite shakes sound like a miracle. I've been trying to follow the advice of Dr Oz (YOU on a Diet) and eat some walnuts about 20 min before a meal. It really does make you feel full. My problem is I rarely stop and think, "Am I hungry?" before wolfing down a plate of food and 3 helpings of desert.
No, it won't be the first time Shelley and I met. We got together about a year ago in Rochester with Judy (JAFitmama). Shelley is even better in person! I am meeting Sophie for the first time, though, and am very excited about that.

So I accomplished so much yesterday that there isn't anything that has to be done today, other than a workout. That's good, since I'm kind of tired, but bad, since I'm easily bored, which leads to eating. Maybe I'll try the closet cleaning route of boredom relief. I haven't changed my winter clothes over for summer yet, but the forecast isn't calling for anything remotely summerlike for another week at least, so I think I'll hold off there.

Anyhoo, today following church and the high calorie laden fellowship luncheon to follow, I'll come home and step. I'll probably be back here too. Later haters.
What the heck is all this about multiple threads? I didn't see multiple threads! Am I missing something?

August - yes, Robin and I met last year and had a wonderful weekend with Judy in Rochester. Myoplex Lite shakes, huh? How do they taste? I don't generally like those types of things.

Robin - our forecast isn't calling for anything remotely spring-ish even! I bought new clothes yesterday and don't anticipate wearing them for a few weeks yet. Which is annoying. Enjoy church and the luncheon.

Sophie and I were up all night. She's sick and couldn't sleep, therefore I didn't sleep. Today was supposed to be an 8 mile run, but that ain't happenin', so I think I'll do a step workout later.

I'm craving chips. REALLY REALLY REALLY craving chips. Someone help me.

I'll be back later to check on y'all.
I did Drill Max this morning, I do love that workout. This afternoon I may do 30 min of Tracey's kickboxing & leg section of slim & lean...not 100% sure that is what I'll end up doing but we'll see.

August- Glad to hear your apartment is clean, i love a clean house. The myoplex shakes, what flavor did you try? What is the calorie/fat/protein breakdown of it?

Robin- I am right there with you on the "not thinking before eating"... I am trying to get better though & stop & ask myself are you really hungry or bored, typically can answer that by what sounds good to eat... salad, oatmeal=hungry, sweets, candy= not hungry! Not to say that about half the time I still end up having the sweets!!

Shelley- Sorry to hear about Sophie, do you know what she has? I think you should give your body a break today & just hang out with Sophie & relax, you deserve it- your workouts are always hardcore. Throw the chips away!!! I ended up having to do that with the box of cereal I bought-it was either toss it or eat the whole dang thing, so I tossed it. Not sure what it is about cereal that once I have a bowl I want more & more, I think that is the only food that really does that to me & it doesn't matter what kind of cereal it is.

Corrie- HELLO, you lurking? Is the DH home this weekend or gone?

Well I am off to do some housework, need to dust, wash bed sheets, sweep, and clean bathrooms. I will BBL. Hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday.
Hey Haters!

Today I did GS B/S/B (love this workout) and a 20 minute SS treadmill run.

August: I like the Myoplex shakes too. I have mine for breakfast and yes, they are very filling. I mix mine with some soy milk, water, flax seeds and a frozen banana :9

Robin: So how was the calorie laden luncheon? Don't worry...tomorrow is new diet Monday;)

Shelley: I hope Miss Sophie is feeling better tonight.

Jen: These double workouts have got to stop...you're making the rest of us look bad}(
Dropping by to see who has been here, HI TAMMY!!! Glad you were able to do a workout you love today, it always is that much more fun when you really love the workout.

So, here is what I did right before showing for the evening-

Tracey's new Kickboxing Sweatfest dvd - I only did the premix for the lower body/cardio, which is only 18 minutes total so I repeated that twice, minus the 2nd warm-up & didn't do either cooldowns.
Slim & Lean - Did squats, lunges, biceps, bent leg squats but I did deadlifts instead during this, one leg squats, wide squats, then shoulders.

It was a really good w/o, I think I'm going to add this to my routine this week but do the cardio twice and then do all the sections of the legs on S&L twice too, will be a nice change.

Monday- Tamilee Webb Cardio Blast & Bun Shaper
Tuesday- Shape It Up
Wednesday- off
Thursday- Powerstrike 1
Friday- Tracey's sweatfest cardio/lower body twice then S&L leg sections twice, B&G floor glute work
Saturday- Tear It Up, morning Drill Max cardio only premix & a 20 minute hip, thigh, butt w/o in the evening
Sunday- Tracey's kickboxing workout-need to try out the whole thing yet!

So, did everyone have a good weekend? I am starving now!

Tammy- Do you have Slim & Lean? I really like the leg work in it, high rep/low weight so it won't bulk you at all.

Okay, BBL haters!
Well Jen, since you asked, today was really crappy. I had a big fight with my daughter and ended up not doing a workout and eating all kinds of junk. Yes, after a junky lunch at church. I'm not going anywhere near a scale or tape measure next week. I'm headed to bed, feeling immense and really, really grumpy and blue. Oh, and I got my period today. I'm supposed to be menopausal!!! It's only been 2 1/2 weeks from the last one.

Hopefully I'll wake up tomarrow refreshed and ready to face New Diet Monday. I'm hoping to fit in workouts everyday, but Tuesday will be tight. We are meeting with our lawyer to revise our will. We never really did it right, considering Tristan's issues. Then I have a cooking class kind of thing Wed.

Hope you all sleep well and have wonderful, delightful dreams. See you tomarrow.
Robin: Good -night...I hope tomorrow is a better day.

Jen: I think I do have S & L, but I don't remember if I have ever done it. I'll have to dust it off.
Robin- Very sorry that you had a crappy day. {{{{HUGS}}}} Don't let one crappy day of eating & not working out get you down though, we all do it -the important thing is that you dust off & jump right back into good eating/working out mode tomorrow! Maybe do a little longer workout tomorrow evening than normal so you can take Tuesday night off without feeling guilty... Cooking class, sounds very fun! What type of cooking will you be learning?

Tammy- You'll have to let me know what you think of S&L, I think the leg portions mixed up with like a 30-40 minute cardio would be a great workout. I am forever trying to find new workouts to keep things fun and not get bored!

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