HATE - Apr 10


Good morning!

I've just finished my Basic Step Upper Body add-on with the warm up and cool down to Body Fusion and now I'm ready for my smoothie and then work! I'm out of greens :( so I guess I'll have to substitute with something else....like organic peanut butter! :p

DIANE - Glad to hear that all is going smoothly in your pregnancy. That must be so wild to feel kicking!

MARIAH - I have long, dark hair, and I never know what to do with it. Have you ever tried streaks and bangs before? Bangs would be fun if you didn't have wavy hair, but when I had my bangs, I had wavy hair, and any time there was any sort of moisture in the air, urgh, awful!....Sorry, I can't help you with the web page, either. Arista! Where are you!

DANA - Why, yes, of COURSE! An elliptical in the hallway! Why didn't I think of that! LOL. Models that fold up? Yeah. I've seen those. But they fold in half. Then what? As if I have room to store half a treadmill? LOL.

JEN - I can imagine how an hour-long stretch workout might wear thin midway. That's great that the series came out with a shorter version.

TAMMY - How cute of you and your dream numbers and lottery! LOL! Heck, it was worth a try. Is there some kind of important date coming up for you?

No wait. Could those numbers possibly have been the ages of your sons, and you were trying to figure out which one would be best for Jen and which two would be best for me? http://www.smileyhut.com/misc_expressions/idiot.gif

How is the iSculpt Ballet? Have you done ballet before?

MICHELE - I was so sad to read your post. How terrible. I will keep my fingers crossed for good news from your friend's biopsy. Try to get some rest. Maybe take a relaxing bath. Have some nice hot, herb tea. And have some more marathon phone calls with your friend. In the meantime, know that I'm sending you and your friend as much warmth as I can from Tokyo.

Warm wishes to you all.
Morning Haters!

I overslept...UGH! I'm doing Cathe's rotation so today is PUB and the Bonus Cardio. Then its the usual trek to the hospital to visit Mom. I also have to shop for a birthday present for my husband.

August: LOL!!! I'm thinking they were just numbers with no meaning....yet! I'm thinking this dreaming/lucid dreaming is harder than a Cathe workout. The iSculpt Ballets are non-weighted lower body and core workouts. You don't need to know ballet (although I'm sure it would help). They come with PDF files picturing the exercises. I could barely walk for two days after doing iSculpt Ballet#1.....OUCH!!!!!

Mmmmm....Peanut Butter:9:9:9

Michele: (((HUGS))) and prayers.
Hey all, just a quick check-in and then I serioulsy have to get some work done (yes, back at work today) Blech!!!

Michele - I am so sorry for the bad news about your friend. I will keep her in my prayers.

Tammi - so whatcha gonna get your DH for his b-day? I don't know who lives with you but I am confirming that the 3 piggies live with me.

August - I was watching the travel channel last night and it was about the exotic foods of Asia. I can't remember the name of the restaurant, maybe Yaka Hami?????? in Tokoyo and it is DISGUSTING. Have you eaten there? So gross. They serve deer penis, yes your read that correctly. Their specialty is blow fish. Did you know that restaurants need a special license to serve blow fish??? Over 100 people die a year from eating it. Why would you eat it???? Then there was another restaurant where they only served turtle. The turtles are in cages in the alley and it costs $200 for a meal. You drink the turtle blood mixed with sake (sp???) and turtle organs? So disgusting!!!! I could go on and on. Oh this is gross too, birds nest soup. That was a Thailand specialty. The stuff looks really gross and should be b/c it is made with the next and bird saliva. GROSS!!!

Anyway, yesterday's workout was: drum roll please . . . Legs and Glutes, abs from SPJ and 20 min on the elliptical. Today calls for IMAX 2. Yikes!!!

OK, one more funny story and then I"m off. My co-worker told me that a group from one of the area Christian schools went to the aquarium in Baltimore for a fied trip. A 4 year old in the group went missing. Long story short, they found him, he was wet, said nothing happened, he was ok. Parent took him back to the hotel, and cleaned him up and saw that his backpack was wet. When the mom opened it, there was a penguin in it. Thankfully, it was still alive. She called the aquarium and was told to fill the tub w/water and put the penguin in there and someone would come and pick it up. Can you imagine???

EVERYONE have a great day. I really need to get some work done. Talk to you all later!!!
Good morning everyone!

Thank you for your kind words of support. It helps so much to know that your well being is on the hearts of friends. I'll confess I've been an absolute wreck ever since I got the news yesterday about my friend's cancer. I literally cried all day. I made a big discovery, too -- High Step Training Advanced is really hard to do when you're crying:eek: ;)

I'm really tired today and way behind on all the things I wanted to accomplish yesterday. I think I'm going to sign off for the day and try to regroup. I'll BB tomorrow, hopefully well rested and ready for some fun.

Thanks again for thinking of me. Please pray for my friend. It's all she wants from anybody.

Have I told you lately the you're the BEST!? ;)

I am very interested in the isculpt workouts from what you are saying. I am avoiding leg workouts because of the endless squats and lunges and step ups...which actually I don't mind but my back and one knee is giving me fits, so I don't do them anymore!
I am curious about doing leg workouts without weights.....is it gentle on the back??
Where can I check them out??

I am glad you are back today. Prayers will continue for your friend and for you too.
DH just got home for an early lunch, gotta go !
Cute, Michele.

I'm a little behind here, but Hi to all.

Today the plan is one of the CTX workouts. Whichever one is second. I hope it's not shoulders. I have a pain in one. I may have pushed the back work a teeny bit hard trying to go weight for weight with Cathe last night. Then a meeting at church. I hope it doesn't go too late.

Dana, when are we taking that kickboxing class?}(

I told my DH, who mentioned he wanted to lose some weight, that we were having broiled fish, brown rice and steamed broccali for dinner. He wrinkled his nose. He said he's not going to lose any weight if he doesn't like dinner and raids the cupboard after dinner.
Robin I totally forgot about those. I'm going to pretend that I never mentioned them to you. I wish the weather would warm up here already.

Your dinner sounds delish - my DH wouldn't eat that either. We're having chicken breasts on the grill.

Michele - cute kitties!!!

I don't feel like working. I woke up w/a sore throat. Darn that Gannon and his kisses (he's sick too).

OK, must focus, must get back to work.
Dana: I LOVE penguins and LOL'd at your penguin story :7 IM#2 is my ALL-TIME favorite Cathe workout. By the way, you may live with the three little pigs but I live with the three BIG pigs..... and their Daddy :eek: I hope you feel better soon.

Becky/Michele: the iSculpt Ballets can be found at the iTrain site. I'm really liking the whole concept and I plan on doing it again tomorrow now that I can walk again. I'm not kidding....I could barely move for two days.

Robin: I think your dinner sounds delish. Hopefully your DH won't raid the pantry. My DH's company is having a WW challenge, with funding coming from the health insurance provider. They have a weekly meeting, weigh-in, and cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure checks. It has been only two weeks and the man has dropped 10 pounds already. WTH???? Men lose weight so much easier then women....*sigh*
Good evening haters! I did Firm It Up tonight & 200 jumping jacks.

Tammy- Have you tried the Powerstrike kickboxing workouts? I love them...don't tell Cathe but I even like them more than KPC. They only come on VHS though. Also, have you looked at the slim series by Debbie @ beachbody? Firm It Up, Tone It Up, and Shape It Up are all good for lower body(butt, thighs) without adding bulk. They are all high rep low weight. Firm It Up is my fav for the lower body & it only uses ankle weights for part of it. You can buy all 6 (tear it up, mix it up, cool it off, and the 3 above) as a set or just one. Let me know how the iballets work for you. Are they dvds? Is DS2 a junior in collage? For some reason I was thinking he was same age as my little sis.

Dana- Loved the story about the penguin also, too funny!

Michele- {{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} Things like this just really make you stop & think about what is really important in the whole scheme of life, huh? Missing that workout or eating that candy bar really aren't that important when you really think about things. Hang in there, we are here for you if you want to talk. The kitties are so cute! :)

Robin- I would LOVE to take a kickboxing class with you! Too bad we don't live closer.

Shelley- How has your day been? I hope your week is getting better.

August- I haven't heard about my friend Mr. Choco Raisin lately...is he still okay?

Alright haters, I am off to fix a fat free pizza for dinner tonight, need to go preheat the oven. I may BBL later but I am so tired so going to try to go to bed early tonight.

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