Has your child pulled out there hair?


My daughter is 10 months old and had a head full of hair. Starting about 2 months ago she started pulling out her hair she is now almost completely bald. I've talked to some other parents and they said there kids did the same thing. I took her to the doctor to make sure she doesn't have some kind of fungus and maybe her scalp is ithcing and that's why she's pulling it. I know it will grow back but she's bald, she had so much hair now I can barely put it in one ponytail. I just wanted to check and see if this has happened to any of you? thanks.

Hi Shanda! My daughter Olivia, 20.5 months, is a hair puller. She hasn't pulled it out to the point of balding but everytime I get her up from her nap, there are little brown curly cues on her sheets. I have heard that this can be a comfort thing for some babies and that, depending the severity and doctor opinion, is not much to worry about. That said, I'm a firm believer in motherly instinct and if you think it is a problem, keep getting 2nd, 3rd and 4th opinions until you feel you've the most educated feedback.

Take care!


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