Has anyone seen United 93 yet?

Little Angel,

I believe you took what I said out of context. I did not say it was "evil" for people to make money from this movie. But because it is being compared to The Passion of Christ and Schindler's list or as a docu-drama of a real event, it will probably have a huge audience of viewers and plenty of money is to be made. We are kidding ourselves if we think there isn't.

I hope that the families were given some of the money reaped from capitalizing on this tragedy...if they wanted it. I know many husbands and wives were left without partners and many children were left without a parent. This undoubtedly left unsurmountable financial burden.

If the family members agreed to this film, so be it. Maybe in some ways it helped them...I hope it did. Like I said, to me these people were the real heroes of 9/11. They certainly saved many innocent lives with their actions. I can realize that and not have to experience watching it to remind me. We are all different in the way we process events. What works for some does not work for others.

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