Has anyone seen pictures of the BTK killer??


Hello ladies!

I was wondering if anyone has seen pictures of the BTK killer? I was reading the story on Aol news just a little while ago and OMG!!!

Lets just say I am a very "OPEN" person and when I saw his picture on Aol it felt like Ice water had just run through my veins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still have chills, and my heart is still racing. I had to cover his picture up with my hand, just so I could read the story, it was that bad!! I have never had that kind of feeling off anyone ever before... Unreal!


Here is the link:

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
The only thing that scared me about his picture is that he looks like the average Joe Shmuck next door. To think he lead that double life for over 30 years. Fooled everybody.

May he rot in hell!
Where have I been? I do not even know about the BTK killer. Guess I'll look him up. I always wonder when I see a killer on the news, how they look so much like average people to me.....guess I'm in for a shock.
>The only thing that scared me about his picture is that he
>looks like the average Joe Shmuck next door. To think he lead
>that double life for over 30 years. Fooled everybody.

I agree with you there but only on the FIRST picture that they had up yesterday. It looked like a picture for a badge or something--your average working guy. But todays SECOND picture of him in the orange prison suit IS creepy--DEMENTED LOONY KILLER!

Bravo and Kudos to his daughter for suspecting and donating her DNA.


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
LOL- This thread is cracking me up. 99% of serial killers are average joes with an average job, a wife, 2-4 kids, above 140 IQ, have some friends, very helpful with neighbors, goes to church, a member of something and volunteers. What are they supposed to look like, the elephant man?? What is great about the serial killers is they're very, very highly intelligent. Take Ed Kemper for example, he has 170 IQ, very nice, friendly, shy, not a bad looking fella and he has killed more than 10 girls including his own mother. The scariest looking serial killer and one of the scariest ever lived is Richard Ramirez. Take a look at his picture and see how you feel. I can't even look at his picture without feeling the chills. I don't even feel that way about others. I'm still waiting to hear who's the Green River killer. It's been 30 yrs now.

The reason why I know about them is because of my job before I left. Law enforcement runs in the family. You should hear what we talk about over Thanksgiving dinner! LOL
But todays SECOND
>picture of him in the orange prison suit IS creepy--DEMENTED

He doesn't look as looney as the picture of Nick Nolte after his DUI arrest!

In fact, except for the frown on his face, he looks like a couple of BSW's around my buildig (BSW= building service worker, aka "janitor").
Oh, yeah. That's right. My brain today is not working very well. I kept forgetting to do a few things. I wrote the post first thing this morning and apparently I wasn't 100% awake. DUH!

Lisa :)
>Where have I been? I do not even know about the BTK killer.

me either! this thread is the first i'd heard of him.. then on tv this morning! i'm so out of the loop!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
They made a strange statement on the ABC National News last night. That he didn't have the profile of the typical serial killer. WRONG!!! This guy reminds me of John Wayne Gacy. Married, kids, church member, involved in the community.

Most serial killers appear to be normal people. Just look at Ted Bundy (as mentioned in a prior post). I am a die hard Anne Rule fan. She has written several true crime books about serial killers. Gary Ridgeway being her latest study, "Green River, Running Red". Love her books!

The thing I always take away from what I read is how these anti-social personalities are able to function so normal in our society until they escalate and finally get caught. The BTK killer's first murder was in the 1970's. What's really scary is that serial killing is just another form of addiction. These people are addicted to killing.
A lot of serial killers are married. What made John Wayne Gacy different is he targeted boys/young men whereas others target women/prostitutes. John Wayne is one of the very few that TRULY makes me sick. Other serial killers don't bother me as much. Another serial killer, I think his name is Richard something....He became a woman in prison. We watched a video made by him in prison for the police and it was SO DISGUSTING. He has a "boyfriend" in prison, too. They were about to have sex on the video. Pathetic.

I don't read True Crime books too often but some I've read when I was in college was interesting.

They love the POWER when they kill. They love making victims beg.

If you want to talk more, you can email me as some things I have to say is very gross and I don't want to freak others out.

I guess I worded my post wrong. I didn't mean to say he was different...I meant to say they were very much the same and that just because people appear to behave the way society dictates as normal doesn't mean that's the way they are behind closed doors.

Gacy is sickening...Bundy kind of freaks me out, too.
Bundy doesn't bother me much. He was very intelligent. I do not understand why women found him attractive. He doesn't do a thing for me lookwise. What creeps me out is women propose to serial killers, send them love letters, etc....WTF?! MOST of the killed women and they want to be married to them??? Makes me wonder at times. ;)

>In that first picture - he looks a lot like Jack Nicholson!

Not to make light of the situation, but that's what I was thinking, too. Especially in The Witches of Eastwick.
Jeffrey Dahmer makes me want to vomit. Good thing he's gone.

Think how the killer's family feels finding all of this out. What if that were your husband?!?! The man you thought was a normal joe?
Scary thought.

Yeah, good thing he's gone. I know some of the killers' wives did suspect something. Another WORST case is Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka (spell is not right) He made his wife participate in all these rapes, killing and disposing bodies. WTH?! If I were her, I'd run. I'd run FAR AWAY. Jeez....Talk about a screw up.

We studied Dahmer and he's SO SICK! I was actually glad the inmate killed him. I know for sure if you're a pedophile and pedophile/serial killer, you're at a HIGH risk of being murdered in prison. Saves us some tax money. :D

the grosses thing about karla and paul, was that she participated in the rape and murder of her own sister. and he didn't really force her, they were a team, she would pick the girls for him and lure them home to keep him "satisfied". they made videos of all their escapades, that's how they were led to being caught i believe. although in the end she did try to say that he forced her, and i believe she turned him in because they had had an argument...or something to that effect. but i'll never believe she didn't "get off" on it as much as he did. icky icky icky x(

if you're ever interested in reading up on any of these extremely *bleck* individuals a great site is www.crimelibrary.com

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