Has anyone out there used Natural Progesterone Cream?


Boy, it's been a long time since I've posted....anyway. My question is has anyone out there ever used Natural Progesterone Cream (NPC)? I had been using it for about 8 months, at the advice of a great Hollistic Healer in my area, and was feeling terrific, but my periods were so screwed up....7 periods in 4 months. I was in for my annual check-up with my gynogolist. I told her about my periods and when I said that I was using NPC, she hit the roof. She said that is why my periods were all screwed up (which I do believe that may have been the reason also), but she also said that our bodies cannot aborb progesterone, rather it converts it to more estrogen. The reason why I went on it was I was told that my estrogen was too high and I needed to bring up my progesterone. I was having symptons like horrible weight gain (15lbs. in a year), horrible breast and nipple tenderness (like I was pregnant again), hot flashes, night sweats, headaches, vaginal dryness (during sex as well), the list goes on. ALL of these symptoms subsided over time while using NPC. She pretty much told me that these symptoms were all in my head and when I said why do I feel better when I am using it, she totally avoided an answer. She advised me to stop using it so I did for a month, but in that month, I am so moody (putting it nicely) and I have gained about 5 lbs (which I lost about 10 while on it). I am also emotional and just feel like crap in general. Is it possible that not using it for one month could have screwed me up so bad. I am on it again, and I can't wait to get to where I was before. I am so mad at myself for stopping it. Has anyone else ever used it before? When you start to feel good, do you use it only as a maintenance? If so, how. Did anyone else's doctor go through the roof? I am sooooo anxious to feel good again, I can hardly stand it. Thanks, and sorry it was so long.
I have never used it, but your post piqued my interest and I went to my favorite health site: webmd.com There is some info there that is of interest. I suggest research and a second medical opinion. HTH
RE: Has anyone out there used Natural Progesterone Crea...

Hi - I have used progesterone cream for about a year and I definitely have decreased PMS/perimenopause symptoms when I use it, especially the weight gain and breast tenderness. I use the Long's Drug Store brand because it gives you a measured dose. I use it twice a day from day #12 through day #27 of my cycle. It's about twenty dollars a month. My gynecologist is not totally convinced that you can absorb progesterone through your skin, but he says if I really feel better he is not against it. My periods were a little screwed up for about three months when I started using it but went back to normal after that. Look on Amazon or your book store for books by John R. Lee about progesterone cream and perimenopause. The books are about 10 years old but there is a lot of good information in them so that you can make a decision about whether it is right for you. Hope this helps and hope you're feeling better soon!

RE: Has anyone out there used Natural Progesterone Crea...

I have used progesteone cream with great success and found that when I incorporated Evening of Primrose oil, the results were even greater. Women's health expert and advocate, Anne Louise Gittleman has written serveral books on perimedopause and medopause. They are worth the read. This women really understands the way we WOMEN work and has the research to back it up.

RE: Has anyone out there used Natural Progesterone Crea...

Like Cheryl I too have read Ann Louise Gittlemans book about the various types of menopause. The one I read is "Before the Change" and it had alot of info. Here is her site: http://www.annlouise.com/index.asp I do feel NPC has helped some of my perimenopause symptoms and if I were you would also get a 2nd opinion...:)
RE: Has anyone out there used Natural Progesterone Crea...

I have used it, but I think according to the Hyster Sister's website, you should not use progesterone unless you should not use progesterone unless you are using estrogen at the same time.

I was having pre menopausal symptoms of extreme dryness and this worked wonders, but I only used it for a short time period.

You may want to check out Hyster Sisters for more info. While it can be dangerous to medicate yourself, sometimes you have to experiment with what works and then check with your doc!

Hope this helps.
RE: Has anyone out there used Natural Progesterone Crea...

I used it for over a year, and it did zip, zero, nada for me, except take a big bite out of my bank account.
I have been using it to control my horrible PMS symptoms, and I love it. When I don't use it, I can really tell the difference. In my very humble opinion: educate yourself as much as possible and do what works for YOU!

Carol F

Check out: www.johnleemd.com for some background information, I think another gal referred to his books. I found out about all this first by reading Suzane Somers' most recent book (Ageless; highly recommend it, GREAT information) and then more as I did research online and then even more as I became a consultant for Arbonne (they have 2 natural hormone replacement creams. My close friend Beth has been using it and her sister in law and friends, well it 'changed their life" to quote them) I am starting it this month.

It really is amazing how you can make changes to benefit your body, the more you know - the more educated responses and choices you can make.

Feel free to email me and I can pass on more links, research, information etc. and if you are interested I can tell you about the products I use and my friends use.

[email protected].


>Boy, it's been a long time since I've posted....anyway. My
>question is has anyone out there ever used Natural
>Progesterone Cream (NPC)? I had been using it for about 8
>months, at the advice of a great Hollistic Healer in my area,
>and was feeling terrific, but my periods were so screwed
>up....7 periods in 4 months. I was in for my annual check-up
>with my gynogolist. I told her about my periods and when I
>said that I was using NPC, she hit the roof. She said that is
>why my periods were all screwed up (which I do believe that
>may have been the reason also), but she also said that our
>bodies cannot aborb progesterone, rather it converts it to
>more estrogen. The reason why I went on it was I was told
>that my estrogen was too high and I needed to bring up my
>progesterone. I was having symptons like horrible weight gain
>(15lbs. in a year), horrible breast and nipple tenderness
>(like I was pregnant again), hot flashes, night sweats,
>headaches, vaginal dryness (during sex as well), the list goes
>on. ALL of these symptoms subsided over time while using NPC.
> She pretty much told me that these symptoms were all in my
>head and when I said why do I feel better when I am using it,
>she totally avoided an answer. She advised me to stop using
>it so I did for a month, but in that month, I am so moody
>(putting it nicely) and I have gained about 5 lbs (which I
>lost about 10 while on it). I am also emotional and just feel
>like crap in general. Is it possible that not using it for
>one month could have screwed me up so bad. I am on it again,
>and I can't wait to get to where I was before. I am so mad at
>myself for stopping it. Has anyone else ever used it before?
>When you start to feel good, do you use it only as a
>maintenance? If so, how. Did anyone else's doctor go through
>the roof? I am sooooo anxious to feel good again, I can
>hardly stand it. Thanks, and sorry it was so long.
RE: Has anyone out there used Natural Progesterone Crea...

I use it for menopause (surgical menopause, hysterectomy). I use it once every evening. I feel much better using it. Drug companies cannot patent a supplement, only if it is synthetic drugs. With no patent they can't make money on it. I also read Dr John Lee's book before starting. I have used it for 5 yrs. I won't stop. I was told that when you first start using NPC some of your symptoms MAY get worse for a brief time before they get better. Natural things can take longer to work unlike drugs which can work faster but have worse side effects. I agree, to self educate is best. Then make a decision. Good Luck
. . . Just a thought: Are you taking the cream constantly? Most creams recommend taking a week off every three weeks of use. That could be why your periods are screwed up.

Good Luck,

Carol F
I think you need to find another gynecologist. From experience I know that Perimenopause CAN get worse before it gets better. You need to find someone that will work with you during this transition because if you are like me, it's going to be a long haul.

I also recommend you do reading from more than one source to educate yourself on the transition.

Perimenopause is not as much as too much estrogen or too little estrogen...it's about the IMBALANCE that occurs before menopause. These imbalances can occur from hour to hour hence the mood swings associated with perimenopause!

Everybody's physiology is different and during this transition you may start with too much estrogen but as you progress, estrogen typically lowers. Therefore, what may work in the beginning does not work later.

Good luck!

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