Has anyone out there had gallbladder removal surgery?


Active Member
I just found out that I am to have my gallbladder removed. ;( I was wondering if anyone has had this done and what their experience was. I am concerned on how painful it will be, how long the recovery might be and when I can get back to working out. Any comments about this would be greatly appreciated!!!
I had mine removed a year ago. I teach kindergarten and was out for a week before I returned to school. I had the laser surgery, which lasted about an hour. It wasn't too painful. I have 4 small incisions, which have really faded in a year. The worse part was trying to get up out of bed and to lay back down. You have to use those muscles to do so and I remember that being the worse part. If you have any more questions, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]

I had mine out in 1992. They did it through a laproscope which required 3 or 4 small incisions. Recovery was pretty fast. I was out of work for 4 weeks and had minimal discomfort. Lying down felt strange, somewhat of a pulling sensation. I only took my pain medication at night before bed. During the day, extra strength Tylenol worked fine. I only had to spend the night in the hospital.

Take care,
My dh had his removed a couple years ago laproscoply. He had no problems and recovery was really quick. I'm thinking he had it done on a Friday and went back to work on mon? Anyways just be sure you have a good surgeon!! Good luck!!


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