Okay, my 2 cents.
Everyone is different. Personally, WW is not for me. When I did it, I felt overloaded with points, etc., and I was very active, starving all the time. Combine that with the tendency to be OCD/black-white thinking, it just wasn't for me. "Diets" aren't for me.
BUT: I know people who love WW, and I respect them. They are much healthier now and needed that structure and some could forgo getting obsessed with points. Kudos to them.
So, I really think it's an individual thing.
What has worked for me? Paying attention to all my body's signals. All of them. And, for my own "sense of structure" I do better with smaller meals, portion control, balanced meals, and regular snacks. Basically, a little fat, carbs, protein for every meal/snack. Portion control is a huge thing -- I don't think it's a new thing for America, it's just what our bodies need to feel light and energetic, not weighed down and mopey. I find I have energy and it's not extreme. I need a small sweet treat everyday, or I'll rebel. Deprivation leads to binging for me.
I highly recommend researching and finding out what truly works for you. Yeah, educate yourself and stay on top of taking care, just don't let it run your life! That's my 2 cents!