Has anyone had success with fat burners? ie Hydroxycut


I am trying to shed those last few pounds of belly fat. Funny how our female bodies can be so different. My arms, butt and legs never have fat but always my weight gain is straight on my belly. I have just purchased a bottle of Hydroxycut. Waste of money?

It probably is a waste of money. I know there are a lot of us on this forum that are not fans of any type of diet pills. Most of us here focus on eating a healthy diet and lots of exercise.
With that said, I have tried a similar product in the past, and did not notice a difference.
Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
I guessed as much. It's unfortunate that they push so many ads in magazines I like ei Oxygen, Muscle & Fitness for her. I won't waste my money.

The only thing Hydroxycut ever did for me was make me frantic and shaky and sometimes queasy. It's not worth it. You're much better off adjusting diet and exercise.
RE: Has anyone had success with fat burners? ie Hydroxy...

I never took Hydroxycut but I HAVE tried stackers and got basically the same results as Shelley...I agree...adjusting diet and exercise is the only way to go. :)

BTW-I DO wish there was some kind of "miracle cure" that was healthy and would work but there is not...:(


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

EDD: 05/19/05

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