Has anyone found a pair of boobs?

Hmmmmmm, I think the PM got lost!! They are the same as before. LOL!! It is good to see you though Aquajock. How are you?
The good news is:
I still have my boobs.:)

The bad news is:
They have stretch marks on them now. x(

They won't go away, will they? ;(
I thought I had lost mine too, but one day I had trouble buttoning the bottom button of my shirt, and voila! There they were!

Hi, Sabrina! I'm good! July is normally a null month for me for some weird reason so I'm just gutting through it the best I can. The new boobs I got for my impending birthday later this month do a bit towards making me feel better, though.

Wendy - no, they won't go away. I still had mine after I had Sophie, but the more I worked out, the smaller they got. Be warned!:p
I recently had a doctor explain to me why my boobs seem to have sort of deflated after having four children. He said that when a woman is pregnant and breast feeds the constant pressure from the swelling causes the fat in the breast to redistribute. When the pregnancy/breast feeding is done the swelling goes away but the fat doesn't come back.

I told my husband that I was going to wear a girlde for 9 months to get rid of my butt. Fortunately, he reminded me that the fat would just be redistributed and might end up at my ankles and not my boobs.:) :D :) :D :)
>I told my husband that I was going to wear a girlde for 9
>months to get rid of my butt. Fortunately, he reminded me
>that the fat would just be redistributed and might end up at
>my ankles and not my boobs.:) :D :) :D :)

Hey, it sounded like a good idea! What if we got a girdle for our whole body except our boobs, then the fat would only have one place to go!!!! yeah! what a genious idea! We will be perky again! :7

Right now, they....

hang low, they wobble to and fro
I can tie them in a knot, I can tie them in a bow,
I can throw them over my shoulder like a continental soldier....
Yes, my boobs hang low....

>>>>>Right now, they....

hang low, they wobble to and fro
I can tie them in a knot, I can tie them in a bow,
I can throw them over my shoulder like a continental soldier....
Yes, my boobs hang low....>>>>>

Missy, I'm dying here.... this is hiliarous!!! I just wish mine were big enough to throw over my shoulder....:+

This is the craziest crowd!!:7

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