received a 2nd ultrasound to determine gender?
I had my 1st 20 week u/s and the baby's legs were crossed so I couldn't find out. With my 1st baby, 9 years ago, I didn't care to know but this time I feel like things are so crucial that if I don't find out, it'll kill me! So I went ahead and scheduled another one after my 29th week but I still need to keep in mind that I may still not be able to find out. The downer of this 2nd scan is that it's NOT covered by my insurance so we've got to fork out $134. But, maybe I'll have more peace of mind once I know exactly to call this baby Quenton or Kierstyna!!
I had my 1st 20 week u/s and the baby's legs were crossed so I couldn't find out. With my 1st baby, 9 years ago, I didn't care to know but this time I feel like things are so crucial that if I don't find out, it'll kill me! So I went ahead and scheduled another one after my 29th week but I still need to keep in mind that I may still not be able to find out. The downer of this 2nd scan is that it's NOT covered by my insurance so we've got to fork out $134. But, maybe I'll have more peace of mind once I know exactly to call this baby Quenton or Kierstyna!!