Has Anyone Else on the East Coast Noticed That it's HOT...


We're dying here in the Quiet Corner of CT. DH is lying on the floor in front of a fan and all I can do is slump on the couch and post silly topics. If I had any ambition or strawberries I'd make a daquiri.


"The winds of grace are always blowing but it's you who must raise your sail." - Sri Ramakrishna
RE: Has Anyone Else on the East Coast Noticed That it's...

I feel your pain. I'm in N.E. OH, and it's HOT. I don't have air confitioning either, so that makes it even worse. :(

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(¸.•♥´ (¸ ;.♥•Jennie•♥

Smoke free since: 2/05/08
RE: Has Anyone Else on the East Coast Noticed That it's...

I'm in central Ohio and it's PAINFUL. Our weather guy says its 95 with the heat index - and I'm really worried about the old folks. Weather Boy promises we're getting a cold wave with a thunderstorm tonight and says it should be in the low/mid 80s tomorrow. He showed on the national map that it's in the low/mid 70s in the states west of us. Holy cow. Come on cold front (or whatever they call it in summer). I just want it to cool off enough that I can turn off the a/c and open the windows. Last week was so mild and lovely.
RE: Has Anyone Else on the East Coast Noticed That it's...

I'm in Jersey and its ridiculous!! Its 98 degrees out! For the beginning of June that is out of control!
It's scorching hot in Ohio, too, and the humidity is unbearable! My first floor is comfortable, but once I get about half way up the stairs to my 2nd floor the heat just about knocks me over. My 2nd floor is probably 10 degrees warmer -- UGH! I'm sleeping downstairs on the couch tonight. ;)

ETA I think I'm just having a milkshake for dinner tonight. }( :9
Very hot here in the western corner of CT!!!I'm really glad we got central air last year!
PS The dogs don't even want to go out!
So THAT's why I've been having bad hair days for like, oh, the last 5 days straight! LOL Hot, humid, hazy. And it's too dang early in the season. The neighborhood knows that when I put on the A/C, it's hot......well, my a/c has been on since Saturday! YUCK!


p.s. and I'm in eastern PA.
Ugh, it's been horrid (I'm in northeastern Maryland, at the top of the Chesapeake Bay). The heat index for us was 105 on Saturday and something like 101 on Sunday, and today it was actually 89 degrees (and foggy/muggy) at 7:30AM. TORTURE!!! I usually have my A/C set at a nice 75 or so degrees, and it's been running constantly since Friday.

RE: Has Anyone Else on the East Coast Noticed That it's...

It seems we are all in the same sweltering boat!! DH and I actually went to a movie (Indiana Jones) to escape the heat.

We *do* have central air but being conservationists we prefer to sit around complaining and suffering pretentiously for the cause. :+ :D

"The winds of grace are always blowing but it's you who must raise your sail." - Sri Ramakrishna
Another CTite here. I get really disturbed when everyone says, "I can't wait for summer, I can't wait for summer." Well YOU got it!!!!!! :+ I like Spring and Fall. You can breathe, feel comfortable and actually enjoy the weather. I've been in most of the day and have been nice and comfy with my a/c. All I can say is, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :)
I opened a tube of lip balm I had in my car and it slopped out on my lap and the door, Yuck!

NE Ohio
I'll still take this over the cold winter snow.
>Another CTite here. I get really disturbed when everyone
>says, "I can't wait for summer, I can't wait for summer."
>Well YOU got it!!!!!! :+ I like Spring and Fall. You can
>breathe, feel comfortable and actually enjoy the weather.
>I've been in most of the day and have been nice and comfy with
>my a/c. All I can say is, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I always hate extremes. Like you, it's Spring and Fall for me. Weather Boy said we'd have a major thunderstorm tonight but I hope that quickie rainstorm we just got, preceeded by a few colorful flashes wasn't it because, if it was, it's already over and it was nothing. I just want to ditch the a/c and open the windows, man.

I know they got horrible rainstorms, causing God-awful flooding to the left of Ohio but I'd like to know what's going on, weather-wise, around Chicago. Anyone?
Yep - feeling it here in WV too - yesterday it was about 95 and hubby and I got up and worked in the YARD! UUG! We put it off for ever and it had to be done, so we did the yard, I trimmed bushes and we cleaned out our garage.

Needless to say, after that we took showers and collapsed. I think I would have needed IV fluids if we didn't have air conditioning. I have never been more thankful for AC in my entire life I think. I wonder if this is a sign of how the summer will be. I have remarked before that the last 2 summers or more have been very mild.

RE: Has Anyone Else on the East Coast Noticed That it's...

>Another CTite here. I get really disturbed when everyone
>says, "I can't wait for summer, I can't wait for summer."
>Well YOU got it!!!!!! :+ I like Spring and Fall. You can
>breathe, feel comfortable and actually enjoy the weather.
>I've been in most of the day and have been nice and comfy with
>my a/c. All I can say is, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I'm a fall girl all the way. Heck I like winter too. Summer is easily my least favorite season, it's just too darn hot.

I do like my garden though :)

Looks like tons of schools in CT are closing early today because of the heat. I don't know how I feel about that...seems like we went to school on hot days and survived. OMG I sound like such an old curmudgeon!! :D

RE: Has Anyone Else on the East Coast Noticed That it's...

>>>>...I'm a fall girl all the way. Heck I like winter too. Summer is easily my least favorite season, it's just too darn hot. <<<<<

Sparrow, my seasons in order of favorites seem to be exactly like yours. Fall, Spring, Winter, Summer. I do love gardens, not tending to one mind you, but enjoying the beauty of them. I understand about closing the schools but my thought is that why bother having a half day and wasting all the energy sources for a short period of time. Isn't it still hot in those schools in the a.m.? Hey, what do I know. I only have nieces and I cheer for them when they get unexpected days off. :p
Day 5 here in upstate New York of this unbearable heat. A/C is set at 72 degrees!! Our choclate lab is due to have puppies next week & the poor girl is just miserable. She positions herself in front of the fan & doesn't move most of the day.

Growing up in Florida I am thankful that we are only having this for a short time as compared to ALL summer like the south has. Also thankful DH decided to open pool, finally!!!

RE: Has Anyone Else on the East Coast Noticed That it's...

Yet another Ct. resident here. Yikes!!! My daughter's school is closing early today due to extreme heat. I'm just going to take her to work with me. The afterschool program she's in is cancelled, as well. The school is air conditioned, so its a little strange. Back in the day, I don't ever remember school being cancelled or dismissed early due to heat, and there was no a/c back then!!!
Another thought-

It was this hot this same time last year. My father-in-law had passed away & we had the dinner at our house & it was blistering hot.


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