Hardcore suggestion : both high and lo -rep options


Hi Cathe ,

It would be wonderful to have both options (as in P90X) , where some participants are doing high rep and others lo rep/higher weight. Although people can modify and count a different # of reps on any w/o on their own , it would be more personalized this way . It would fulfill the needs and wants of both endurance style and slow/heavy exercisers .

Also allowing for other "rotation" options , for when heavy lifters want to do endurance and vice versa.

Just my 2c

A very nice suggestion Vivian. I know we can always modify on our own whether with weights or cardio but it does make it easier if a modification or alternative is shown.
This is also something I would LOVE to have! Cathe could be doing 8 to 10 reps and Cedie or someone else could be doing 12 to 15 reps or something similar. You would just have a time frame to get your own personal reps in. This would make for a very different workout from Cathe's other weight workouts. It would be very versitile.

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