Hardcore Series or Intensity Series????


Active Member
I am an advanced exerciser---I can only buy one or the other. Help me decide.

P.S. I am asking this question for a friend of mine. I don't believe that I have the right answer for her. Will you all please her??? Help her figure out what she should evaluate in deciding
I think the Intensity Series is Cathe's best yet. I have kept ALL of the DVD's from that one (except the compilation one). PUB/PLB is a fantastic weight workout (with some easy-to-do modifications, like more rest between sets on the leg work), IMAX2 is fun and effective (and less high impact than IMAX3), Bootcamp and ME are great workouts as well. There's great variety.

There are fewer workouts in the Intensity Series, but they are all keepers, IMO.

For me, the Hardcore Series had some great workouts (Gym Styles, Low Max), some that are o.k., but not my favorites (IMAX3, but with lots of modfication!), some that didn't appeal to me at all (Stretch Max, Kick Max), and some I haven't made up my mind about yet, but which I don't really gravitate to (High Step).
I have the Hardcore and Intensity Series and I love them both. But I think the IS is the best all around. I love all six of the workouts.

Here's another vote for the Intensity Series. I consistently use all of the six workouts in this series, but I can't say the same for the Hardcores. While I absolutely love the Gym Styles and Muscle Max from Hardcore, I prefer IMAX 2 over IMAX 3 and I can't seem to get into either Core Max or Kick Max. I actually haven't tried Stretch Max or the high step one, so I can't comment on them.

I'd say, just start with the Instensities and get Hardcore later.

Intensity, definitely. I like both of the series, but the sound quality is much better on IS and the premixes are awesome!

Sigh. Ebay prices on the intensity series just shot up across the country- did you hear them all going up?? I sure did. I've been trying to get the first and second, as I have the pyramid one and wanted to fill it out... ;)
Let the bidding begin. Maybe I should just pinch my pennies and order them from Cathe directly!!
Hey you guys,
Thanks for your help. We really appreciate it. The answers you gave is what I thought, but, there is strength in numbers. Thanks again.


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