Hardcore Futness Mainiacs for Sat Aug 26th


Hello ladies,
Been very buisy with back to school. The whole planet is getting a last minute cut this week.
Last night was an other skip day, bad week. I have been at work 10 hrs. a day then ttom. I was drained last night.Bed at 8. I dropped.
One week a month i wash i was a man....

Dana Sue, so Mr. Bill Belongs to you. You guys look great together. How do you handle the traveling?He is too funny. I checked out his web page. He sure has been at alot of places.But, he has you to brag about. His hot wife.....

Char,watch the creatine. I tried it for recovery and i cramped up bad. I was so tired of doms everyday. But, now they are decipating.Even with the GS.

My total body w/o week is up. I needed a change. I like rotating better. This week I did Muscle Max, Power hour and the PSchest up and PSlegs up , and i heavied up more so

Lori take the day off and come back stronger. A day or so won't kill you.
Welcome new ones, nice to meet you all,
Amy, how are ya feeling. No pain...
Have a great day.
Tonite is planned as Imax 2 , but you never know...
Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning I didn't rest (whata surprise!!). I did about 50 minutes of Seasun's Rock Steady Step followed by the core/ab work and stretch and then I did Amy Bento's Stretch #2. I was debating between doing Rainbeau Mars' Pure Tranquility or Bento stretch and I did Bento, but I was sorry...cuz I didn't feel that stretched out and had to end up doing some additional stretches on my own. I didn't have time to do Pure Tranquility cuz I have so much to do today.

Charlotte - got your PM and I'm not ignoring you, but I will be busy doing Ebay stuff today, so I'll try to PM you back tomorrow. You should defintely contact a modertor on the BPAL forum and tell them you can't see the reviews. They are very nice and helpful. Also, I think you can link directly to the Forum reviews thru the Black Phoenix site somehow. I can't remember exactly, but I think when you pull up a specific scent and select something, it takes you to the reviews.

Welcome DB and Sheila. Nice to have you both on the check in.

Megadoo & Debbie - yes, I love GH. Believe it or not, my DH got me hooked on it some years back. I usually go for bad boys, but yes, I like Jason on GH also....I guess he's somewhat of a bad boy. I ended up falling asleep as soon as my head rested on the ball and that was it...I didn't see it. I'll have to watch it tonight. The only other show I watch is Nip/Tuck and the new season starts 9/5.

Diana Sue - speaking of TV. I still am bummed about Charmed being gone...and I haven't watched the final episode yet! I know, I'm weird...but if you ever come across anything similar on TV, please let me know. I miss it. I dont' watch that much TV but I loved Charmed.
There's a movie coming out in the next couple of weeks that has to do with the occult and it reminded me of Charmed. I'll let you know how it is when I see it. I can't think of the name of it right now.

I'm addicted to lip balms and I'm really excited cuz I just found this new one that is absolutely the bomb. It's called Oyin Honeystick. It is so moisturizing and I love it. They sell it at www.OyinHandmade.com. Just thought I'd share that little tidbit. I freaked when I found out you aren't allowed to take lip balm on a plane now. My corners of my lips actually bleed if I don't use lip balm!

I'll be back later...........Have great workouts everyone.

ETA: I think I caught Megadoo's cold! I am losing my voice and getting all congested. I hope it doesn't go into a sinus infection or I can have big troubles like I did last year.
Good orning,
Today will be some cardio, abs and stretching. I really don't plan on spending long at it, but you never know.

Anne, my daughter is a first time teacher this year. She spends 10-11 hours a day at the school. What's up with cutting the planet anyway? Now we have to change textbooks. I am always meeting people that say they hear all about me from Bill:) I think he likes me;)His traveling took some getting used to.

Lora, you should really watch those last episodes of Charmed. I am sure you will enjoy them. DH bought me a season 4 set, but I have not watched them yet.

Maeghan, Charlotte does give one a different perspective of fitness and weight lifting. She has fun while she is doing it:) I enjoy her posts.

Hi to everyone
Diane Sue
Hi everyone! I was reading this check in for a while and I decided to join.

I went to bed last night at 12:30 and woke up a 5:00}(. I NEVER do that. Well anyway I was like SO awake (and I didn't even have my coffee yet ;-)) that I just worked out then. I did GS Shoulders, GS back, S&H shoulders, MM back, 20 minute walk (3.8mph) on my tread (because I'm going to the mall later so I didn't do a lot of walking) and 350 sit-ups. I'm going to the gym later w/ Mom because well she don't get up in the morning:7 and works out later.

My computer basically died when I got up and couldn't fix it. I figured it out like 20 minutes ago. I would of been on MUCH earlier if this didn't happened. The whole power chord thing was out. Don't ask why, porbally my cat. I'll kill her}( }( }(. Anyway well thats y life story this morning:p :p Have a gread day Futness ladies!!! LOL Anne:+

Had another great workout today. I have to say, I'm feeling really good about these workouts and I haven't felt this way in a long time. I must be out of my rut.

This morning was full body training with superset format. This is what I did:

SS #1
Plie Squats - 3 sets/20 reps - 44#
Dumbbell Flat Bench Press - 3 sets/15 reps - 32's in each hand

SS #2
Leg Extensions - 3 sets/15 reps - 52 1/2# /55#/55#
T-Bar Row - 3 sets/15 reps - 50# all three sets and that doesn't include my barbell weight which is 15# but since I only lifted half of it off the ground I'm not sure what # that would be. Low back felt great today!

SS #3
EZ Bicep Curls - 3 sets/15 reps - 35# (only got 13 reps out with set 3, these are a killer!)
Tricep Dips off weight bench - 3 sets/15 reps

I wore my HR monitor through this just to see what I would burn. After this workout which was 40 minutes I burned 210 calories! I was shocked to see that I was in my "zone" for most of this workout.

Then I did the treadmill for 20 minutes. Wow, that was HARD! I certainly am not use to this type of training. Everything on my body was hurting, my ankles, the tops of my feet, my calves, my hips. LOL! I stayed in the fat burning zone for this and had to slow the treadmill down here and there to catch my breath. It felt great though! I did 1.16 miles in 20 minutes. Oh boy! Anyways, total calorie burn with both workouts was 364 and I was in my zone for 49 minutes.

I feel awesome!

Hope you all have great workouts! Sorry so long!
Afternoon Maniacs!!

Yesterday was blllaaahhh! Feeling drained lately, but I got to push myself even though I am feeling this way. I have been feeling like ttom is here, and it is not. Another hot day too. Frustrated, but will bust out some moves today even if I fall over! lol.


Got it! Thanks! So you just do any of Cathe's workouts and incorporate into this too? Yeah, treadmill is something I am not use to either. When we stay at hotels, I will go on for about that much time, and I am done! Excellent workout, Calorie Burning Maniac Mama!


You trippin' or something? Like I said, busy too. Got to get on some vitamins too to help give me some more firing power!


Welcome! 350 situps is insane! Way to go!!!!!

Diane Sue,

Thanks for being there for me. You always know the right things to say.


I just checked my ebay stuff listed too. I checked yours as well.;-) Selling is going strong in general on ebay right now. Seems to slow down around November. I hope you sell everything.

Good afternoon,
I did a 4 mile treadmill run with some hils for 45 min., then did put on my shoe weights and weighted gloves and did standing portion of AB Jam, Core Max #2, and 30 hanging leg reaises with a 10# ball, Stretch Max #2. I really wanted to use that ball today:) I saw a Vkr tower exactly like mine in Sept Oxygen Mag. under resolve to evolve nonassisted dips. There were some good form pointers here.

Debbie, I see you are enjoying your treadmill.

Adri, looks like you have a full day. Are you going to workout some more at the gym?

Charlotte, I take a good b complex with additional C at lunch so I get a good dose of B12 omitting another b vitamin and then at dinner I take a multi vitamin. I always understood that B12 could help boost your energy levels. I have used the sublingual ones as well.

Diane Sue
Hey Maniacs!!!

Did power hour this afternoon. Seems so easy though, but wasn't feeling very mighty today anyhow. My strength is in the toilet, at least for today. My shoulder has still been bothering me and think it is affecting my bench. Diane Sue, I did take some vitamins today. I try to take them, but I seem to forget on some days which frustrated me so I just stopped taking them since I would keep forgetting.

No Laura, not trippin, just tired.
Adri, are you tring to kill yourself in 1 day.
I don't know, but i seem to be getting better results with the little less is better.
I think i was overdoing it. I was toooo sore all the time and watching the clock.
So, what are we selling on e-bay???

350 sit ups and i would probably die.
Do them with a ball and do less.
More weight , less is my motto lately and it is working.
Now, to get some boobs, and the face done.
I am ready...
Charlotte - when I do the full body rotation I don't do Cathe's weight training, I do my own stuff. The only time I'm doing Cathe right now is for cardio days.
Charlotte - not that I'm as buff as Diana Sue or Debbie....but I also take an Amino Acid daily and I take extra B vitamins, as my Multi Vitamin is a vegetarian formula, plus I take Calcium...of course. Good luck with your new training program. Don't get discouraged. Some of us ectomorph's have to work extra hard to build that little bit of muscle and YES, it makes me crazy when I hear women say they don't want to "bulk up". I always say. You can't....cuz you don't have any testosterone and it usually shuts them right up. Hang in there. I'm still not done with my E-bay stuff!! ARGH.....only sold 2 things today so I've got lots of repackaging, etc to do now. I'm gonna have to finish tomorrow cuz I have to go watch the GH show I fell asleep during last night.

See everyone in the AM.
We just came back from seeing "Invincible". I thought it was a pretty good movie.

Lora and Debbie, what is the GH show? Last night we watched Kyle XY it is kind of interesting. You can tell I do not watch a lot of television:)

Diane Sue
Hey Everyone,

My first check-in - Yippee!

Couldn't get on earlier because I went to a 1st b-day party for my neice. So cute! My DH and I are still w/o, but we do have 5 cats that keep us busy. Three of them LOVE when I work out. They're constantly getting in the way when I'm doing lat rows or step. Annoying but cute. Well, this'll be a quick check-in because DH wants to go out for some late night coffee. I think I addicted him. I definitely need my cup in the morning to get me going. I've read good and bad about it. I don't think I over do it. Most of the research says one cup a day is alright. Anyway, today was the first day back from a rest day. I did the first 5 intervals from IMAX 2 and Legs and Glutes (love that workout!). Definitely a lot of legs, and I'm sure I'll feel it in the butt tomorrow (really worked hard on those glute raises). Gonna get going. Hopefully I'll be able to check-in earlier tomorrow. I'm thinking of a 6-mile run. Still on the fence about purchasing P90x. Don't know if I'm ready to start an eating plan yet. Hope you all had a great night and I'll see you 2morrow.
Nice job on the WO DB!

I just ran 3 miles on the TM, steady state. Felt GREAT to get that sweat going from cardio. Tomorrow, I need to do abs for sure, but don't know what else yet, maybe circuit.

Welcome Adri! Look foward to your posts.

Lora, good luck with ebay, and how was GH? I missed most of Friday, so I will catch it on soapnet tomorrow. Love that channel!

Deb, I am so impressed and happy for you that you are lovin your rotation!

Diane Sue, that is cool about your daughter being a teacher. What does she teach?

Anne, hope your dad is better. So you are going for the boob job? Good luck!

Charlotte, I hope you feel better about everything! I think Deb's plan will rock for you! You are awesome, don't forget it!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/151/.png[/img] [/url]

DB how fun going to your nieces first birthday party. I finally stopped my puppy from coming in the workout room as she tried to get on the treadmill with me. I was afraid she would hurt herself. I drink coffee, but only in the early am. Otherwise I stay with mostly water or maybe a decaf skim milk cappucinno no sugar. There is nothing that says you have to follow the P90X diet. I actually stayed pretty much with the phase one portion of the diet throughout the rotation. I also never used the recovery drink. I did make a protein shake with berries at least once a day.
Diane Sue
I am really happy for your daughter Diane Sue! That is really awesome to be doing something you love! THe kids must be cute!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/151/.png[/img] [/url]


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