Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Tuesday July 18


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning I did P90 Fat Burning aerobics followed by Cardio X (skipped the yoga segment and w/u). This totaled about 65 minutes. It was a good moderate aerobic workout. I used my rebounder for some of the jumping, as my sciatica is flaring a bit (I think from running over the weekend). I then did Shape's Pilates abs with a 4 pound med ball. (I did this the other day and actually got my abs a bit sore, yay!!). I also did Rainbeau Mars Pure Tranquility (30 min) restorative yoga....and it felt good.

Well, I'm playing hooky today. I called off and tomorrow, I will also cuz I have the Ob/Gyn appt for a sonogram. I feel a bit guilty, but being as I've only missed 1 sick day and I've been at the hospital for over 2 years.....that's not a bad record.

We have to be in Cleveland for the party, Meet & Greet and Sound Check with the band at 5:00 pm, so I have to leave here at 3. I'm nervous and excited. I hope my niece shows up on time to pick me up the the email says if you're not there right at 5:00 pm, you can't participate. Too bad I don't have a digital camera so I can't post pics after the concert. Anyone have a scanner?

Diana Sue - I haven't decided if I'll make this week a recovery week or not yet. I'm debating. I'll see how I feel tomorrow after the show. I still may push one more week before I take the recovery week. I usually don't wear cut off sleeved PJ's and I got a glimpse of my shoulders in the mirror last night while doing something and I'm starting to get definition in my shoulders. I thought I noticed it the other day, but yesterday I saw my brachioradialus vein starting to pop (you know right where your brachioplexus is ....where the pecs meet the biceps and shoulder up by your armpit? I was a little psyched about it.....I think it's from all of these pushups. Too bad they make my upper back spasm so much.

Charlotte - Today's thread wouldn't be complete without a few pics of the guys....so here goes.


Wish you were coming!!!!

Have great workouts. I'll be back later.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Yesterday I worked out my arms! I found a new way to work biceps. Lay on floor and grab bar from smith machine and pull up. I had to go much lower with weight (40#) as it seemed really hard from this angle, but I was so glad to find a different way to work my biceps as I never thought of this one before until I got my Oxygen Magazine. Well I was desperate to find relief from the heat so I closed my sunroom windows and let the a/c flow thru, but the insulation is so bad in there that it STILL was not cool enough and the rest of the house ended up hot again so that left me frustrated. I will try to work my legs this morning in a few minutes before it gets too hot. I want to do PLB and I would LIKE to ride my bike later, but I know I won't be able to cuz the heat so I will just sit and pout cuz I can't stand not being able to do what I want! WHHHHAAAAAAA!!!! LOL!

So I am suppose to be getting a visitor today to workout with me. DD's boyfriend friend who is going into the Army soon. I am thinking Coremax 1 for starters and then maybe Imax 2 blast for a warmup before we work chest. Yup, I want to work my chest/back later too so I dunno about the heat, but that is what the plan is. I could set up the sprinkler outside and we could all run in it and come back in. LOL!


Love the pictures. Hot! I know, I want to come and I keep thinking about how I am missing out. There is still the Chili Pepper concert, right? Maybe I can go to that one with ya.

Morning to all!

Today's workout was 3 of the 4 cycles in The Viper as I ran out of time and DH got up and likes to watch the news in the a.m. That's okay, cuz I hog the TV during the Tour De France and it's a good stage today so I'll watch after work and then he'll just have to wait. Think I'm going to like doing these circuits and also think they'll build my endurance.

Lora, hope you have a great time at your concert. Know you've really been looking forward to it for a while now. I like to see my veins pop too. Sick, huh? I'm kind of surprised you don't have a digital camera yet. I'm so technically behind the times and even I have one. They've gotten so much cheaper. Maybe someday, huh?

Still don't have time for personals to post yet. It'll be better in another week after the Tour is over.

Great workouts to all,

This morning I did Gym Style Triceps. Had a great workout. This is what I used:

Close Grip Tricep Bench Press: 45 lbs. 2 sets/10 reps (up from 40 lbs. and this seemed easy)
I did the 24 dips on my tower but used the push up bars, really felt them.
Instead of doing Lying Dumbbell Extensions I did it using a 45 lbs. barbell - 2 sets/8 reps (slow count)
Lying Cross Body Extension: 2 sets/12 reps, 12 lbs.
Lying Cross Body Extensions w/Band
Kickbacks: 2 sets/10 reps, 10 lbs.
Kickback w/Band

Then I did the Step, Jump & Pump premix of the step and hi/lo (45 min.) I was in my zone for 35 min. and burned 220 calories. I'm hoping to do abs tonight.

Hope you all have great workouts.
Toasty -

What did the magazine call this exercise? "Lay on floor and grab bar from smith machine and pull up." I don't really get what you're describing - it sort of sounds like an inverted row, otherwise known as a reverse push-up. Does the bar stay stationary?

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]
Where is everyone? This thread if so quiet today.

Charlotte- I just got my new Oxygen yesterday, can't wait to see that bicep exercise you are talking about. I doubt I'll be able to do it since I don't have a Smith Machine. :(
Good afternoon,
This mornings workout was Turbo Jam Cardio Party remix(no str) Turbo Jam Fat Blaster, Kick Max Kicking & punching combos using my weighted gloves, then Gym Style legs.

Lora, the muscle definition is a great motivator isn't it??:) It sounds like you are doing great. Enjoy the concert. You have been looking forwards to this for a long time.

Charlotte, I am curious about the bicep move you described. Is it in the right to bare arms section? I couldn't find what you described. I looked in the Aug and Sept issues.

Debbie, good job as usual. I tried some triceps dips last week after I had worked the triceps and I could only get 5 hanging on the tower. I usually do the ones on the bench with a 45# barbell in my lap.

Hi to everyone, I will checkback later. I am taking my puppy for her shots this afternoon.
Diane Sue
Hi guys!

Today for my cardio day, I did MIC. I then did ME abs.

Lora, have a great time at the concert! Have your husband take a picture of you, and send it to us! I'd love to see the outfit you end up wearing.

Debbie, thanks for answering my question. I'm sorry I'm not very clear by the way I asked. I was basically wondering is the calorie number *used* in any particular way; like you *use* the number for how many calories you eat in a day, etc. Hey, did you buy anything yesterday in the Amish county?

Charlotte, great workout! I've done something similar to that bicep move (I think). I used a rope on a cable machine. I'd stand facing the machine, while standing next to a bench, pull the weight down, then very quickly turn around and lay on the bench. It's an AWESOME move! It REALLY hits your biceps. I forgot about those.

Diane Sue, good luck taking puppie doggie to the vet.

Today seems so loooong!

Tomorrow is Cathe's Birthday!

Have a great afternoon!

It is called "lying cable curls". LOL, just couldn't think of what the *correct* name was at the time. It is a good one. I can't wait to try it again!

Well I finished up the standing leg work only from PLB. I will do the floor work tomorrow. I will be working chest/back/abs here in a few minutes by myself. I guess dd's friend was scared off? No show. LOL!

Diane Sue - I didn't do all those tricep dips on the high bars, I did them on the push up bars so my feet were on the floor. Last time I tried doing them on the high bar I could only do 3.

Susan - I just like wearing my HR monitor, it helps me know if I need to work harder or back off a bit. I love that thing. I just like to record the calorie burn for my journal. I didn't buy a whole lot in Amish Country yesterday. I got some good produce, I collect fairies so I got a really excellent figurine, she is beatiful, I got a sun catcher with a butterfly on it. Oh, and some fudge for my dh.
This evening I decided to get some ab work in. I did the abs from Kick, Punch & Crunch and High Step Challenge (Hardcore series). Wow, these compliment each other very well. I got a great burn! Fun, fun. I will remember this combo!

I'm watching Seasan's Straight Up Step, looks complicated to me, but it looks like so much fun. Seasan is so cute! She is so young, I bet she's not over 20. What a cutie. Can't wait to try it.

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