Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Sunday Aug 27


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning I did Turbo Jam Cardio Party 3 with my 1 pound weighted gloves on. I then did Magically Hips premix from Eion Finn's Power Yoga for Happiness (still love this one and it's still my favorite workout. Nothing can beat it - it leaves you feeling sooooo good.)

Adri - Is that your picture in the avatar? You look young ...if it's you. Muscle Milk - is that a protein drink?

Charlotte - Are you going to do the rotation Debbie is doing? Are you doing it with Cathe workouts or on your own? How are you feeling? better, i hope. Did Debbie give you renewed motivation? I hope so.

Anne - I sell perfume oil samples of the Limited Editions from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab Oils on E-bay. The Lab only sells limited editions in full sized bottles. Bad week this week though cuz there's supposed to be a Halloween update on the Black Phoenix site tomorrow, so everyone's saving their money for that.

Megadoo - GH was good. I just wish Sam and Jason would get back together. I liked them together. He's being too stubborn!! Jason is my favorite character. I used to like the old Carly (that Tamara person...but I don't like the new one). Carly was the ultimate Crazy

Diana Sue - You always seem to know the right things to say to everyone. You always help me and are a great inspiration to me.

Debbie - Way to go with the rotation. I'm glad you're enjoying it and seeing results. I might have to try something similar when I'm finished with P90X.

Hi to everyone else.
We went to see the World Trade Center movie yesterday. It was sort of dragged out, but it was very emotional. We're going to the football movie today Invincible. I've got more E-bay stuff to take care of today. I'll be back later.
Lori, Or Lora:
What is your sellers id. May have to check it out...

Charlotte had a great one last night . I am back on splits. I like them better. I can feel the chest already....Goods night sleep did wonders...
Diana Sue Happy Birthday. You have a seweet DH.Funny too...


Mag, I am going in the winter to get something done in the face and yep boobs.It is the 41 age crisis. I figure why not I am worth it, and dh is paying....Been taking care of kids and not me for 22 years. It is time.....Going for a consult.

Debbie, you amaze me. Great job girllll.

Adri, drop and give me 50....
Watch that you are not over training girl...

Well,GS legs is on the table for today and some cardio, undecided. When i stare at them,I will decide. Maybe leg cond drills. Do it up right today.
Have a great Sunday ladies.

Happy Birthday Diane Sue! Hope you guys do something fun today! Bill is so sweet!

Anne- I hope you consultation goes well. Good luck with it all!

Lora- I believe Adri is 14. I agree, I almost threw up when Ric and Sam did *that*! I really think Sam and Jason should be together. Good luck with Ebay today.

Still not sure what I will do today. I feel good after my run last night. I am still 'waking up', so I will decide later. Not sure what we are doing today, so I might not do a WO until tonight again.

Have a great day ladies!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/151/.png[/img] [/url]

Just saying a quick good morning. I am not sure if I will be back here till tonight. Today is my rest day. I am getting ready for church and then to dd house this afternoon to enjoy my lasagne and cake.Yum. I ate pretty good this week knowing I was having a cheat day:) I really want to think up a slightly different rotation. I dropped weight this month which is something I don't really need to do. I just have not had the time to plan something.

Lora, thanks. When do you leave on vacation?

Anne, thanks for the birthday wishes.

Adri, the muscle milk sounds good. You really did get in a lot of workout time yesterday:)

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue
Did you guts read thet Cathe filmed till 10:30 pm on Fri.

And I think at times i am overtraining...
Get out your boots ladies it is GI Jane Day!!!!
Adri, what do you put in muscle milk?

Diane Sue, enjoy the day with the family. You don't have to worry about weight.You look fabulous, So, enjoy.....

Meag,I hope so too. I scared...
Char, Get out of bed!!!!!

I am waiting for DH to w/o because i have grand son and he is sleeping still. (He looks so darn cute).Hogs the bed though.He sleeps with nana and pappy goes upstairs.

Good morning everyone
Sorry i havent posted in a couple of days, work has been crazy and i haven't felt that well since i got back from London.
I'm taking a complete rest day today, usually on Sunday i do my 5am yoga session, but it was a friends B-day last night, and i had a few drinks (which i never do!), and got home at 3am!
Happy Birthday Diane Sue!
Adri, welcome, i'm a newbie as well.
Have great workouts!
Morning Everyone,
My avatar pic was of me about 3.5 years ago when I was a pre-team/Level4 gymnast. I was 10.

OMG gyys HAVE TO try muscle milk. It is to die for. Yes it's a protein drink. You don't put anything in it...Oh wait I explained it wrong. Its not like a gallon of milk or anything. Its a protein drink in like a little oh I dunno what you call it, a carton or something. It doesn't come in a can like the old ones I used to drink. You can buy them at GNC. Oh and last night when I was there (GNC) they had a new thing out call "Muscle Milk n Oats". Its like an oatmeal breakfast with muscle milk already in it and you just ad hot water. I bought one. It only had 6 fat, 4 sugar and 30 protein + 8 fiber:9 :9 :9 I hope I explained all that well x( x( x(

Ok today I woke up super late. It was like quater of 10. I'm working out at the gym today and am doing leg work, abs, and a 30 minute walk on tread. Going shopping again today later:7 :7

Anne, I know you might thnk I'm overdoing myself. I'll know it if I do. But thanks for being concerned;-)

Have a good day ladies! Tell me if you like Muscle Milk

Good Morning Maniacs!! ANNE...I AM OUT OF BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday I did power hour. I didn't feel so *powerful* about it. I personally don't think PH is one of Cathe's tougher workouts, but I didn't want something like Imax 2 yesterday anyhoo. I hate to complain anymore...just still feel wiped out lately. Maybe a virus? I just don't get it. I had to really go down in my weight yesterday ALOT. I am really depressed about it and the way I have been feeling so today I am gonna do Leaner Legs. If I start to feel better later, cuz I think I need 8 meals today, then I will ride my bike in the evening into town and back. Sometimes you need to rest when you are feeling so tired, but I can't just keep resting too much and start going backwards so today I intend on pushing my way back.


I don't get the total body plan? Doesn't make sense to me. Says week 1 for 3 workouts, does that mean workout ONE body part for the 3 workouts or several others? Can you explain it.

I hope you all have a great day. I have to go now.

I hope you feel better soon Toasty:) I'm also not sure what they mean by the full body workouts and stuff. Well, hope you feel better!!

Take Care,
Adri - Good for you getting started with Cathe so young. I wish I would have done that when I was younger.

Charlotte - hope you feel better soon. I know I had a stomach flu last week and now I've got laryngitis. I hope it's not the beginning of a cold that turns into a sinus infection or it could cause me a lot of problems with my polyps in my sinuses.

Anne - my E-bay name is Lorajc946. I don't know how to link my stuff...but I sell packs of imps (sample sized vials) for $12.50 a 3 pack. A LE bottle sells for $17-25 per 5 ml...so my prices are pretty fair and there are rarely any bidding wars.

Diana Sue - have a great birthday. What did you do to lose weight? I wish I could....I just keep packin it on. I really need to get that personal chef I keep dreamin' about! My vacation is not until the last week of September...but I spent part of my day yesterday packing my travel stuff up...cuz I usually have a Travel Bag that I keep packed all of the time, but with the new restrictions, I had to buy something I can stick in my luggage with everything.

Does anyone here watch Nip/Tuck? If so, it starts September 5th!!
When the heck will this humidity go away? Good Lord, I feel like I'm living on a tropical island! This is Ohio for goodness sakes, why is the humidity always so darn high? It really sucks doing workouts in this crap. We haven't turned our air back on because our electric bill is so high.

My hip flexors are REALLY sore from my treadmill run yesterday and my IT band is tight again. Hope that subsides if I keep doing the TM. I'll be pissed if I can't keep using that thing.

Anyways, I'm finished complaining now. This morning I did Kick, Punch & Crunch. Haven't done this workout in a while, its really hard on my low back but I did the back and side kicks really low. Actually, I didn't even do the back kicks, I just did a very light hamstring curl thing. LOL! This is a fun workout, I really enjoy it. I also did the ab work on this one but didn't do the pykes on the ball because I didn't want to push the low back issue. Instead I just held a straight arm plank while she was doing the ball pykes.

I was in my zone for 40 minutes and burned 284 calories.

Adri - I got my HR monitor at Dick's. Its a Polar A5 but I don't think they make A5's anymore.

Charlotte - I need your email address. I'll send you my rotation, its in Word. You'll see what I do each day. You work your full body three days a week. You use compound exercises and a few target exercises. I'm telling you, its MUCH different than what you are use too. I didn't like it at first but love it now.

Hope you all have great workouts!
Debbie - I meant to mention that we got a treadmill a few months ago (was my father-in-laws and we took it after he passed). ANyway, I tried to run on it on Sundays for a while, but I get a bad flare up of sciatica and sometimes back pain and piriformis pain. I have to try building it up to it a bit slower, but I'm not sure my body likes it. I'll be interested to see how you progress. I need to start trying again, but with doing Plyo X one time a week, I don't think my body can handle running on top of it.
Thanks Debbie, I'll have to go to Dicks someime this week and check em out. Do you happen to remember how much your cost? Just curious. Also, Debbie have you tried the Muscle Milk I've been talking about? If so do you like it?

Have a good day eveyone!!! Sweat hard}(

Char, You will be fine. You sound burnt from moving and trying to do too much.
I am having some major doms today.GS Chest again. I love that w/o.
Well, I did GS Legs and 25 min of ab hits. I was having trouble with the planks cause my arms are sore. Going to get some cardio in later, but baby here and needs attention.
My legs need some rest , they feel like jelly right now...

Char , it is a total body w/o 3 times a week. Looks really heavy. Right up your alley.

Adri , I just may have to go to GNC today. Sounds yummy, like a great breakfast on the fly.

Lori, give it time. If you are lifting heavy you are probably puttin on muscle. I haven't lost alot lately, but I am seeing more and more definition. I say the heck with the scale. The #'s will come down slowly.
More muscle, more fat burn and less boobs...

Does anyone here like the Namaste Yoga show on Fit TV? I'm doing it today in like 10 minutes. It starts at 12:30. Today is the hardest one: Riding the Wind. I thought they said the Crane was the hardest but I guess not. I'll let you guys know how it goes.

Take Care,
Hey everyone I didn't checkin yesterday but I rested.
Today was a superheavy wt work for me 3-6 reps
bicep curls 90lbs 3-3
lying tricep ext 90lbs 5-5
overhead shoulder press 90lbs 4-4
bent row 110 7-7
chest press 120 5-4
then I did a firm cardio and leg mix for 20 min(my own version)only using 40lbs for lower body.
and some abs.The rest of the week should be like this
mon -2mile run
tues -powercut(endurance wt work)-tae bo impact
wed-hill repeat runs
thurs-total body 8-10 reps 2 sets per part
fri-run one min intervals
Now I have had my whey shake and creatine it is time to shower and jump in the pool.catch ya'll later.

Please may I have a copy of your rotation in word formatt too. I'm close in doing advanced workouts, and would love to workout as you do, so I too can have a great looking body.

What exercise machines do you have in your home gym? Don't mean to be a pest.

[email protected]

"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
Debbie - That workout your doing is with your own equipment, right? Did you make a rotation for Toasty using Cathe DVD's? I'd be interested in that, but I'm not focused enough to exercise without following a DVD.....I'm ADD girl.

Adri - Sadly, I don't get Fit TV. Hard yoga, huh? Have you ever done any of Mark Blanchard's yoga? He's the toughest there is, IMO. www.progressivepoweryoga.com.
Lora - My hips are really sore today from that treadmill, I think tomorrow when I get on it, it will be a fast walk instead of a jog. I think I'm doing too much too soon on that thing. Also, in another thread you said you watch GH. So do I! I've watched that show since 1983. I love that show, its been really good lately. Yes, I'm using my own equipment with this new routine. No, I didn't make up a rotation for Toasty using Cathe's DVD's, its what I've been doing and posting on here recently. I'm doing my own stuff following the guildelines I got from T-Nation.

Adri - I paid about $100 for my HRM. And no, I've never tried Muscle Milk but will look into it now that you have said how good it is.

Sheila - Are you using free weights or machines? Your poundage is impressive. 90 lbs. for bicep curls? Wow!

I e-mailed you.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-

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