Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Monday July 17


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning I did Core Synergestics. I didn't sleep well last night and I didn't really have any energy this morning. I had to use lighter weights than usual and it was hard to make it thru this. I overslept and I'm running late, so I gotta run.

Have great workouts and I'll try to check in from work later.
This morning I had to get up at quarter to 5 to get my workout in because my cousins and I are going to Amish Country today! Yay!

I did Gym Style Biceps today, this is the weights I used:
Barbell Curls: 45 lbs.!!! Up from 40 lbs. 2 sets/10 reps
Partial Reps: 12's
Concentration Curls: Set 1 with 15 lbs./Set 2 with 20 lbs.
Curl Ups/Reverse Downs: 15's
Hammer Curls: 15's
Wrist Curls: 10's (those hurt in a bad way, don't know why)

Then I did Step & Intervals, this is such a fun step workout, it goes by so fast. And then I did the ab work from Step, Jump & Pump. I was in my zone for 24 minutes and burned 162 calories.

Hope you all have great workouts!
Hi ladies:

Today's workout was Lowmax (shortened a tad). I'm beginning Debbie's Circuit Mix Rotation. I have lots of circuit workouts that I hardly have used so this will help with that.

Lora, sorry you overslept. Yes, sometimes it seems like I get my best sleep right before it's time to get up. Maybe you'll sleep really well tonite.

Debbie, I am flabbergasted at 45# for barbell curls. At first I was thinking DB curls, but I'm still very impressed. Sounds like a great workout. I have done GS Biceps once now and it was a goodie. Adding Step & Intervals and then the abwork from SJP (which I like too) sounds really well rounded. Love the way you put these together.

Suz, yes, I saw the crash. Awful, huh? Can't wait to see tomorrow's stage. Will be brutal. I am in awe of those guys to go out day after day. Not sure if you are riding today or not. If so, have a wonderful ride :)

Charlotte, I just saw a commercial for Requip. It's the prescription medicine for Restless Leg Syndrome and thought about you. How is it going with that? Still keeping your DH awake with that?

Hi to all that come later.

Good morning ladies, clicked on your thread by mistake and read that Charlotte suffers from RLS? I have had it since I was 8 years old and it has gotten worse since going into my 40's-I'm 42 now. I have been taking Requip for a few months now and can tell you that it has been a life saver for me. I used to have it so bad that if I sat to watch a movie or read I could set my timer that at 45 mins. after sitting down it would start. Now I am able to sleep through the night without waking up and am able to sit for as long as needed without that irritation.

Charlotte if you have any questions please ask away but for me I could kiss the feet of whoever invented this medicine. Oh and I haven't had any side-effects either.

Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Well yesterday was another hot one. Finished mowing grass and then took a break and ate a protein bar and some yogurt and filled up on more water and then got ready to do Boot Camp. Made it half thru in my hot sunroom and felt like I was going to pass out so I stopped. This heat is just awful!!!!!!!!!!! I think I will avoid all cardio (bike riding, etc) until it cools down just a bit so today I will work my arms and do more ab work.


How sweet of you to think of me! The only one that really suffers from this is my dh...sometimes. He calls me "Tremor Woman". I don't even realize it is happening when I fall off to sleep. My legs sometimes will act up when I sit to watch a movie too, but not too bothersome. Thanks for the information. I would like to read more on it before I decide it is right for me. Thanks for sharing!!


I just pm'd you.


Heard your shoulder was acting up yesterday. Hope it is feeling better today. My right shoulder is now acting up as dh was tickling me and pulled my arm (since I was fighting him off) and since then it hasn't been the same. Don't think he meant to hurt me, but stuff happens so it will be interesting to see how I feel when working shoulders today. So do you have a/c on when you do your stepping workout?


Love hearing of your bike riding details. I know what you mean about smells too when you ride. Sometimes I will smell people smoking as they drive by..ew and then it is different flowers, etc. Right now, it is too hot to ride. Gonna be 100 today and feel like 110 though. Very humid here. I think that is what is making me dog tired lately too cuz when I cool off I feel like myself, but when I step outside it is like I am lifeless and become drained.

Well...I just got off the phone with my Gyn doc. They said I have to go in for an ultrasound and office vist on Wed. cuz there could be something wrong. She has documented that I first called about his at the end of May, so it has been going on for a bit longer than i thought. Not exactly how I want to spend my day off.

Also, forgot to mention. I'm sore down the sides of my back and in my shoulders and places I can't figure out how I got sore....unless it was from that yoga over the weekend. I know my legs and low back are sore from my first runs on the treadmill....oh well... gotta run...boss is here
Hi there!

Today I did MM and then HSTA-cardio.

Debbie, I’m wondering what does the number of calories burned mean to you? I’m not quite sure how to phrase my question. I guess, what does it matter if you burned say, 200 calories or 400 calories? Does it mean if you didn’t burn enough one day, you do something more challenging the next? Please don’t think I’m being sarcastic.

Jeanette, I can not imagine riding my bike for SIX hours! Wow! Good for you.

Suz, I wanted to thank you for suggesting spinervals dvd’s for the treadmill. I did check out the website, and may consider getting one for the winter.

Diane Sue, I hope your father is doing better.

Lora, let us know how your doctors apt. goes.

Terri, I’m so sorry you still hurt from you loss.:( I agree with Diane Sue, please make sure you eat!

I have to go for now. I’ll be back later.

Diana Sue - Question for you.....I was planning on doing 4 weeks of the P90X weight weeks before my recovery week, cuz I'm doing them in blocks of 2 weeks, ie. 1st week shoulder, arms, week 2 chest and triceps ....so I figure I need to do at least 2 weeks before I take a recovery week. However, I'm feeling like I need a recovery week. Do you think it would hurt if I take a recovery week and then do the second week of my chest/triceps week? If you don't understand, please let me know. thanks.

I wonder if I'm getting sick, as I wasn't feeling well this morning either.
Sorry for the double post. I'm full of questions today. What else is new? huh?

Does anyone know if backbends in yoga can make the sides of your back and shoulders sore? I'm not used to doing them and that's the only thing I can think of that I did over the weekend that would cause soreness in these 2 spots.

Also, is it Netta who takes something for bloating? I can't remember...but whoever it is.....what is it that you take from the Health Food store? I might have to pick some up.

Netta says (from previous post)..........

Charlotte, glad you are feeling better. I've been taking Evening Primrose Oil for the last 4 months. It has helped me soooo much with symptoms of bloating, water retention, and sore breasts. I just had my period and had NONE of these signs this month. I also take Vitamin B6 daily. Each month gets better and better for me in this regard. I'm holding my breath. Hope it continues. Exploding biceps, yuk! I really dislike that HEAVY muscled look on men, though that sounds even more extreme.
Jeanette - I could have and should have used 50 lbs. 45 seem really easy for me this morning. It flabbergasted me too!

Charlotte - be careful working out in this heat. Its dangerous. I'm glad you stopped. Not sure why you thought I hurt my shoulder? The only thing wrong was I had DOMS in my shoulder blades, and still do. But thanks anyways for your concern! :)

Susan - Not sure what you mean about my calories burned? And I'm not offended at all, I just don't know what your asking. I wish I could burn more calories but when I do a half hour workout its usually only in the 150-180's which sucks. It kind of makes me think I'm wasting my time. But then I have to remember that I did a weight workout before the cardio so I've burned way more calories than that.
Good evening,
This is a late checkin for me. Two of our granddaughters to see Cars this afternoon. I went grocery shopping and am just now getting some household chores done. Anyway I did 3 miles on the treadmill and Step Jump & Pump cardio and abs, then 75 leg raises on the Tower, Gym Style Chest and Triceps followed by Jari Love's Slim and lean Chest presses, Triceps and abs to which I added some weights.

I will go back and read over all of the posts.
Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue
Lora I think taking a recovery week between would be fine. That is good that you are paying attention to how you feel. It will probably help you perform better on your next two weeks. As far as the yoga being the cause, I think it could be that or maybe it is doms from before the weekend that the yoga just caused to be more pronounced. When I first did all of Yoga X I had soreness all over the place. I also tried to do the wheel like the experienced/advanced exercisers were doing and I really pulled my back and shoulders. I had to be more cautious after that. I think my flexibility is good, but will take awhile to acheive some of those poses.
Diane SUe
Suz, I know sometimes I just let go and have a couple of cheat days but then I usually don't feel that well and that inspires me to stick with eating healthy. This weekend was not great with yet another birthday party. We had pizza and I ordered myself a salad and I ordered wings. This time I made a sponge cake and used light cool whip and vanilla pudding made with skim milk and strawberries. Not real great but better than something really rich.

Susan, my Dad is feeling better. He is 78 years old. He fell on the fourth and has had problems with cellulitis. THey have him on antibiotics but I guess his leg is really swollen. He was having problems with this before. He also had a stint put in because of blood pressure problems. He still tries to be active and plant a large garden and work on cars and just built his new deck. It is hard for him to slow down.

Debbie, I hope you enjoyed the Amish community. My children used to stay with my parents in Missouri and loved to go to the Amish community with them.

Toasty, I hear you on the heat. We had rain for 3 days and now it is around 103 here. I hate going outside to take care of things.

Have a nice evening,
Diane Sue


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