Hardcore Fitness Maniacs March 2025


Getting us started since it will be March in 3 minutes.
No workout today. It took quite a while at my appointment. They had to do blood work and I had to wait a bit for my prescription, plus it is a long drive. I am starting a new med leflunomide (Arava) to take along with the hydroxychloroquine. The doctor thinks with the two I should be able to feel as good as when I get the steroid injection. I finally gave in tonight and took it. Reading side effects and possibilities and some discussion groups I am a bit worried. I will go to bed and hopefully feel okay when I wake up.

Debbie, nice work on the treadmill and PT exercises. I sort of like doing preacher curls on the ball because it keeps my shoulders out of it. It is uncomfortable on the elbows though. I know what you mean on roads. We have some potholes that are more like craters and my little car cannot take it. You can't always see them soon enough when it is dark outside. It seems they say one thing and do something else with the money. Our city is putting sidewalks everywhere.

Belinda, nice job on getting STS 2 Total Body Trisets in today. I modify a lot. I have done wall push ups or elevated ones. My wrists just do not take push ups, and planks for very long. The mobility workout has a lot on hands and the walk out into a plank, tap shoulders, and knee ins and walk back hurts. Not an easy way for me to modify it. Normally I would just do the plank on my forearms. My wrists are sort of misshapen from the arthritis and those stretches with hands backwards and sideways do not feel good either. This last time I did it how Cathe did except a side move. The result was not good.
Good morning,

I will do Functional Mobility Fusion today.

Diane - thanks for starting us off. Most medications have a lot of side effects. I hope you feel better soon.

I will be back.
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Today I did Lift Move & Restore Functional Total Body, 64 minutes, 242 calories, heart rate 102/132. I did not have a lot of time, but did LMR Pilates foam roller skipping most of the warm up portion and got in 10 minutes, 19 calories.

Lift Move and Restore Total Body
warm up 8# dbs
suitcase squat 12# dbs 12 reps
suitcase squat 15# dbs 10 reps
suitcase squat arm up 12# dbs 10 reps
squat upright row biceps curl combo 12# dbs 8 reps
suitcase swing 10# weight plate 12/8 reps
biceps curl Arnold press combo 10# db 12 reps
underhand grip row 40# barbell
lunge press tricep extension combo 10# weight plate 12 reps
side lunge 12# db 12 reps
side lunge overhead press combo 8# db 12 reps
squat swing tricep extension 10# db 10 reps
overhand grip row 35# barbell
clean & press 25# barbell curl press option 8 reps
rear lunge bicep curl 25# barbell 10 reps
deadlift calf raise combo 40# barbell 12 reps
press & pour 5# dbs 8 reps
single leg deadlift 15# db 6/6 angled reps LT/Rt
walk out plank modified
thoracic pushups doing the kneeling option
kneeling side bend leg extended to the side 10# db 12 reps
chest press /close grip press combo 10 dbs 12 reps
plate crunch 10# plate 12 reps
chest fly leg abduction 8# dbs 10 reps
opposite hand to knee plank (used the forearm plank option) 16 reps
seated twist 10# db 16 reps
bus drivers 10# weight plate 16 reps

Belinda, I hope you enjoyed the Functional Mobility Fusion today. It seems they all want to start with the DEMARDs first. My daughter in law switched doctors and they still pushed the same medicine on her first. I am not sure why they do that. I am not liking that I have to go back a lot more for blood work and checking everything is okay. Usually, I can see my lab results soon after, but I guess since it was a Friday it will be Monday or Tuesday. I realized that Fridays they close at noon, so it was rather nice that there were not many people there. Restrooms were available which is unusual because there are always people in and out of them and waiting. There is only two for everyone. I made my next appointment for the same time. I want all of this to slow down progression, but I wish I knew the med was safe.
Sorry I did not check in the past few days, life has been hectic. Friday I took the pup for a 2.3 mile walk in the am and a 2 mile walk in the pm. Saturday I walked the pup 3 miles and then went to take my parents to breakfast, it was a nice visit. Today I did CL #465 Strong and Fit All Upper Body and had a great workout. This workout can be done with lite weights and higher reps or heavy weights with less reps. I did a mixture of both because I did not want to aggravate my low back with a few exercises. I ended the workout on my rowing machine for 3 minutes on the highest resistance and I am sweating bullets.

Diane Sue, how is the new meds making you feel so far? Great job on the workout. I cannot believe it is March already. Next Saturday the time changes! Yes!

Belinda, Nice job with the mobility workout. How do you like those workouts?

Have a wonderful Sunday.
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Today I did a zoom dance.

Diane - they all follow a protocol on what you have to start first. My Rheumatologist started me on DEMARDs first when I was diagnosed with RP. Quickly we learned it wasn’t enough. My lab results usually take 2 or 4 day‘s depending what they are looking for. I am having the same problem with my shoulder/biceps with DEMARD‘s. Instead sending me to a surgeon they want me to go to pain managment . I really don‘t more drugs/shots or nerve blockers. I hope you get your results soon.

Jolie - nice job on the walk and Cl. I do like the new workouts for lighter day‘s. I still have to modify to take the pressure off my shoulder/biceps.

Roselyn - great job yesterday.

Good night.
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No workout today. Tomorrow morning I go for a chest CT. I saw Kelly has some new March workouts she is putting up. Also some talk on her Youtube channel? I saw this on Instagram.

Roselyn, good job on shoulders and the Sprint Hiit.

Jolie, nice work on the walks and Cathe Live # 465 Strong & Fit all Upper body. I gather the med they gave me takes 4 to 8 weeks for some results. It will be nice to have the daylight longer into the evenings.

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