Morning Maniacs -
This morning I did Barry's Bootcamp - FatBurn Total Body/Upper, Code Red and Advanced Abs. Workout was 67" and I burned 433 calories.
The workout I did was the Total Body with emphasis on the upper body with cardio moves such as squat thrusts, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, football runs, etc. All segments are 1", weights and cardio. I think I counted my reps in one of the minutes doing triceps and I did 50 it's a high rep count workout.
Code Red was a 20" workout with 10 of Barry's favorite moves. Not really focused on one specific thing....but had some cardio in it, leg work, and I think pushups. Can't remember.
I added weight to some of the ab moves.
Exercises are done on the ball that comes with the kit and you use the bands that come with it. I ordered the deluxe package, so I got 4 levels of resistance bands with mine. The kit also comes with a "booty band" that has ankle straps to use with the "booty band" workout, or you can wear the booty bands throughout the other workouts.
The music is real good in these....even better than the last set. Barry is in all of them, but he only jumps in on the exercises every now and then....but mostly walks about the class yelling at everyone and laughing with his mad scientist laugh that he has. He has Cindi Whitmarsh leading the exercises and explaining setup. The two of them have good rapport. The class is made up of men and women
All in all, it is a good workout....but I think it's a bit less intense....but still plenty hard. I guess it all depends what you put into it. I had to take a break thru the Squat Thrusts and Mountain Climber it's been a while since I've done those for a full minute. Glad I bought them, but I could have done without the eqiupment and wish I wouldn't have had to pay so much for them. They were very expensive. I'm sure the price will drop after they've been out for a while.
Gotta run............must get ready for work.
Have great workouts.
This morning I did Barry's Bootcamp - FatBurn Total Body/Upper, Code Red and Advanced Abs. Workout was 67" and I burned 433 calories.
The workout I did was the Total Body with emphasis on the upper body with cardio moves such as squat thrusts, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, football runs, etc. All segments are 1", weights and cardio. I think I counted my reps in one of the minutes doing triceps and I did 50 it's a high rep count workout.
Code Red was a 20" workout with 10 of Barry's favorite moves. Not really focused on one specific thing....but had some cardio in it, leg work, and I think pushups. Can't remember.
I added weight to some of the ab moves.
Exercises are done on the ball that comes with the kit and you use the bands that come with it. I ordered the deluxe package, so I got 4 levels of resistance bands with mine. The kit also comes with a "booty band" that has ankle straps to use with the "booty band" workout, or you can wear the booty bands throughout the other workouts.
The music is real good in these....even better than the last set. Barry is in all of them, but he only jumps in on the exercises every now and then....but mostly walks about the class yelling at everyone and laughing with his mad scientist laugh that he has. He has Cindi Whitmarsh leading the exercises and explaining setup. The two of them have good rapport. The class is made up of men and women
All in all, it is a good workout....but I think it's a bit less intense....but still plenty hard. I guess it all depends what you put into it. I had to take a break thru the Squat Thrusts and Mountain Climber it's been a while since I've done those for a full minute. Glad I bought them, but I could have done without the eqiupment and wish I wouldn't have had to pay so much for them. They were very expensive. I'm sure the price will drop after they've been out for a while.
Gotta run............must get ready for work.
Have great workouts.