Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Tues March 13


Morning Maniacs -

I'm off to do Cardio Coach #2 and maybe some Hip Hop Abs & Yoga. I'll be back later.

Have great workouts.
This morning I did a variety of Cathe's leg workouts. I combined Legs & Glutes, Gym Style Legs and Butts & Guts. This is what I did:

From L&G:
Leg Press: 12's - 2 sets/16 reps each leg
Hover Squats: 12's
Rear Lunges/Plie Squats: 12's
Drop Squats: 15#
Explosive Plie Squats
Calf Raises
One Legged Deadlifts: 12's (not sure I should have done these, low back is talking to me right now!)
Plie Squats: 20#
Genie Squats on High Step w/3 risers (these also irritate my low back)
Explosive Lunges

From GS Legs:
Squats: 65# - 3 sets/16 reps - no low ends with last set
Plie Squats: 30# (love these)
Calf Raises (love these as well!)

From Butt & Guts:
Firewalkers: Did this series twice with purple band

Workout took an hour and I needed my fan. Its warm here today, suppose to possibly reach 70 degrees! Woo hoo!

Hope you all have great workouts!
Good Morning,
Today I am doing cardio, abs, and stretch/yoga. I have to get out and do errands today. The guys finished in our garage but I think they have to come back and fix something. My next new laptop is due to arrive tomorrow so I need to be able to stay at home as much as possible to sign for it.

Debbie, is there not enough leg work in the M&F rotation? I was thinking of starting that one soon. I am finishing out this week at least with some dvd's:)

I ended up doing Cardio Coach 2 on the TM and then I did Hip Hop Abs and Level 1 and the stretch from a Keli Roberts DVD for a total of about 75 minutes and I burned 450 calories. I also did Baron Baptiste's Unlocking Athletic Power yoga (30"). Speaking of that DVD, my shoulder is still messed up from doing crow pose in that DVD a while back. My DH hurt his shoulder in the same place once and he said it never really totally healed. Not what i wanted to hear.

Suz - When I first developed asthma, mine mostly flared up when 10 minutes into aerobics (that's what made me go to the doctor). I did have some attacks other times, but aerobics was the worst. I know I have to continue my meds cuz if I don't, I would get as bad as I was when I first got diagnosed and not doing aerobics is not an option for me.....so I take them. I use an inhaled corticosteroid, not oral steroids and nasal sprays for my sinuses. I have been told that my severe sinus problems feeds my asthma and it it's a vicious cycle. I think in the case of asthma, medication can't be helped. My doctor tried to prescribe something for my depression recently and I turned it down. I will take meds for my sinuses and IBS but there are certain things I draw the line on. I would have thought your asthma would have been controlled by now since you were diagnosed a while ago. I know the inhaled corticosteroids have controlled mine to the point where I only get an attack on a rare occasion.

I won a Fluidity DVD on Ebay. I can't wait to get it and try it. I've read good things about it working your lower body when other exercises have failed.

Deb - Good workout. I like your creativity with the leg work.

Toasty - I got a C&S for my Pink Moon order. It should be here Wed or Thursday. I got Ostara also.

Meg - Cool ringtone! That's MY song! I know most of you would agree that I am crazy! I never get sick of that song. Have you ever listened to Saliva? I got the CD Every Six Seconds by them cuz I love that song Your Disease. I should burn it for you. It's not a bad CD. Do you think you'd want it? It also has that song Click Click Boom Boom......do you know tht song?

Hi to everyone else. Have great workouts. Off to eat my cereal. I threw dried cranberries in my shredded wheats. I'm on a cranberry craze.
Good Morning Maniacs!!

Yesterday I had errands up the ying yang. Run..run..run, but not the cardio kind. Very busy and not focused cuz so much is going on right now. Just accepted offer on our new home. It is officially ours! I am in a dreamlike state so I am just estatic about it all. I didn't do my workout yesterday. Did not keep track of my eating either. Too much going on so today I am gonna do the chest/back and 5 cycles of either Imax 2 or lowmax plus ab work.

Lora- I love Saliva, and yes I like those songs. I don't have any of their CDs either. THat would be so cool! I also downloaded Far Away from Nickleback. Favorite song. That is my message tone. You know since I am so popular and get so many messages LOL!

Charlotte- I can *hear* the excitement in your posts. That is awesome! So when is moving in day?

Deb- that was a helluva work out woman! Hopefully it won't bother your back to much. I tell you, my hams really feel those deadlifts now that I started doing them correctly.

DS- did your other laptop break? Have a good wo.

Suz- thanks re the meds. It is annoying sometimes. Steroids can totally do the opposite re weight and eating, then what I am trying to accomplish, and you get all puffy. I hope to be off it completely soon. Plus plaquenil, you can't be pregnant while taking it. Not that I want to be preggo right now, but still, that is annoying to know I have to stop taking them first if I wanted to. But thank you for the compliment, and good luck to you.

I am planning UB today. Not sure what. Never did get my yoga in last night. That would be nice, but not possible to that with kids running around. I would love to do an outside run, but have to wait and see what the weather is like later.

Have a great day everyone.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics to NYC GTG and Christmas Albums 3/6/07

Morning Maniacs! This morning I did NROL Fatloss-1 workout B.
I have a Drs. Appointment in just a bit, for my elbow. Then I'm going to Park City today for some serious shopping.}(

Here is my workout: Rest 75 Sec. between sets.

Warm up-One set all exersices with light weight

Deadlift 3x15x47
Incline DB press 3x15x15
Bulgarian split squat 3x15x12
Mixed grip lat pull-down 3x15x60
Romainian Deadlift 3x15x47
Swiss ball lateral roll 3x15xbw

Followed by 12 min. treadmill run-7 min. HIIT

Workout was 1 Hr.

Lora-Great workout! Hope the Fluidity workout is good for you.

Debbie-Nice job on frying the legs!}(

Diane Sue- That would be great if you did the rotation Debbie is doing. Then we can see which one you like best.:)

Char- You sound busy! And HAPPY!:+

Meg- Enjoy your workout today and don't let the kids wear you out!

Hi to everyone who follows.:)

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Good MOrning Maniacs
Today I did Gym Style legs. Thinking I could go heavier then cathe but since I havent done it in about a month I was wrong I was burningx( }(

I might go to the gym a little bit later and maybe do some cardio

Diane Sue - I'm not doing the leg part of the M&F rotation. I find that going heavy with my legs doesn't benefit me much. Plus I don't have any of the machines to do half the exercises it calls for. I need to get them toned down for summer and I know Cathe will help me with that. So I'm doing the rotation, just not the leg part.
How many days in a row is this for me checking in???

I rode the trainer this morning. I just spun easy since last night's ride was hard on my legs, especially after doing weights in the morning yesterday. When I hopped off the bike this morning my legs felt like jello. I didn't expect it since I didn't really put any effort into it. I only stayed on for about 52 minutes, as I had to get ready to go to the dentist (no cavities - woo hoo!). I got another flat. I think that CompuTrainer gets too hot and I need more expensive tires. We're gonna try that. Sheesh!

Lora - Maybe my asthma WOULD have been under control by now if I WOULD have been taking the meds they gave me. But I quit after cycling season ended last October. I just don't think it's bad enough to take the meds since it's only when I exercise or climb stairs, etc. I did that Albuterol last night before I rode and I woke up at 4am with a migraine. AND I'm on day 5 of that Medrol pack! I also ate (I know this is terrible for so many reasons but it sounded so good) Cup O Noodles after I rode and that has soooooooooooooooooooooooo much salt and MSG in it and it could have been from the MSG.

Char - Congrats on the house!!!

Dallys - Good luck with the elbow. And have fun shopping! I'm envious!!!

Debbie - Awesome workout!

Diane Sue - Did something happen to your other laptop? I thought you just got a new one??

Meg - So, another baby someday, huh? Awww... :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Just got back from the Docs. I love that guy! He totally understands me as a 44 year old women wanting to lift some heavy poundage. I even recall him saying "athletic person" in the conversation! Kinda lost all focus after that. LOL! Anyhoos, he gave me the cortizone shot and my arm already feels tons better. Hopefully this will work for me. I'm off to Park City now for the mega shopping adventure.

Suz-Wonder what's up with the flat tires. Must have to do with the heat or something. That would be a major pain. I think you posted for like 3 or 4 days in a row now!:p

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Thanks for the cheers on house!

I don't have much time to read post today. I have been packing and cracking. lol

Done with workout. Not doing the cardio portion today. Feeling alittle sick right now. Aunt Flo is not making things easy for me when I want to push thru plateau's, etc.


30 pushups
Decline Flyes 35's 3 sets/10
Incline Flyes 30's 3 sets/10
Lat Pulldowns 90# 2 sets/10 and dropped to 5 on last
Pullovers 40# db 3 sets/10
Chins 5 unassisted and 10 assisted

Ab work later.

Real quick...

Just have to say that I am glad that the doctor recognized you as a Athlete, but he should also know you are not *just* a athlete..you are hardcore and bionic and can beat him up!!!!! lol. Docs usually never say positive stuff to me...usually I feel like I have visited the grim reaper when I am done seeing them. Tell me what I can expect in another 5 years or so on. Eye doc told me 12 years ago that I would need glasses in about 2 years. Still don't need them. HA! I had my knees checked out....gave me Vioxx. Threw it in the trash. Trying to kill me.

Hi ladies! Tonight's WOs were Hip Hop Abs Fat Burning Cardio # 1, HHA Ab Sculpt # 1 & the Learn to Dance segment. That was my creative way of getting in the cardio today. Can't seem to get motivated to do Cathe's step lately...think I burned out on it.

Deb-I pulled my fan out yesterday. Can't live without it if the temp goes above 70. Awesome WO as usual!

Diane Sue-Excited for you on the new laptop! :)

Lora-That's awesome that you will have a Fluidity WO! Can't wait to hear about it!

Meg-I like Nickelback, too! Just downloaded Savin' Me. (I know..it's been out forever..where have I been, etc! :) )

Dallys-Hope shopping was fun! What did you get? Glad elbow is better and you got such a great compliment from the doctor!

Randi-You've probably made good progress even if you weren't lifting heavier than Cathe! You have been working really hard and have been so consistent! Keep up the good work!

Suz-Yea! All hail the check-in queen! I know what you mean about the dentist...I did the no dental issues Happy Dance last week! Feels so good!

Char-Great news on the house! I hate moving, but it's always been worth it. I can't believe you have packing and all kinds of stuff to do and you are still keeping up with your workouts, too. Wonderwoman!!!!

Where are Sara and Amber? Hope you guys are doing well!

Have a great night everyone!

I got all my errands run today and did my workout. I started with Straight Up Step stopped at the str. and did segment #2 of Step works(meant to do #3 but didn't realize I was doing the wrong one till I was already into it. I then did Amy's APX abs and 3 sets of hanging knee raises with 10# med ball, then I did 40 minutes of Eoin Finn's YFH doing the full happiness one. I will do the other 40 minutes next time. I just wanted to see what all was included. So far I have done all of the segments I saw this morning.
For those that asked I did get a new laptop. It was a Dell with Windows Vista I could not use a lot of my programs with it. It also had some odd bugs in it. They did not have one without Vista to replace it so we sent it back. DH ordered me one from HP without Windows Vista. My old laptop is having problems and some mornings I spend a lot of time getting it up and going.

Debbie, I did notice that there was not a lot of lower body exercises in that rotation.

Charlotte, congratualations on the house. I am sure you are really pumped:)

Dallys, I bet that made you feel good having your doctor recognize that you were an athlete:)


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