Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Tues April 3


Morning Maniacs -

I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. It's leg day. Off to do my Barry's Leg/Cardio and some yoga. I'm getting sick of this Barry's rotation already!! I'll be back later.
Good Morning:)
Today is S&H Back and ME back I will probably do boot camp back to, then cardio. Chest is real sore today ouch!

Jen thanks for the website too funny! There is really no hurry to meet a guy I'm just trying this because my brother set me up with a free membership, we'll see if this works:)
Morning maniacs.... Hopefully i will be doing GS chest and tri and cardio tonite if all goes well.

Randi, you will find the right one when you are not looking. It will just happen.. I agree, looks are somewhat important. I could not marry a fat slob who doesn't know what soap is and i have seen a few in my day...

Char, you been buisy packing...

Deb, thanks,

Diane Sue, i had to send ya some twins...

Suz, congrats on the weight loss. I have been in a slump since i had surg..Weight is making me crazy...

Where is Amberbutt been...???

Matrietta, disappear again...

Dallys, do those taxes yet?? I am going to pay mine today and get them out of my face...I'll throw the big one on the line of credit and pay it off next month...LOL...

Meaggie where are you too?
Hi Jenn. The site is too funny....
Lora-Leg day makes me not want to get out of bed either! LOL! Actually, I shouldn't be laughing...I think today is my leg day, too! x(

Randi-Have a great workout!


This morning was legs and I did a combination of Muscle Endurance, Muscle Max and Gym Style. Endurance workouts kill me anymore, I can't believe how bad I was burning with these exercises. This is what I did:

Muscle Endurance:
Leg Press: 1 set/16 reps; 1 set/12 reps - 15's
Squats: 45# - Lots of reps and low ends
Deadlifts: Did them elevated with 12's - many reps
Leg Press: 2 sets/12 reps - 15's
Static Lunges: 45# - definitely should have lowered my weight here
Leg Press: 2 sets/12 reps - 15's
Glute Raises - Love these!

Muscle Max:
Squats: 45# - Lots or reps and low ends
Static Lunges: 35# (these killed!)
Leg Press: Only used two risers and purple band - 2 sets/16 reps
Plie Squats: 15# - 2 sets/tons of reps

Gym Style:
Calf Raises

My legs are still shaking. It was a great workout! Took an hour.

Hope you all have a great workout!
Good Morning Maniacs!!

See ya'll ain't wasting anytime this morning. I can't catch up now!!!x( :p :*

So yeah, Anne..busy. Actually just mowed yesterday cuz I don't plan on doing it again here. Last time. Did my upperbody workout inbetween. Sticking with 40's for the curls. WOO HOO! My shoulders and bi's are especially toasted. Got breakdown circuit to do today and packing outside stuff and garage. Making lots of calls today cuz I didn't make them yesterday...you know the usual..electric, phone, etc. I AM SOOOOOOO READY TO MOVE!!!!!! I am gonna dig up some of my flower plants too. FIL already told me he will just mow over it and then let part of the yard go into a field (where alot of my flowers are). He says we can come back and pick the strawberries, but if he is going to let the strawberries grow in the field of grass, I just might want to pull them up too. lol


Great workout! I was thinking same thing with the static lunges and that weight as you are doing more reps too. Ouchy! So good when your legs feel so shaky after your done. I sometimes can't keep my balance and run into the walls like I am drunk. he he.

Good Morning. I forgot to post that I did LIC last night. It was fun. The bi work in that one gets me good too. I might do an Imax today. House full of sick kids. Even my niece isn't feeling well.

Char- I would take all my flowers and plants. It will be interesting to see what the house looks like a year later after you are gone.

Anne- I am here! Busy day again yesterday. Hope to hang out at home today though.

Deb- great job. I love working my legs. I have gotten that shaky feeling like Char before LOL!

Lora- how long have you been doing Barry's? Maybe you should do something diff for a few days. My neighbor said she got Yoga Booty Ballet and she likes it. And she is getting Hip Hop Abs too.
I still haven't tried the Hollywoods yet. GOtta get into them soon.

Randi- have fun with your man search. THat is cool your bro got you a free membership. Have a good WO.
Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics to NYC GTG and Christmas Albums 3/6/07

Morning Maniacs -

I ended up doing Barry's Bootcamp Legs & Butt with Nadia and 20 minutes of cardio from another DVD. I listened to BC - TimeBomb & Nickelback - The Long Road - it made leg day a lot more fun. I only did one set of Mountain Climbers versus all of them. I went to the doctor for my cervical spine injury yesterday and told her how I flared my pain and she told me to take it easy on those workouts right before I left!! So -- I guess I sort of listened to her today. She tells me I'll probably never be able to do tons of pushups no matter how hard I try ....as people with my type of injury rarely can. I'm bummed cuz my shoulders really look good from doing them!! Total workout was 1 hour 25 minutes and I burned 520 calories. Brooklyn jumped on the rebounder at one point, but thank goodness it wasn't during the double timed flying jacks I was doing!

I also did Tias Little's River Flow Yoga - 55". Not a real strenuous practice but it was not restorative. Tons of hamstring stretches and yet my hamstrings and lower glutes still feel stiff! Running really does my hammie's and lower glutes in! I also forgot to post that yesterday I did Yoga Bliss Hips - Kundalini yoga and a dance aerobic DVD in the afternoon.

Speaking of the dance DVD - it's led by Patricia Moreno. She is so freakin' muscular and looks amazing. Does anyone know anything about her fitness routine -- other than she did the Powerstrike's and kickboxes? Also - which Power Strikes are the intense ones? I bought 3 once and sent it back cuz it did jack s#@#$ to my HR.

Meg - I just started Barry's last week! LOL! I just think I'm in a mood due to PMS and the job situation! I keep thinking I'm gonna end up flipping burgers at McDonalds cuz I can't find a job in my field. I don't know, will they even hire me without experience?? LOL. I'm worried and my DH keeps saying "have a little faith" and "things will work out", but I'm a worry wort! I also get a bit antsy this time of year, as my clean date is this week and it makes me sort of weird with my disease getting in the way. Sorry to hear you are all sick in the household. I hope things are getting better for you.

Toasty - you asked about Brooklyn the other day. Let's see -- when she isn't running around like a freakin' maniac playing with the tons of toys we have all over the household, she's sleeping. She sleeps A LOT!! At night when I lay on my balls (hee...hee), she attacks my feet under the blanket and plays and then she either passes out and cuddles up to me or wants to be petted and rests her little head right up under my chin and looks up at me with those precious green eyes. On rare occasions, she sits in my lap when I'm on the computer and gets petted. Her favorite time of day is early morning when I'm working out. She runs around like a maniac playing and listening to my rock!!

Speaking of rock - Buckcherry's coming to a town that's about 25 minutes from here - but they are opening band for Papa Roach! Can you believe it, Papa Roach is more popular than BC!! Blackstone Cherry is also playing. It's on a Friday - so the DH said he'll go since we can leave after BC plays. If they were headlining I would see who wanted to come! Hopefully they'll play in Youngstown soon.

Have great workouts. I'll be around for a bit.....have to do some running around and scrounge up some bottles of BPAL to sell on Ebay, as I need some cash since the recent update took out my Paypal account!!
Today is M&F 12 week rotation back and biceps. I will do a treadmill run and some stretching as well. I will get in some housework later. Have to drain my hot tub so we can fix a leak off of the pump plug. Can't get the right plug.

Charlotte, I would take those strawberries too:)

Debbie, that looks like a good leg mix. Funny though I have never really liked doing ME all that much. I used to combine it with BC lower body work.

Maehgan, glad to see you back and getting those workouts in.

Anne, how are you feeling? Hopefully much better.

Off to workout:)

Hey Maniacs! I have a short work day today. Need to do tons of errands. Not sure what workout I'll do either. DH wants to go on a Mt. Bike ride tonight. I can't believe I'm sore from my 3 mile walk yesterday. My butt hurts! What's up with that? Maybe all I need is more walking...wouldn't that be great?!

Anne- I will be taking my Taxes over to my Tax Man today. I'll find out the damages in a few days. I'm scared! Very Scared!

Char- Take ALL the plants you can! Sounds like FIL will not be taking care of them. So, how much smaller will your property be? I know you were sick of your big yard and all the mowing. Like Meg said, I wonder what your old place will look like in a year?

Meg-Hope all those kids start feeling better. Enjoy Imax today!}(

Jen-Enjoy leg day! Oy!

Randi- Great workout this morning!

Debbie- That looks like a great combo of leg work.:)

Diane Sue- Enjoy your workout today and have fun with the Hot Tub. Hope you get the leak fixed.

Lora- Brooklyn sounds like a cutie!

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Hello Ladies!

Nope...didn't disappear again! LOL!!

I've been off work for a few days and my home PC is on it's last leg. I hoping to do something about that reall soon.

This morning I did KPC. I'm gonna do some weights at lunch, but right now, haven't figured out what I'm gonna do. I'll tell you what I end up doing later.

Yesterday I did a BBC (Joey)treadmill workout. That's a tough one...but sure does feel good to get the job done.

I'll BBL....haven't had a chance to catch up on the last few days.

Have a terrific Tuesday!!


Marietta - I agree - Joey's is the toughest of the Treadmill Cardio's!!

Dallys - my lower glutes get really sore from running.....not sure about walking, but that's good your sore :). I guess Brooklyn must do her maniac workout at the same time as me!! LOL! I've taken lots of pics...but I don't have a digital camera to post any.
I am feeling much better.
Thank God...

Dallys, my checks are wrote out. I will wait a week to mail them..LOL..

Char, i am so happy for you....
Tanning girls mom worked with her Friday. Had her in tears. She worked.....
Gotta go, customer...

I finished my workout. I did Cardio Coach #3 and added on to 5 miles, then I did the M&F rotation Back and biceps, stretch Max with the band.
Workout as follows:
Chest-Wide grip pullups I did these assisted 10 reps 3 sets
( think I am going to do pull downs from now on, these alwasy make my wrists hurt. I could not go as wide either because I do them off the bar on the back of my VKR tower
Barbell row 65# 8 reps 3 sets
Bowflex seated cable row 70# ea. hand 10 reps 1 set
80# ea. hand 10 reps 2 sets
Bowflex straight arm pulldown 90# 10 reps 3 sets
Biceps- Barbell curl 50# 8 reps 1 set,45# 8 reps 2 sets
Preacher curl on stability ball with barbell 40# 8 reps 1 set
35# 8 reps 2 sets
Concentration curls Bowflex 50# 10 reps 3 sets
Forearms-barbell wrist curls 35#

Toasty, I got your pm. Enjoy your lunch.

Lora, Brooklyn sounds cute. I am so glad you got her.

Hi everyone!

This morning I did steady state cardio on the bike (trainer). Kept my HR around 155 for an hour.

Yesterday DHL left a thing on our door that required a signature in order to make a delivery. Neither DH or I remember ordering anything that would require a signature (unless it is our new credit cards). So I wonder if our credit card thieves bought us something nice? :) I'll find out when I get home.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Today I ended up doing S&H back ME back LIC back/with band (twice) then went to the gym and did the eliptical for 30 min. I'm tired.

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