Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Sunday October 29

Hey Ladies!

Just thought I'd pop in and say hello! We have family here watching the Bronco game and I'm sneaking in some computer time.

Been working out like a crazy woman. I forgot that doing step too many times in one week kills my hip. :( I need to put a new tire on my bike that's on the trainer in the basement and so I have been doing step more. I have also been using my elliptical. I wanted more cardio this week, so I had a couple of two a day workouts - weights and cardio. Just got a little carried away with step. I've had DOMS pretty much all week. LOVING that hot tub though!

This morning I was going to do an elliptical workout with Cardio Coach, but I was worried that I wouldn't have enough time to do that, go to church, go to the grocery store, pick up the pizza and walk the dogs (and I got up at 6:30), so I decided to make our walk my workout since I walk fast. Well, I decided to run about half of it (which I don't usually do - also b/c of my hip). The wind was blowing almost 30 mph!!! My HR was 183 WALKING up a little hill into the wind. It was almost 170 walking on the flats into the wind. So I guess it was a good 45 minute workout after all. :) And I got everything else done. And only had 1 piece of pizza.

Lora - I'm sorry to hear about your uncle. I'll keep him in my prayers - and you too.

Take care everyone!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Megadoo - that's on my "want" list. I was going to go check out the clips at Collage, but I keep forgetting. I heard from VF that it has a segment from Fluid Power on it (which I have) as well as other stuff...so I haven't purchased it yet. I just bought a Kundalini one called "Navel Power" that is supposed to be really difficult and make your stomach real sore. I don't have it yet though. As I mentioned before (and Diana Sue can attest to this) - the music on Yoga Shakti (and all of Shiva's stuff) is really good. I love the music during the Dancing Warrior segments. The scenery is gorgeous as well......she's on a sand dune in the middle of the ocean in the Maldives Islands. I love beach and water workouts. Yes - Rainbeau is pretty amazingly flexible...as is Shiva. They inspire me to be better....although I don't think I'll ever get to their level, it's fun to try. I tend to love twisting, bending and hip openers...they really detoxify me and make my hips feel good.
Lora- I would love to hear the review about Navel Power when you get it. I am sure the Shiva one would be great to destress after a day of taking care of kids! Well, I am really looking foward to getting this one. I might order it this Friday. DH has been working overtime, and well, I deserve it LOL!!! I warned him this morning that my Christmas list is growing, so he better work as much as he can LOL!! Thanks Lora.
We just realized that we haven't seem Saw II yet! I was thinking we did (for some reason), probably since we watched the first one twice. Who knows. So we are going to rent it and hopefully be able to see III soon.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in family album!!



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