Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Sunday March 18


Morning Maniacs -

This morning I did Speedbody Full Body workout with Rob Forcelli followed by Fluidity Seat & Thigh workout and Yoga For Athletes with Kim Fowler. Workout (minus the yoga) was 1 hour 15 minutes and I burned 430 calories.

I'm going to try this Speedbody workout for 5 days in a row as suggested in their Fast Track to Weight Loss method. It's a workout done in boxing rounds (Rob is a boxer). They do rounds of boxing, athletic cardio, weighted work, and core work with the Speedbody Ball (probably only weighs 2 pounds - so in the future, I'll probably use my heavier med ball). I went much heavier on the weights than they did, as the reps are not particularly high.....mostly 10-12 reps. I've never lifted as heavy as this for 5 days in a row, but since it's circuit work, I think I should be okay. I'm guessing the 5 day theory weight loss is probably based on slight overtraining?

My legs are again "toast" today. Between the Fluidity, weight work and power yoga.....ouch. They have looked slightly more defined the last couple days .......I noticed when I was working out a couple times when I caught a glance in the mirror. Yeah.

If anyone hear is interested in Xflowsion, sign up at the website within the next week for a 35% discount when they come out in a week or 2. They sent me an email yesterday. I can't wait for these. I've got money saved in my Paypal from my Ebay business!!

If anyone is interesed in purchasing a Seat & Thigh Fluidity DVD off me before I Ebay it, please let me know. I would give it away, but I paid quite a bit for it on Ebay and then ended up with a 2nd copy. It was a decent leg/butt workout today. I find it a bit challenging since it's so much different than traditional weight work.

Have great workouts everyone. The movie was good yesterday, but I would have made the ending different.
Good Morning, today is a rest day for me. I am getting ready to leave for church.

Lora, that is a good calorie burn on that Speedbody workout:)How is your kitty today?

Jen, I kept meaning to answer your question about littler training my bunny. It was really fairly easy. I kept him confined to the kitchen area with his crate open and a litter box in it. Then I took cardbard boxes and lined with plastic bags and some litter and set then around the area. I would put a few rabbit pellets in the litter,, had to clean up but he only had a couple of wet accidents. I just put him in the litter every once in awhile. The hardest thing was teaching him not to eat the table and chairs:7

Randi, how was the parade?

Anne, are you getting over being fried? You have been doing some good workouts:)

Everyone that follows I hope you have a nice day.BBL
Morning ladies.
I am getting over the frying and ready to do it again today. I am planning on bodymax 2 abs, KPC(Char got me going) and leaner legs.
I may attempt some girly push ups today. I am permiitted to try. I figure if they hurt i quit.
I still cant do tri dips.
It does feel good to be back. It is w/o at home day.

Diane Sue, do the cotton bras wash well? I usually only buy the satiny...I am game to try.

Dallys, do you have Mt. Lions out there?
I saw a sdow on Discovery health . it made me think of you. Mt. Lion came jumping on a biker off a rock and was malling her face. She lived, but , OMG.... I about died. You were talking bikin on the rocks and well.... Be careful...

Later, ladies,
Good Morning
Today is my rest day:) The Parade was fun it was really cold here.
Lora i'm glad your cat is doing better.

Anne awesome workout you have planned!
Diane do you have a picture of your bunny on your picture trail? I use to have two floppy eared bunnies when I lived with my boyfriend. When we split he took them:( I miss my bunnies so much!

Have a great workout everyone
Had a great workout this morning, worked Back, Biceps and Forearms. Workout was high reps again with 2 minutes rest between each set. This is what I did:

Close Grip Pullups: 7 ¾ (almost 8!)/5/4
Barbell Rows: 55# - 3 sets/15 reps
Pullovers: 30# - 1 set/20 reps; 1 set/17 reps
T-Back Squeeze w/purple band: 2 sets/20 reps

Barbell Curls: 50# - 1 set/12 reps; 40# - 1 set/15 reps; 1 set/12 reps
Preacher Curls: 30# - 2 sets/20 reps
Concentration Curls: 12# - 1 set/20 reps; 15# - 1 set/20 reps
Biceps were on fire! Still shaking now.
Wrist Curls: First set I did with underhand grip and those hurt for some reason. I used 10's and did 1 set/20 reps. Then I did overhand grip and that really burned. I used 10's and did 2 sets/20 reps.

Hope you all have a great workout.
Anne, I have a couple of VS bras thast are cotton and they have been washed many times. I try to air dry them but sometimes forget. They have been fine washing in the machine on the handwash cycle.

Randi, I don'tr have pics of my pets on my homepage but will see if we can put some on there:)


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