Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Sunday 12-24

Have a Merry Christmas too DS! Hope your cold goes away, and that you enjoy your day tomorrow as well.

Lora- I don't go hungry!LOL!! Can't do that. Then I binge and stuff if I get to hungry, or sick. Had to stop my WO this morning after the warm up and eat a little snack. Knew I wouldn't make it thru without more in my tummy. Glad you had a nice visit with your aunt and uncle tonight. SOunds like your kitties are really cute. Merry Christmas to you too.

Suz- I did all that house work yesterday. House looks nice now, but will be a mess tomorrow! LOL!! Have a great day tomorrow too!!

Merry Christmas to everyone, again. I had a nice time at my sis's tonight, and I did pretty good wiht my eating, aside from the cookies LOL!! They were good.


Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

Merry christmas eve maniacs-

Busy busy day..family is playing poker and thought I would see how everyone is!

Dinner was great, but I am whooped, no stretchx for me today...I've been in my kitchen for 2 days almost straight. But it's all good, and I love to cook.

I loved kenpox yesterday...great workout, but I'm feeling like now that I can't get my heart rate up enough, it's already a plateau with that one.

I did notice my abs!!!! Hello they were there, but I hadn't worked out in front of a mirror in a couple weeks and yesterday I had the house to myself, so I worked out in the living room. Caught a glimpsh of my abs...and went YES YES YES something is working. I see cuts on the arms too! This is pretty exciting.

I need to go catch up on the threads...see what I missed.

I bet Anne is whooped and ready for a day off..smiling broadly and her grandson while he pulls at her leg...

I bet Meg's boys are waiting for santa to fill there stockings so full

I bet DS's hubby has her stocking filled with workout DVD's

I bet Char is working on ways to add Santa claus to her back for plank work.

I bet Gizmo and Amber have mom wrapped in ribbons and ready to go...

I bet Deb...is wishing (like me) for a whiter christmas!!!

I bet Randi is hoping Santa is ripped and a good kisser.

I bet Lora...is planning her cat christmas by filling stockins with catnip...

I bet Netta...is on her bike as we speak...or better yet getting a new one.

Ok...who did I miss????

well, as you can probably tell the wine is still flowing....have to go now.

And to all A GOOD NIGHT!'


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